| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: A relaxed extragradient-like method for a generalized mixed equilibrium problem, a general system of generalized equilibria and a fixed point problem / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Strong convergence theorem for a generalized equilibrium problem and a nonexpansive mapping in a Hilbert space / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Strong convergence theorems by a relaxed extragradient method for a general system of variational inequalities / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q5388131 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q3070945 / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Three Strong Convergence Theorems Regarding Iterative Methods for Solving Equilibrium Problems in Reflexive Banach Spaces / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Hybrid iterative method for systems of generalized equilibria with constraints of variational inclusion and fixed point problems / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Implicit and explicit iterative methods for systems of variational inequalities and zeros of accretive operators / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Systems of generalized variational inequalities and their applications<sup>∗</sup> / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Mathematical methods of game and economic theory / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Projection methods, algorithms, and a new system of nonlinear variational inequalities / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: General convergence analysis for two-step projection methods and applications to variational problems / rank |
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| Property / cites work: The existence of nonlinear inequalities / rank |
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| Property / cites work: A self-adaptive method for solving general mixed variational inequalities / rank |
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| Property / cites work: A new projection and contraction method for linear variational inequalities / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Generalized Convexity, Nonsmooth Variational Inequalities, and Nonsmooth Optimization / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Split Feasibility and Fixed Point Problems / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Convergence theorems of fixed points for \(\kappa \)-strict pseudo-contractions in Hilbert spaces / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Iterative algorithms for hierarchical fixed points problems and variational inequalities / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: A Hierarchical Presentation of Operators with Fixed Points on Hilbert Spaces / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q5440938 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Krasnoselski–Mann iteration for hierarchical fixed-point problems / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Strong convergence algorithms for hierarchical fixed points problems and variational inequalities / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Explicit hierarchical fixed point approach to variational inequalities / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Iterative methods for triple hierarchical variational inequalities in Hilbert spaces / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: An iterative method for approximating the common solutions of a variational inequality, a mixed equilibrium problem and a hierarchical fixed point problem / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Algorithms of common solutions for a variational inequality, a split equilibrium problem and a hierarchical fixed point problem / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: An iterative method for a common solution of generalized mixed equilibrium problems, variational inequalities, and hierarchical fixed point problems / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: A hybrid iterative method for a combination of equilibria problem, a combination of variational inequality problems and a hierarchical fixed point problem / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: An iterative method for common solutions of equilibrium problems and hierarchical fixed point problems / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: A modified projection method for a common solution of a system of variational inequalities, a split equilibrium problem and a hierarchical fixed-point problem / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Strong convergence algorithm for approximating the common solutions of a variational inequality, a mixed equilibrium problem and a hierarchical fixed-point problem / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Hybrid viscosity approaches to general systems of variational inequalities with hierarchical fixed point problem constraints in Banach spaces / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q3635610 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Some iterative methods for finding fixed points and for solving constrained convex minimization problems / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Strong convergence of a modified iterative algorithm for hierarchical fixed point problems and variational inequalities / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Triple Hierarchical Variational Inequalities / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Algorithms for the split variational inequality problem / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Split monotone variational inclusions / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q4366516 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Equilibrium programming using proximal-like algorithms / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Q3998720 / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Cyclic iterative method for strictly pseudononspreading in Hilbert space / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Strong convergence of Krasnoselskii and Mann's type sequences for one-parameter nonexpansive semigroups without Bochner integrals / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Iterative Algorithms for Nonlinear Operators / rank |
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| Property / cites work: Iterative methods for strict pseudo-contractions in Hilbert spaces / rank |
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| Property / cites work |
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| Property / cites work: Convergence of generalized proximal point algorithms / rank |
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