Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Optimal designs for linear regression models with skew-normal errors | 2024-12-05 | Paper |
Locally optimal designs for comparing curves in generalized linear models | 2024-07-30 | Paper |
Data analysis for accelerated life tests via Weibull-gamma frailty regression models | 2024-07-30 | Paper |
\(D\)-optimal designs for multi-response linear models with two groups | 2024-06-03 | Paper |
Locally D -optimal designs for spline measurement error models with estimated knots | 2024-06-03 | Paper |
Three types of periodic solutions of new (3 + 1)‐dimensional Boiti–Leon–Manna–Pempinelli equation via bilinear neural network method | 2023-12-20 | Paper |
\(D\)-optimal designs for multiresponse linear models with a qualitative factor under general covariance structure | 2023-11-17 | Paper |
Optimal designs for comparing curves in regression models with asymmetric errors | 2023-09-15 | Paper |
LocallyR-optimal designs for a class of nonlinear multiple regression models | 2023-07-11 | Paper |
Equivalence theorems for c and DA‐optimality for linear mixed effects models with applications to multitreatment group assignments in health care | 2023-04-13 | Paper |
Step-stress accelerated degradation test planning based on Wiener process with correlation | 2023-03-07 | Paper |
D-optimal population designs in linear mixed effects models for multiple longitudinal data | 2023-03-07 | Paper |
\(G\)-optimal designs for hierarchical linear models: an equivalence theorem and a nature-inspired meta-heuristic algorithm | 2022-11-22 | Paper |
\(D\)-optimal designs for hierarchical linear models with heteroscedastic errors | 2022-11-21 | Paper |
Design admissibility and de la Garza phenomenon in multifactor experiments | 2022-06-24 | Paper |
Construction of asymmetric orthogonal arrays of high strength by juxtaposition | 2022-05-30 | Paper |
Optimal designs for multivariate logistic mixed models with longitudinal data | 2022-05-23 | Paper |
\(I_L\)-optimal designs for regression models under the second-order least squares estimator | 2022-02-11 | Paper |
\(D\)-optimal designs for hierarchical linear models with intraclass covariance structure | 2022-01-07 | Paper |
Optimal designs for discrete-time survival models with random effects | 2021-12-17 | Paper |
\(D\)-optimal augmented designs and the existence of tight orthogonal arrays with high strength | 2021-12-14 | Paper |
Optimal designs for homoscedastic functional polynomial measurement error models | 2021-12-09 | Paper |
Optimal designs for comparing population curves in hierarchical models | 2021-11-12 | Paper |
Optimal designs for the prediction of mixed effects in linear mixed models | 2021-11-08 | Paper |
Robust integer-valued designs for linear random intercept models | 2021-10-01 | Paper |
\(R\)-optimal designs for trigonometric regression models | 2020-11-02 | Paper |
Locally \(D\)-optimal designs for heteroscedastic polynomial measurement error models | 2020-06-16 | Paper |
Elfving's theorem for \(R\)-optimality of experimental designs | 2020-04-21 | Paper |
Geometric characterization of \(D\)-optimal designs for random coefficient regression models | 2020-04-15 | Paper |
Design admissibility and de la Garza phenomenon in multi-factor experiments | 2020-03-20 | Paper |
\(R\)-optimality criterion for regression models with asymmetric errors | 2019-08-09 | Paper |
\(D\)-optimal designs for multi-response linear mixed models | 2019-03-20 | Paper |
Pseudo-Bayesian D-optimal designs for longitudinal Poisson mixed models with correlated errors | 2019-02-27 | Paper | | 2018-10-22 | Paper |
\(D\)-optimal design for the heteroscedastic Berman model on an arc | 2018-10-16 | Paper |
The truncated Euler-Maruyama method for stochastic differential delay equations | 2018-06-25 | Paper |
Robust population designs for longitudinal linear regression model with a random intercept | 2018-06-18 | Paper |
