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- non-symmetric association schemes of class $2$ 2021-09-29 Paper Complex Hadamard matrices attached to a 3-class nonsymmetric association scheme 2020-01-21...10 bytes (14 words) - 16:01, 6 December 2023
- construction of amorphous association scheme from a pseudo-cyclic association scheme 2004-08-19 Paper A four-class association scheme derived from a hyperbolic...10 bytes (13 words) - 08:48, 6 October 2023
- 3-equivalenced association scheme is Frobenius 2015-02-19 Paper COMMUTATIVITY OF ASSOCIATION SCHEMES OF ORDER pq 2013-05-27 Paper On \(p\)-schemes of order \(p^3\)...10 bytes (13 words) - 22:39, 8 December 2023
- THE CHARACTER TABLES OF SOME ASSOCIATION SCHEMES 1992-06-25 Paper The character table of the commutative association scheme coming from the action of \(GL(n...10 bytes (14 words) - 18:27, 9 December 2023
- wreath products of association schemes 2017-02-27 Paper A Family of Partial Geometric Designs from Three-Class Association Schemes 2017-01-20 Paper Partial...10 bytes (15 words) - 02:06, 12 December 2023
- Characterization of the group association scheme of the symmetric group 1999-06-21 Paper Characterization of the group association scheme of \(A_5\) by its intersection...10 bytes (13 words) - 00:08, 25 September 2023
- construction of some lattices for the hypercubic association scheme 1984-01-01 Paper The split hypercubic association scheme 1980-01-01 Paper On the existence and...10 bytes (15 words) - 10:41, 24 September 2023
- a 4-class association scheme 2022-05-17 Paper Reconstructing a generalized quadrangle from the Penttila-Williford $4-$class association scheme 2022-05-11...10 bytes (13 words) - 21:54, 24 September 2023
- Type A characterization of the group association scheme of \(A_n\) 2004-10-28 Paper On symmetric association schemes with \(k_1=3\) 2001-11-27 Paper https://portal...10 bytes (13 words) - 09:43, 24 September 2023
- Johnson scheme and the association scheme obtained from attenuated spaces 2024-08-15 Paper Multivariate P- and/or Q-polynomial association schemes 2023-05-01...10 bytes (13 words) - 02:09, 25 September 2023
- Type Character tables of association schemes of affine type 1992-09-27 Paper Character table of a controlling association scheme defined by the general orthogonal...10 bytes (15 words) - 09:46, 24 September 2023
- Bivariate \(Q\)-polynomial structures for the nonbinary Johnson scheme and the association scheme obtained from attenuated spaces 2024-08-15 Paper Quantum walks...10 bytes (13 words) - 12:42, 7 October 2023
- and association schemes. 2013-06-21 Paper An Algorithmic Approach to the Extensibility of Association Schemes 2012-09-27 Paper Association schemes in which...10 bytes (15 words) - 10:41, 7 October 2023
- relation of an association scheme 2020-01-22 Paper On higher indicators of regular association schemes 2018-05-24 Paper On association schemes of finite exponent...10 bytes (13 words) - 06:11, 7 October 2023
- Higmanian rank-5 association schemes on 40 points 2009-06-17 Paper A wedge product of association schemes 2009-04-08 Paper On association schemes all elements...10 bytes (15 words) - 22:40, 8 December 2023
- Publication Date of Publication Type The association scheme on the points off a quadric 2020-06-22 Paper On \(Q\)-polynomial regular...10 bytes (13 words) - 18:42, 11 December 2023
- products of association schemes 2012-02-11 Paper Faithful representations of association schemes 2011-10-11 Paper A category of association schemes 2010-09-27...10 bytes (13 words) - 15:47, 10 December 2023
- three-class association schemes and codes from nondegenerate and degenerate Hermitian varieties 1994-05-26 Paper A three-class association scheme on the flags...10 bytes (15 words) - 16:32, 12 December 2023
- tight distance-regular graphs: a local approach 2024-05-10 Paper On association schemes generated by a relation or an idempotent 2023-05-19 Paper Correction...10 bytes (14 words) - 00:26, 10 December 2023
- Transmitters 2017-07-27 Paper Relative \(t\)-designs in binary Hamming association scheme \(H(n,2)\) 2017-07-21 Paper The Degrees of Freedom of Isotropic MIMO...10 bytes (13 words) - 22:41, 9 December 2023