
From MaRDI portal
Revision as of 00:46, 19 September 2023 by Daniel (talk | contribs) (Available identifiers)

Available identifiers

Other data (from Wikidata)

(Here come the fields from Wikidata about this person)

The Wikidata item for this author could not be found.

List of all publications

(Here comes the list of all publications)

No MaRDI item could be found for this author, and hence no publications either. Refresh.

List of zbMath articles

(Here comes the list of zbMath publications - also included in the all publication list)

List of arXiv articles

(Here comes the list of arXiv publications - also included in the all publication list)

List of software packages

List of swMath entries

(Here comes the list of swMath entries)

List of CRAN entries

(Here comes the list of CRAN entries)