The truncated Milstein method for stochastic differential equations with commutative noise | 2018-04-16 | Paper |
R-optimal designs for multi-factor models with heteroscedastic errors | 2017-12-01 | Paper | | 2017-10-20 | Paper |
Ridge-type spectral decomposition estimators in mixed effects models with stochastic restrictions | 2017-05-17 | Paper |
The partially truncated Euler-Maruyama method and its stability and boundedness | 2017-02-24 | Paper |
Algorithmic construction of \(R\)-optimal designs for second-order response surface models | 2016-09-09 | Paper |
Minimax designs for linear regression models with bias in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space in a discrete set | 2016-08-10 | Paper |
Almost Sure Exponential Stability of Stochastic Differential Delay Equations | 2016-07-29 | Paper |
Model-robust \(R\)-optimal designs in linear regression models | 2015-12-07 | Paper |
\(R\)-optimal designs in random coefficient regression models | 2014-06-11 | Paper |
\(I^r_L\)-optimal designs for a hierarchically ordered system of regression models | 2014-04-14 | Paper | | 2014-02-28 | Paper |
Optimal design for prediction in multiresponse linear models based on rectangular confidence region | 2014-01-24 | Paper |
A note on \(R\)-optimal designs for multi-factor models | 2014-01-23 | Paper |
D-optimal designs for multiresponse linear models with a qualitative factor | 2014-01-13 | Paper |
Optimal Designs for Random Coefficient Regression Models with Heteroscedastic Errors | 2013-11-07 | Paper |
A note on \(R\)-optimal designs for multiresponse models | 2013-07-12 | Paper |
Some Notes on Parameter Estimation for Generalized Exponential Distribution | 2013-07-04 | Paper | | 2013-06-20 | Paper |
A Markov Risk Model with Two Classes of Insurance Business | 2012-02-19 | Paper |
Robust designs for models with possible bias and correlated errors | 2011-07-19 | Paper |
Optimal U-type design for Bayesian nonparametric multiresponse prediction | 2011-04-15 | Paper |
Estimation and variable selection for semiparametric additive partial linear models | 2011-02-10 | Paper | | 2011-02-05 | Paper | | 2011-02-05 | Paper |
Bayesian U-type design for nonparametric response surface prediction | 2010-11-12 | Paper | | 2010-07-08 | Paper |
Bayesian robust designs for linear models with possible bias and correlated errors | 2010-01-25 | Paper | | 2009-04-28 | Paper |
\(P\)-optimal robust designs for multiresponse approximately linear regression | 2009-03-06 | Paper | | 2009-02-09 | Paper | | 2009-02-09 | Paper |
Strong Tractability of Quasi‐Monte Carlo Quadrature Using Nets for Certain Banach Spaces | 2008-01-07 | Paper | | 2006-08-28 | Paper |
Strong tractability of integration using scrambled Niederreiter points | 2005-09-08 | Paper |
U-type and factorial designs for nonparametric Bayesian regression | 2005-04-21 | Paper | | 2004-08-09 | Paper |
Optimal quadrature for Haar wavelet spaces | 2003-10-29 | Paper |
Model-robust designs in multiresponse situations. | 2003-05-07 | Paper |
A comparison of random and quasirandom points for nonparametric response surface design | 2003-03-10 | Paper |
Integration and approximation based on scramble sampling in arbitrary dimensions | 2002-10-23 | Paper | | 2002-08-15 | Paper | | 2002-08-15 | Paper |
The discrepancy and gain coefficients of scrambled digital nets. | 2002-06-05 | Paper |
Designs for smoothing spline ANOVA models | 2002-01-01 | Paper |
On the variance of quadrature over scrambled nets and sequences | 2001-06-12 | Paper | | 2000-11-28 | Paper |
The Mean Square Discrepancy of Scrambled (t,s)-Sequences | 2000-10-19 | Paper | | 2000-08-29 | Paper | | 2000-07-17 | Paper | | 1999-01-01 | Paper | | 1997-10-06 | Paper |
Local influence assessment based on local divergence in stochastic regression model | 1997-02-09 | Paper |
Influence function of correlation of several random vectors with its applications | 1995-05-01 | Paper |