Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Extinction, persistence and growing in a degenerate logistic model with impulses | 2024-11-24 | Paper |
Sharp point-wise behavior of the positive solutions of a class of degenerate non-local elliptic BVP's | 2024-11-21 | Paper |
Persistence, extinction and blowup in a generalized logistic model with impulses and regional evolution | 2024-09-06 | Paper |
Point-wise behavior of the explosive positive solutions to a degenerate elliptic BVP with an indefinite weight function | 2024-06-21 | Paper |
A competition model with impulsive interventions and environmental perturbations in moving environments | 2024-03-21 | Paper |
Extremal regions and multiplicity of positive solutions for singular superlinear elliptic systems with indefinite-sign potential | 2023-11-15 | Paper |
Multiplicity of solutions to a Schrödinger problem with square diffusion term | 2023-11-08 | Paper |
Multiplicity of solutions for Brezis-Oswald-type problems with indefinite Kirchhoff operators | 2023-10-25 | Paper |
Global multiplicity of solutions to a defocusing quasilinear Schrödinger equation with the singular term | 2023-08-14 | Paper |
Spatial dynamics of a juvenile-adult model with impulsive harvesting and evolving domain | 2023-06-09 | Paper |
On a defocusing quasilinear Schrödinger equation with singular term | 2023-05-23 | Paper |
Multiplicity for a strongly singular quasilinear problem via bifurcation theory | 2023-05-17 | Paper |
Multiplicity of negative-energy solutions for singular-superlinear Schrödinger equations with indefinite-sign potential | 2022-11-16 | Paper |
Coexistence states of a Holling type II predator-prey system with self and cross-diffusion terms | 2022-10-25 | Paper |
An elliptic system with singular nonlinearities: Existence via non variational arguments | 2022-08-24 | Paper |
Existence of S-shaped type bifurcation curve with dual cusp catastrophe via variational methods | 2022-07-26 | Paper |
Separating solutions of nonlinear problems using nonlinear generalized Rayleigh quotients | 2022-02-15 | Paper |
Bifurcation analysis for a modified quasilinear equation with negative exponent | 2022-01-11 | Paper |
Global multiplicity of solutions for a quasilinear elliptic equation with concave and convex nonlinearities | 2021-12-21 | Paper |
Discontinuous perturbations of nonhomogeneous strongly-singular Kirchhoff problems | 2021-11-08 | Paper |
Global multiplicity of solutions for a modified elliptic problem with singular terms * | 2021-10-29 | Paper |
Global multiplicity for very-singular elliptic problems with vanishing non-local terms | 2021-06-25 | Paper |
Blow-up solutions for a class of Schrödinger quasilinear operators with a local sublinear term | 2021-06-01 | Paper |
Ground and bound state solutions for quasilinear elliptic systems including singular nonlinearities and indefinite potentials | 2021-03-23 | Paper |
Uniqueness in \(W_{\mathrm{loc}}^{1, p (x)}(\Omega)\) and continuity up to portions of the boundary of positive solutions for a strongly-singular elliptic problem | 2020-10-13 | Paper |
Extremal curves for existence of positive solutions for multi-parameter elliptic systems in \(\mathbb{R}^N\) | 2020-06-30 | Paper |
Maximal domains of the \((\lambda, \mu )\)-parameters to existence of entire positive solutions for singular quasilinear elliptic systems | 2020-06-15 | Paper |
A parameterized quasilinear Schrödinger equation with indefinite potentials | 2020-04-07 | Paper |
Positive solutions for a singular and superlinear \(p\)-Laplacian problem with gradient term | 2019-11-26 | Paper |
Infinitely many solutions for a class of critical Choquard equation with zero mass | 2019-11-18 | Paper |
About positive \(W_{\mathrm{loc}}^{1,\Phi}(\Omega)\)-solutions to quasilinear elliptic problems with singular semilinear term | 2019-11-15 | Paper |
