
From MaRDI portal

Data transfer to Wikidata

This section describes how to export data from the MaRDI portal to Wikidata to make the data better findable for the general public.

Example EuDML prposed by Vladimir Alexiev in 2022, which has currently 17 results.

  1. Prepare query for the MaRDI SPARQL endpoint
    1. Find the qIDs with a statement using P12 = WikidataQId
    2. The thing you want to export, here a part of the external url P205
  2. Write the query, example
    SELECT ?MaRDI_qID ?MaRDI_item ?EuDMLid WHERE {
      ?MaRDI_item wdt:P205 ?URL;
                  wdt:P12 ?MaRDI_qID.
      FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?URL), "https://eudml"))
      BIND(SUBSTR(STR(?URL), 23 ) AS ?EuDMLid)
    LIMIT 10
    and investigate the result.
  3. Find the properties in Wikidata, here only P11166 for eudml.
  4. Check whether Wikidata already has a corresponding statement.
    1. If yes, check consistency with MaRDI.
    2. If no, prepare upload to Wikidata.
  5. Rewrite the query to match the Quickstatements CSV format
    SELECT ?qid ?P11166 WHERE {
      ?qal854 wdt:P205 ?url ;
            wdt:P12 ?qid
      FILTER (STRSTARTS(str(?url) ,"https://eudml")) .
      BIND (Concat( 
        "\"", ## Required for external identifiers by quickstatements
        SUBSTR(STR(?url),23), ## 23 = Length of the prefix
        "\"") as ?P11166)
    LIMIT 3
  6. Download the CSV file and test with a few items on Wikidata
  7. Optional add source linking back to the source of the information (MaRDI)
    SELECT ?qid ?P11166 ?S854 WHERE {
      ?item wdt:P205 ?url ;
            wdt:P12 ?qid
      FILTER (STRSTARTS(str(?url) ,"https://eudml")) .
      BIND (Concat( 
        "\"", ## Required for external identifiers by quickstatements
        SUBSTR(STR(?url),23), ## 23 = Length of the prefix
        "\"") as ?P11166).
        BIND (Concat( 
        "\"", ## Required for external identifiers by quickstatements
        "\"") as ?S854)
    LIMIT 3
  8. Remove the limit and do the full import