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- S-box based on chaotic map and genetic algorithm 2013-01-22 Paper Improving the security of a parallel keyed hash function based on chaotic maps 2012-03-28...10 bytes (14 words) - 12:37, 28 January 2024
- based on chaotic map and group theory 2010-10-31 Paper Cryptanalysis and improvement on a block cryptosystem based on iteration a chaotic map 2010-10-28...10 bytes (14 words) - 14:13, 8 December 2023
- with Cipher Feedback and Coupling Chaotic Map 2020-10-08 Paper Constructing keyed hash algorithm using enhanced chaotic map with varying parameter 2020-08-25...10 bytes (13 words) - 08:46, 7 October 2023
- number generator based on quantum chaotic map 2016-09-13 Paper An image encryption scheme based on quantum logistic map 2013-05-02 Paper A NOVEL SCHEME FOR...10 bytes (14 words) - 05:59, 7 October 2023
- Reconfigurable chaotic logic gates based on novel chaotic circuit 2016-12-19 Paper Pseudo random number generator based on quantum chaotic map 2016-09-13 Paper...10 bytes (13 words) - 05:59, 7 October 2023
- 2016-02-26 Paper Optimal chaotic selectors 2015-11-27 Paper Chaos for successive maxima map implies chaos for the original map 2015-09-02 Paper Selections...10 bytes (13 words) - 15:38, 6 December 2023
- two-dimensional map 2012-08-09 Paper Spread spectrum communication system with chaotic frequency modulation 2008-10-14 Paper Subthreshold oscillations in a map-based...10 bytes (15 words) - 13:04, 13 December 2023
- discrete memristive hyperchaotic map 2023-01-12 Paper A new method of constructing cyclic symmetric conservative chaotic systems and improved offset boosting...10 bytes (14 words) - 19:27, 11 December 2023
- ``Image encryption with chaotically coupled chaotic maps 2010-06-25 Paper Breaking an encryption scheme based on chaotic baker map 2010-06-02 Paper CRYPTANALYSIS...10 bytes (14 words) - 06:24, 12 December 2023
- collision bifurcations and chaotic sets in a two-dimensional piecewise linear map 2011-09-23 Paper CONSTRUCTION OF CHAOTIC MAPS ON NONCONVEX SPACES — A SOLUTION...10 bytes (15 words) - 01:41, 12 December 2023
- flowers: simply connected billiard tables where chaotic (non-chaotic) flows move around chaotic (non-chaotic) cores 2022-06-10 Paper Poisson approximations...10 bytes (17 words) - 17:22, 8 December 2023
- 2016-02-26 Paper Optimal chaotic selectors 2015-11-27 Paper Chaos for successive maxima map implies chaos for the original map 2015-09-02 Paper Selections...10 bytes (13 words) - 14:39, 6 December 2023
- Sequence Topological Entropy Characterizes Chaotic Maps 1992-06-25 Paper Characterizations of Weakly Chaotic Maps of the Interval 1990-01-01 Paper On Darboux...10 bytes (14 words) - 09:28, 8 December 2023
- functions with increased key space using adaptive chaotic maps 2022-04-21 Paper Effect of Time-Reversed Chaotic Sequences on the Performance of 2T2R-IDCSK System...10 bytes (14 words) - 03:00, 12 December 2023
- Poincaré Recurrences in a Nonautonomous Chaotic Map 2014-11-19 Paper Poincaré recurrences in a nonautonomous chaotic map 2014-11-19 Paper Diagnostics of stochastic...10 bytes (15 words) - 23:41, 10 December 2023
- beta-plane: dynamics and chaotic advection 2007-07-12 Paper Competing populations in flows with chaotic mixing 2006-10-31 Paper Chaotic Dynamics 2006-10-06...10 bytes (13 words) - 18:49, 8 December 2023
- algorithm based on a 3D chaotic map 2012-07-16 Paper Keyed hash function based on a chaotic map 2012-06-08 Paper Self-shrinking chaotic stream ciphers 2011-09-23...10 bytes (13 words) - 09:02, 11 December 2023
- on tent-dynamics coupled map lattices and diffusion of household 2022-04-21 Paper A new fractional one dimensional chaotic map and its application in high-speed...10 bytes (14 words) - 21:13, 10 December 2023
- stability to chaotic dynamics in a cautious tâtonnement model 2017-02-02 Paper Bifurcation Structures in a Bimodal Piecewise Linear Map: Chaotic Dynamics 2015-06-03...10 bytes (13 words) - 03:26, 12 December 2023
- of rotations 2023-03-31 Paper The mean-median map 2021-12-10 Paper Critical curves of a piecewise linear map 2021-08-27 Paper On the unboundedness of the...10 bytes (13 words) - 12:05, 12 December 2023