Blow-up solutions for a \(p\)-Laplacian elliptic equation of logistic type with singular nonlinearity | 2019-11-15 | Paper |
Continuums of positive solutions for classes of non-autonomous and non-local problems with strong singular term | 2019-11-08 | Paper |
Least energy solutions for coupled Hartree system with Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev critical exponents | 2019-11-04 | Paper |
Least Energy Nodal Solutions for a Defocusing Schrödinger Equation with Supercritical Exponent | 2019-08-09 | Paper |
Least action nodal solutions for a quasilinear defocusing Schrödinger equation with supercritical nonlinearity | 2019-07-23 | Paper |
Separating of critical points on the Nehari manifold via the nonlinear generalized Rayleigh quotients | 2019-06-18 | Paper |
How to break the uniqueness of \(W^{1,p}_{\mathrm {loc}}(\Omega )\)-solutions for very singular elliptic problems by non-local terms | 2019-01-03 | Paper |
Equivalent conditions for existence of three solutions for a problem with discontinuous and strongly-singular terms | 2019-01-01 | Paper |
Multiplicity of negative-energy solutions for singular-superlinear Schr\"odinger equations with indefinite-sign potential | 2018-11-08 | Paper |
A type of Brézis-Oswald problem to the \(\Phi\)-Laplacian operator with very singular term | 2018-07-04 | Paper | | 2018-05-08 | Paper |
Necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of blow‐up solutions for elliptic problems in Orlicz–Sobolev spaces | 2018-02-19 | Paper |
Infinite many blow-up solutions for a Schrödinger quasilinear elliptic problem with a non-square diffusion term | 2017-07-26 | Paper |
Existence of semiclassical states for a quasilinear Schrödinger equation on \(\mathbb{R}^{N}\) with exponential critical growth | 2017-04-03 | Paper |
Positive solutions for a quasilinear elliptic problem involving sublinear and superlinear terms | 2016-04-08 | Paper |
Existence and non-existence of blow-up solutions for a non-autonomous problem with indefinite and gradient terms | 2015-07-24 | Paper |
On entire solutions for an indefinite quasilinear system of mixed power | 2015-02-10 | Paper | | 2014-10-24 | Paper |
On the existence and asymptotic behaviour of bounded positive entire solutions for quasilinear elliptic problems | 2013-06-26 | Paper | | 2011-10-11 | Paper |
Positive solutions for a mixed and singular quasilinear problem | 2010-11-05 | Paper | | 2010-06-17 | Paper |
Non-existence and existence of entire solutions for a quasi-linear problem with singular and super-linear terms | 2010-03-29 | Paper |
On ground state solutions for singular and semi-linear problems including super-linear terms at infinity | 2009-12-18 | Paper |
Entire solutions for a quasilinear problem in the presence of sublinear and super-linear terms | 2009-11-06 | Paper |
On Existence of L∞-Ground States for Singular Elliptic Equations in the Presence of a Strongly Nonlinear Term | 2007-11-13 | Paper |
Singular elliptic problems: existence, non-existence and boundary behavior | 2007-04-19 | Paper |
Some Remarks on Semilinear Resonant Elliptic Problems | 2006-10-31 | Paper |
Existence and asymptotic behavior of ground states for quasilinear singular equations involving Hardy-Sobolev exponents | 2006-08-04 | Paper |
Existence and asymptotic behavior of non-radially symmetric ground states of semilinear singular elliptic equations | 2006-07-20 | Paper |
Classical solutions of singular Monge-Ampère equations in a ball | 2005-04-21 | Paper |
Positive solutions of some quasilinear singular second order equations | 2004-10-15 | Paper | | 2004-09-13 | Paper |
Quasilinear singular equations: A variational approach for nondifferentiable functionals. | 2003-11-10 | Paper |
Extinction, persistence and growing in a degenerate logistic model with impulses | N/A | Paper |