Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
The parameterized complexity of coordinated motion planning | 2024-10-16 | Paper |
The role of twins in computing planar supports of hypergraphs | 2024-10-08 | Paper |
Nearly time-optimal kernelization algorithms for the line-cover problem with big data | 2024-08-13 | Paper |
Near-optimal algorithms for point-line covering problems | 2024-04-23 | Paper | | 2023-06-05 | Paper |
A Colored Path Problem and Its Applications | 2023-04-26 | Paper |
On the parameterized complexity of clustering problems for incomplete data | 2023-03-10 | Paper | | 2023-02-07 | Paper |
On Covering Segments with Unit Intervals | 2022-06-03 | Paper |
On Existential MSO and Its Relation to ETH | 2022-03-07 | Paper | | 2021-08-04 | Paper |
How to Navigate Through Obstacles | 2021-07-28 | Paper |
The complexity of tree partitioning | 2020-09-03 | Paper |
Solving Partition Problems Almost Always Requires Pushing Many Vertices Around | 2020-03-11 | Paper |
There are Plane Spanners of Maximum Degree 4 | 2018-04-23 | Paper |
On Existential MSO and its Relation to ETH | 2018-03-21 | Paper |
Finding Points in General Position | 2018-02-22 | Paper |
Degree Four Plane Spanners: Simpler and Better | 2018-01-30 | Paper |
On the parameterized complexity of monotone and antimonotone weighted circuit satisfiability | 2017-11-16 | Paper |
Parameterized algorithms for recognizing monopolar and 2-subcolorable graphs | 2017-11-14 | Paper | | 2017-10-17 | Paper |
On the Parameterized Complexity of Finding Small Unsatisfiable Subsets of CNF Formulas and CSP Instances | 2017-10-16 | Paper |
Computing the flip distance between triangulations | 2017-10-10 | Paper |
The complexity of tree partitioning | 2017-09-22 | Paper |
Degree four plane spanners: Simpler and better | 2017-03-30 | Paper |
Twins in Subdivision Drawings of Hypergraphs | 2017-02-21 | Paper |
Flip Distance Is in FPT Time O(n+ k * c^k) | 2017-01-24 | Paper |
On the ordered list subgraph embedding problems | 2016-04-06 | Paper |
Parameterized and subexponential-time complexity of satisfiability problems and applications | 2015-12-11 | Paper |
Improved parameterized and exact algorithms for cut problems on trees | 2015-12-11 | Paper |
Algorithms for Cut Problems on Trees | 2015-09-11 | Paper |
Parameterized and Subexponential-Time Complexity of Satisfiability Problems and Applications | 2015-09-11 | Paper |
Well-Formed Separator Sequences, with an Application to Hypergraph Drawing | 2015-07-08 | Paper |
3-Hitting set on bounded degree hypergraphs: Upper and lower bounds on the kernel size | 2015-07-01 | Paper |
There are plane spanners of degree 4 and moderate stretch factor | 2015-06-18 | Paper |
On the Subexponential-Time Complexity of CSP | 2015-03-04 | Paper |
On certain geometric properties of the Yao-Yao graphs | 2014-02-25 | Paper |
On the ordered list subgraph embedding problems | 2013-12-10 | Paper |
When Is Weighted Satisfiability FPT? | 2013-08-12 | Paper |
Local Backbones | 2013-08-05 | Paper |
On the independence number of graphs with maximum degree 3 | 2013-06-06 | Paper |
On the Induced Matching Problem | 2013-03-19 | Paper | | 2013-03-19 | Paper |
Parameterized top-\(K\) algorithms | 2013-02-19 | Paper |
On Certain Geometric Properties of the Yao-Yao Graphs | 2012-11-02 | Paper |
Improved local algorithms for spanner construction | 2012-10-11 | Paper |
Parameterized Complexity and Subexponential-Time Computability | 2012-09-05 | Paper |
Multicut in trees viewed through the eyes of vertex cover | 2012-08-17 | Paper |
Safe Approximation and Its Relation to Kernelization | 2012-06-15 | Paper |
On the induced matching problem | 2012-01-11 | Paper |
