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  • figures into complex manifolds 2007-04-23 Paper Extension properties of meromorphic mappings with values in non-Kähler complex manifolds 2005-09-30 Paper...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 12:24, 8 December 2023
  • theorem on almost complex manifolds in complex dimension two 2005-05-04 Paper Estimates of the Kobayashi metric on almost complex manifolds 2003-07-25 Paper...
    10 bytes (16 words) - 14:00, 9 December 2023
  • structures 2024-02-20 Paper On Bott-Chern and Aeppli cohomologies of almost complex manifolds and related spaces of harmonic forms 2024-02-05 Paper On the Kodaira-Spencer's...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 19:19, 8 December 2023
  • Duality and intersection theory in complex manifolds. I 1978-01-01 Paper Duality and intersection theory in complex manifolds. II: The holomorphic Lefschetz...
    10 bytes (17 words) - 23:37, 12 December 2023
  • Cartan geometries on complex manifolds of algebraic dimension zero 2020-03-11 Paper Logarithmic Cartan geometry on complex manifolds 2020-02-26 Paper Cominuscule...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 20:26, 9 December 2023
  • Principal Bundles 1998-08-12 Paper On closed radical orbits in homogeneous complex manifolds 1997-08-05 Paper 1995-05-11...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 14:01, 11 December 2023
  • Higher-page Hodge theory of compact complex manifolds 2024-11-14 Paper Frölicher spectral sequence of compact complex manifolds with special Hermitian metrics...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 20:04, 8 December 2023
  • Type \(G\)-invariant Bergman kernel and geometric quantization on complex manifolds with boundary 2024-11-07 Paper Dynamic event-triggered dual-channel...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 09:00, 11 December 2023
  • certain complex manifolds 1979-01-01 Paper Holomorphic maps of generalized Iwasawa manifolds 1979-01-01 Paper Remarks on k-Leviflat Complex Manifolds 1979-01-01...
    10 bytes (16 words) - 08:53, 8 December 2023
  • Curvature and pseudoconvexity on complex manifolds 1981-01-01 Paper Curvature and pseudoconvexity on complex manifolds 1980-01-01 Paper A maximum principle...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 02:42, 12 December 2023
  • symmetries of complex manifolds 2010-03-03 Paper Proper actions of Lie groups of dimension \(n^{2} + 1\) on \(n\)-dimensional complex manifolds 2009-10-02...
    10 bytes (15 words) - 18:13, 9 December 2023
  • projective spaces 2023-12-26 Paper The geometry and topology of compact complex manifolds with RC-positive tangent bundles 2023-03-17 Paper RC-positivity and...
    10 bytes (15 words) - 02:30, 12 December 2023
  • spaces 1985-01-01 Paper A Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch formula for maps of complex manifolds 1985-01-01 Paper The Trace Map and Characteristic Classes for Coherent...
    10 bytes (15 words) - 09:53, 12 December 2023
  • subextensions in manifolds 2015-06-10 Paper Lelong functional on almost complex manifolds 2015-03-25 Paper Characterizations of projective hulls by analytic...
    10 bytes (16 words) - 15:53, 11 December 2023
  • 2003-07-15 Paper Almost complex manifolds and hyperbolicity 2003-02-05 Paper
    10 bytes (14 words) - 14:45, 9 December 2023
  • automorphisms of \(\mathbb C^3\) 2007-04-05 Paper Non-Kähler compact complex manifolds associated to number fields. 2005-04-29 Paper Surfaces of the class...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 05:52, 9 December 2023
  • Publication Date of Publication Type Frölicher spectral sequence of compact complex manifolds with special Hermitian metrics 2024-10-22 Paper On Gauduchon connections...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 22:09, 9 December 2023
  • Coverings for $4$-dimensional almost complex manifolds with non-degenerate torsion 2017-06-30 Paper Almost complex manifolds with non-degenerate torsion 2017-04-27...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 00:21, 9 December 2023
  • Publication Date of Publication Type Extension formulae on almost complex manifolds 2021-05-05 Paper Sobolev spaces on quasi-Kähler complex varieties 2019-07-11...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 21:09, 10 December 2023
  • almost–Kähler structures 2014-09-16 Paper A note on exact forms on almost complex manifolds 2013-08-05 Paper From Taubes currents to almost Kähler forms 2013-06-26...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 03:30, 12 December 2023
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