(7 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown) |
| Property / describes a project that uses |
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| Property / describes a project that uses: NTRUSign / rank |
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| Property / describes a project that uses |
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| Property / describes a project that uses: GitHub / rank |
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| Property / describes a project that uses |
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| Property / describes a project that uses: BLISS / rank |
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| Property / describes a project that uses |
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| Property / describes a project that uses: NTRU / rank |
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| Property / describes a project that uses |
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| Property / describes a project that uses: BKZ / rank |
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| Property / MaRDI profile type |
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| Property / MaRDI profile type: Publication / rank |
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| Property / full work available at URL |
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| Property / full work available at URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-53018-4_6 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / OpenAlex ID |
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| Property / OpenAlex ID: W2477092523 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Implementing Candidate Graded Encoding Schemes from Ideal Lattices / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Subexponential class group and unit group computation in large degree number fields / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Subexponential time relations in the class group of large degree number fields / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Improved Security for a Ring-Based Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Efficient quantum algorithms for computing class groups and solving the principal ideal problem in arbitrary degree number fields / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Efficient Fully Homomorphic Encryption from (Standard) LWE / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Recovering Short Generators of Principal Ideals in Cyclotomic Rings / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Advances in cryptology -- CRYPTO 2013. 33rd annual cryptology conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 18--22, 2013. Proceedings, Part I / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Provably Weak Instances of Ring-LWE Revisited / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: An algorithm for NTRU problems and cryptanalysis of the GGH multilinear map without a low-level encoding of zero / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Practical Multilinear Maps over the Integers / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: BKZ 2.0: Better Lattice Security Estimates / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Which Ring Based Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption Scheme is Best? / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Lattice Signatures and Bimodal Gaussians / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Homomorphic AES evaluation using the modified LTV scheme / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: A quantum algorithm for computing the unit group of an arbitrary degree number field / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Weak Instances of PLWE / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Provably Weak Instances of Ring-LWE / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Q2778849 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Candidate Multilinear Maps from Ideal Lattices / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Candidate Indistinguishability Obfuscation and Functional Encryption for All Circuits / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Q3549702 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Advances in cryptology -- CRYPTO 2015. 35th annual cryptology conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 16--20, 2015. Proceedings. Part II / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Q4737253 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: A Hybrid Lattice-Reduction and Meet-in-the-Middle Attack Against NTRU / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Q4418531 / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Q3840170 / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Q2778851 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Analyzing Blockwise Lattice Algorithms Using Dynamical Systems / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Choosing Parameters for NTRUEncrypt / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: An Improved BKW Algorithm for LWE with Applications to Cryptography and Lattices / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Improved algorithms for finding low-weight polynomial multiples in \(\mathbb F_2[x]\) and some cryptographic applications / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Factoring polynomials with rational coefficients / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: A Comparison of the Homomorphic Encryption Schemes FV and YASHE / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: On Ideal Lattices and Learning with Errors over Rings / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Revisiting the Gentry-Szydlo Algorithm / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: GGHLite: More Efficient Multilinear Maps from Ideal Lattices / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: On-the-fly multiparty computation on the cloud via multikey fully homomorphic encryption / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: How (Not) to Instantiate Ring-LWE / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Advances in cryptology - EUROCRYPT 2001. 20th international conference on theory and application of cryptographic techniques, Innsbruck, Austria, May 6--10, 2001. Proceedings / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Q4046106 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Q5618446 / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: A hierarchy of polynomial time lattice basis reduction algorithms / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: The probability that random algebraic integers are relatively \(r\)-prime / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Making NTRU as Secure as Worst-Case Problems over Ideal Lattices / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Efficient Public Key Encryption Based on Ideal Lattices / rank |
| | Normal rank |
| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Q5690489 / rank |
| | Normal rank |