Boolean Algebra Analysis of Egyption Excavation Pieces: Difference between revisions

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T4 reidelbach (talk | contribs)
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T4 reidelbach (talk | contribs)
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= Boolean Algebra Analysis of Egyption Excavation Pieces =
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[[Category: Workflow]]

Latest revision as of 11:33, 26 July 2022

PID (if applicable): -

Problem Statement

Cachette de Karnak - Clustering of Excavation Pieces

Object of Research and Objective

Clustering of Excavation Pieces using relevant Features.


Workflow Illustration

2. Data Extraction

Extract numerous excavation pieces and their characteristics from a large database (Karnak Cachette Database). Encode each statue as boolean feature string and store all strings in a table. Considered features are: amputations, amputated head, missing head, partial amputation, partial destruction, and largely destroyed. For each excavation piece and feature a True/False (1/0) value is assigned.

3. Data Analysis

Cluster the statues by relevant features:

Ideal Formulation

From the feature strings of all statues an ideal is formulated, which contains all the rules to remove redundant information from the feature strings.

Relevant Feature Identification

Using the ideal, all feature strings are reduced to their relevant features. Statues with identical relevant feature strings are grouped.

4. Data Interpretation

Cluster groups of statues under certain features.

Involved Disciplines

NFDI4Culture (wikidata:Q98276929)

     Egyptology (wikidata:Q145903)

MaRDI (wikidata:Q108327788)

     Boolean Algebra (wikidata:Q173183)

Data Streams

NFDI4Culture MaRDI (.xlsx File containing feature strings)

MaRDI NFDI4Culture (.txt File containing relevant feature strings and grouped statues)


Boolean Algebra


  • Time: -
  • Space: -


Name Unit Symbol
Relevant Feature Strings - -
Feature Clusters - -

Process Informationen

Process Steps

Name Description Input Output Method Parameter Environment Mathematical Area
Data Extraction Feature String Definition database .xlsx True/False - - -
Data Analysis Relevant Feature Identification .xlsx .txt Algebraic Object Comparison - iJulia Notebook Boolean Algebra
Data Interpretation Feature Clustering .txt .txt Algebraic Clustering - - -

Applied Methods

ID Name Process Step Parameter implemented by
- Algebraic Object Comparison Data Analysis Modulus, cache iJulia Notebook
- ResidueRing Data Analysis - Ideal Formulation Modulus Oscar
- PolynomialRing Data Analysis - Ideal Formulation cache Oscar
- Ideal Data Analysis - Ideal Formulation - Oscar
- Quo Data Analysis - Ideal Formulation - Oscar
- Factor Data Analysis - Relevant Feature Identification - Oscar
- Simplify! Data Analysis - Relevant Feature Identification - Oscar

Software used

ID Name Description Version Programming Language Dependencies versioned published documented
sw:13986 Julia Julia Interpreter 1.6.0 C, C++, Scheme, Julia Windows, Mac, Linux Yes Yes Yes
- IJulia Julia Kernel for Jupyter 1.21.2 Julia Julia 0.7.0 or later, Python, Jupyter Yes Yes Yes
sw:14460 Python Python Interpreter 3.7.6 C gcc Yes Yes Yes
sw:21266 Jupyter Notebook Interactive Computational Environment 6.4.6 Python, JavaScript, CSS, HTML Python, gcc Yes Yes Yes
sw:36845 OSCAR Computer Algebra System 0.82 Julia Julia 1.6.0, AbstractAlgebra 0.25.0 , DocStringExtensions 0.8, GAP 0.7.7, Hecke 0.13.0, Nemo 0.30.0, Polymake 0.7.1, RandomExtensions 0.4.3, Singular 0.10.1, msolve_jll 0.2.3, Preferences 1, JSON 0.20 Yes Yes Yes
sw:320 GAP Groups, Algorithms, Programming 0.77 Julia Julia 1.6.0 or higher Yes Yes Yes
sw:866 Singular (non)-commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, singularity theory 0.10.1 Julia Julia Yes Yes Yes
sw:724 Polymake Polymake 0.7.1 Julia Julia, polymake 4.0 or higher Yes Yes Yes
sw:20279 Hecke Algebraic Number Theory 0.13.0 Julia Julia 1.0 or higher Yes Yes Yes
sw:20280 Nemo Computer Algebra package 0.30.0 Julia Julia 1.6.0 or higher Yes Yes Yes
sw:32610 Abstract Algebra Algebra Package 0.25.0 Julia Julia 1.6.0 or higher Yes Yes Yes
- DocStringExtensions Extensions for Julia doc system 0.8 Julia Julia 0.7 or higher Yes Yes Yes
- RandomExtensions Random functionality extensions 0.4.3 Julia Julia Yes Yes Yes
- msolve_jll Package 0.2.3 Julia Julia Yes Yes Yes
- Preferences Store Configuration Switches 1 Julia Julia 1.6.0 or higher Yes Yes Yes
- JSON JSON parsing and printing 0.20 Julia Julia Yes Yes Yes


ID Name Processor Compiler #Nodes #Cores
- GenunineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700T CPU @ 2.00 GHz g++, gcc, gfortran 8 8

Input Data

ID Name Size Data Structure Format Representation Format Exchange binary/text proprietary to publish to archive
- Feature Strings small Julia Matrix dense matrix .xlsx text no Yes Yes
- Polynomial Ring Variables small string - - text no Yes Yes

Output Data

ID Name Size Data Structure Format Representation Format Exchange binary/text proprietary to publish to archive
- Relevant Deature Strings small string text .txt text No Yes Yes


Mathematical Reproducibility


Runtime Reproducibility


Reproducibility of Results


Reproducibility on original Hardware


Reproducibility on other Hardware


Transferability to

a) other objects


The following abbreviations are used in the document to indicate/resolve IDs:


