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| Property / cites work: Q2782338 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: The topological vertex / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q4850944 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: On the gauge theory/geometry correspondence / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Matrix models, topological strings, and supersymmetric gauge theories / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Topological strings and integrable hierarchies / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Hartle-Hawking wave-function for flux compactifications: the entropic principle / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Topological conformal field theories and Calabi-Yau categories / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Topological strings and (almost) modular forms / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q4858408 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Electric-magnetic duality, monopole condensation, and confinement in \(N=2\) supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Kodaira-Spencer theory of gravity and exact results for quantum string amplitudes / rank |
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| Property / cites work: \(c=1\) string as the topological theory of the conifold / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Counting higher genus curves in a Calabi-Yau manifold / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Holomorphic anomaly equation and BPS state counting of rational elliptic surface. / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Holomorphic anomalies in topological field theories / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q4434432 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Monodromy of Picard-Fuchs differential equations for Calabi-Yau threefolds / rank |
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| Property / cites work: M-theory, topological strings and spinning black holes / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q4012873 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Topological wave functions and heat equations / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Mirror symmetry, mirror map and applications to complete intersection Calabi-Yau spaces / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Massless black holes and conifolds in string theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: A stringy test of the fate of the conifold / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Branes and fundamental groups / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Strong coupling singularities and enhanced non-abelian gauge symmetries in \(N=2\) string theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Topological gravity as large \(N\) topological gauge theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: A pair of Calabi-Yau manifolds as an exactly soluble superconformal theory. / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Duality transformations in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories coupled to supergravity / rank |
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| Property / cites work: \(K\)-theory and Ramond-Ramond charge / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Anomalies, branes, and currents / rank |
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| Property / cites work: D-branes on the quintic / rank |
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| Property / cites work: D-branes and bundles on elliptic fibrations. / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Hodge integrals and Gromov-Witten theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q4409407 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: The orbifold quantum cohomology of $\mathbb{C}^{2}/\mathbb{Z}_3$ and Hurwitz-Hodge integrals / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q3217281 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Variation of Hodge structure: The singularities of the period mapping / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Degeneration of Hodge structures / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q3438274 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Gromov–Witten theory and Donaldson–Thomas theory, I / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q4749943 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: The M5-brane elliptic genus: modularity and BPS states / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Split states, entropy enigmas, holes and halos / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q5490915 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q3374325 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Direct integration of the topological string / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q4342000 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Collapsing D-branes in one-parameter models and small/large radius duality / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Counting BPS states on the Enriques Calabi-Yau / rank |
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