On the Independence Number of Graphs with Maximum Degree 3 | 2011-12-16 | Paper |
Editing graphs into disjoint unions of dense clusters | 2011-12-14 | Paper |
Local algorithms for edge colorings in UDGs | 2011-09-12 | Paper |
Multicut in Trees Viewed through the Eyes of Vertex Cover | 2011-08-12 | Paper |
3-hitting set on Bounded Degree Hypergraphs: Upper and Lower Bounds on the Kernel Size | 2011-05-12 | Paper |
On the stretch factor of Delaunay triangulations of points in convex position | 2011-01-31 | Paper |
On Spanners and Lightweight Spanners of Geometric Graphs | 2011-01-17 | Paper |
Improved upper bounds for vertex cover | 2010-10-11 | Paper |
The parameterized complexity of some minimum label problems | 2010-10-07 | Paper |
Linear FPT reductions and computational lower bounds | 2010-08-15 | Paper |
The Parameterized Complexity of Some Minimum Label Problems | 2010-01-21 | Paper |
Local Algorithms for Edge Colorings in UDGs | 2010-01-21 | Paper |
What Makes Equitable Connected Partition Easy | 2010-01-14 | Paper |
Editing Graphs into Disjoint Unions of Dense Clusters | 2009-12-17 | Paper |
Algorithms and Computation | 2009-08-07 | Paper |
Convex Recoloring Revisited: Complexity and Exact Algorithms | 2009-07-23 | Paper |
On parameterized exponential time complexity | 2009-07-10 | Paper |
On Spanners of Geometric Graphs | 2009-06-03 | Paper |
On Parameterized Exponential Time Complexity | 2009-06-03 | Paper |
On the pseudo-achromatic number problem | 2009-03-17 | Paper |
On the Pseudo-achromatic Number Problem | 2009-01-20 | Paper |
Computing Lightweight Spanners Locally | 2008-11-20 | Paper |
Parametric Duality and Kernelization: Lower Bounds and Upper Bounds on Kernel Size | 2008-08-14 | Paper |
Seeing the trees and their branches in the network is hard | 2008-07-31 | Paper |
The compatibility of binary characters on phylogenetic networks: Complexity and parameterized algorithms | 2008-07-01 | Paper |
On the Effective Enumerability of NP Problems | 2008-06-03 | Paper |
Reconstructing Evolution of Natural Languages: Complexity and Parameterized Algorithms | 2007-09-10 | Paper |
Improved Parameterized Upper Bounds for Vertex Cover | 2007-09-05 | Paper |
Genus characterizes the complexity of certain graph problems: Some tight results | 2007-08-23 | Paper |
Polynomial time approximation schemes and parameterized complexity | 2007-02-19 | Paper |
Strong computational lower bounds via parameterized complexity | 2006-12-07 | Paper |
On the computational hardness based on linear fpt-reductions | 2006-08-14 | Paper |
Labeled search trees and amortized analysis: Improved upper bounds for NP-hard problems | 2006-03-21 | Paper |
Computing and Combinatorics | 2006-01-11 | Paper |
STACS 2005 | 2005-12-02 | Paper |
Tight lower bounds for certain parameterized NP-hard problems | 2005-10-10 | Paper |
Parameterized and Exact Computation | 2005-08-23 | Paper |
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2004 | 2005-08-22 | Paper |
On approximating minimum vertex cover for graphs with perfect matching | 2005-06-30 | Paper |
Using nondeterminism to design efficient deterministic algorithms | 2004-10-01 | Paper |
Constrained minimum vertex cover in bipartite graphs: complexity and parameterized algorithms | 2004-08-19 | Paper |
Improved exact algorithms for MAX-SAT | 2004-08-19 | Paper | | 2004-08-11 | Paper | | 2004-08-04 | Paper | | 2004-08-04 | Paper | | 2004-02-18 | Paper | | 2004-02-08 | Paper | | 2003-06-18 | Paper |
The inapproximability of non-NP-hard optimization problems. | 2003-01-21 | Paper |
Vertex Cover: Further Observations and Further Improvements | 2002-07-08 | Paper | | 2000-06-07 | Paper |