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=== Output data ===
=== Output data ===
=== MathModDB test ===
PREFIX : <https://mardi4nfdi.de/mathmoddb#>
PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> 
SELECT DISTINCT ?answer ?label ?quote
                ?answer a :MathematicalModel .
                OPTIONAL {?answer rdfs:label ?labelraw .
                                    FILTER (lang(?labelraw) = 'en')}
                BIND(COALESCE(?labelraw, "No Label Provided!") AS ?label)
                OPTIONAL {?answer rdfs:comment ?quoteraw.
                                    FILTER (lang(?quoteraw) = 'en')}
                BIND(COALESCE(?quoteraw, "No Description Provided!") AS ?quote)
GROUP BY ?answer ?label ?quote
| endpoint=https://sparql.mtsr2024.m1.mardi.ovh/mathalgodb/query

Revision as of 09:26, 29 October 2024

Available identifiers

Problem statement

Object of research and objective

Involved disciplines

    Process information

    Process steps

    Applied methods

    Software used


    Input data

    Output data

    MathModDB test

    answer label quote
    https://mardi4nfdi.de/mathmoddb#BiBiReactionPingPongMechanismMichaelisMentenModelwithProduct1SS Bi Bi Reaction Ping Pong Mechanism Michaelis Menten Model with Product 1 (Steady State Assumption) Michaelis Menten Model for a Bi Bi reaction following Ping Pong Mechanism with Product 1 formulated via the steady state assumption.
    https://mardi4nfdi.de/mathmoddb#UniUniReactionCompetitiveCompleteInhibitionDixonModelwithoutProductSteadyStateAssumption Uni Uni Reaction Competitive Complete Inhibition (Dixon Model without Product - Steady State Assumption) Dixon Model for an Uni Uni reaction without Product and competitive complete Inhibition via the steady state assumption.
    https://mardi4nfdi.de/mathmoddb#UniUniReactionNonCompetitivePartialInhibitionMichaelisMentenModelwithoutProductSteadyStateAssumption Uni Uni Reaction Non-Competitive Partial Inhibition (Michaelis Menten Model without Product - Steady State Assumption) Michaelis Menten Model for an Uni Uni reaction without Product and non-competitive partial Inhibition via the steady state assumption.
    https://mardi4nfdi.de/mathmoddb#ElectronShuttlingModel Electron Shuttling Model Quantum dynamical modeling of the electron to be shuttled, governed by the electric potential generated by the clavier (and other) gates in a Silicon QuBus device. Spin and valley states as well as the respective interactions are neglected. Moreover, the current model is limited to the coherent wave packet evolution and disregards the effects of noise and dissipation.
    https://mardi4nfdi.de/mathmoddb#UniUniReactionNonCompetitiveCompleteInhibitionLineweaverBurkModelwithoutProductSteadyStateAssumption Uni Uni Reaction Non-Competitive Complete Inhibition (Lineweaver Burk Model without Product - Steady State Assumption) Lineweaver Burk Model for an Uni Uni reaction without Product and non-competitive complete Inhibition via the steady state assumption.
    10:05:24 03/07/2025 -- Refresh -- Duration of query :0.404s -- CSV