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  • Predator–Prey System with Time-Delay 2016-09-05 Paper Hopf Bifurcation and Hidden Attractors of a Delay-Coupled Duffing Oscillator 2016-01-05 Paper https://portal...
    10 bytes (15 words) - 16:14, 6 October 2023
  • Predator–Prey System with Time-Delay 2016-09-05 Paper Hopf Bifurcation and Hidden Attractors of a Delay-Coupled Duffing Oscillator 2016-01-05 Paper https://portal...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 07:52, 6 October 2023
  • double-well Duffing oscillator by time delay feedback 2006-02-13 Paper Effect of bounded noise on the chaotic motion of a Duffing-Van der Pol oscillator in a...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 21:22, 10 December 2023
  • characteristics in Duffing-van der Pol oscillators 2015-02-25 Paper Bifurcation of a Duffing Oscillator Having Nonlinear Fractional Derivative Feedback 2014-09-23...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 15:10, 10 December 2023
  • feedback on a van der Pol-Duffing oscillator 2003-05-13 Paper Study of double Hopf bifurcation and chaos for an oscillator with time delayed feedback 2002-08-28...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 17:48, 9 December 2023
  • Pol Oscillator Coupled to a Duffing Oscillator 2005-03-21 Paper Analog simulation of the dynamics of a van der Pol oscillator coupled to a Duffing oscillator...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 14:09, 10 December 2023
  • Oscillations in Queues with Delay 2019-06-14 Paper Delay-Coupled Mathieu Equations in Synchrotron Dynamics Revisited: Delay Terms in the Slow Flow 2019-03-06...
    10 bytes (17 words) - 18:56, 9 December 2023
  • analysis for van der Pol-Duffing oscillator with varying exponential delay feedback factor 2020-02-12 Paper Bifurcation analysis on delay-induced bursting in...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 09:03, 11 December 2023
  • Synchronization of an Electrical Circuit Consisting of a Van Der Pol Oscillator Coupled to a Duffing Oscillator 2005-03-21 Paper Dynamics of a nonlinear electromechanical...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 15:01, 9 December 2023
  • nonlinear delay differential systems 2016-04-25 Paper Fractional derivative and time delay damper characteristics in Duffing-van der Pol oscillators 2015-02-25...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 01:28, 10 December 2023
  • waves in complex oscillator network with delay 2016-01-25 Paper Hopf Bifurcation in Two Groups of Delay-Coupled Kuramoto Oscillators 2015-11-30 Paper Bifurcation...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 09:31, 11 December 2023
  • of Publication Type Nonlinear dynamics and chaos control for a time delay Duffing system 2018-09-24 Paper Pragmatical adaptive synchronization -- new fuzzy...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 14:32, 11 December 2023
  • TINKERBELL MAP 2013-03-05 Paper The existence of Silnikov's orbits in one coupled Duffing 2011-07-21 Paper Heteroclinic orbits and chaotic regions for Josephson...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 15:51, 8 December 2023
  • isotropic oscillator plus inverse quadratic potential 2024-10-22 Paper Delay-induced vibrational resonance in the Rayleigh–Plesset bubble oscillator 2023-02-23...
    10 bytes (17 words) - 21:16, 11 December 2023
  • Paper Energy Harvesting in a Duffing Oscillator with Modulated Delay Amplitude 2021-09-27 Paper The Delayed van der Pol Oscillator and Energy Harvesting 2020-11-09...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 14:44, 11 December 2023
  • approximations of Duffing oscillator with dual frequency excitations 2020-12-01 Paper Approximate limit cycles of coupled nonlinear oscillators with fractional...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 01:08, 13 December 2023
  • derivative and time delay damper characteristics in Duffing-van der Pol oscillators 2015-02-25 Paper Bifurcation of a Duffing Oscillator Having Nonlinear...
    10 bytes (17 words) - 15:01, 10 December 2023
  • based on Mathieu-Duffing oscillator with time-delay feedback and multiplicative noise 2022-04-01 Paper BIFURCATION ANALYSIS IN A DELAY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 12:12, 12 December 2023
  • transfer in a system of coupled oscillators 2009-09-22 Paper Complex dynamics and targeted energy transfer in linear oscillators coupled to multi-degree-of-freedom...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 01:09, 12 December 2023
  • modified van der Pol Duffing oscillators 2019-02-27 Paper Bifurcations and multistability in the extended Hindmarsh-Rose neuronal oscillator 2017-02-09 Paper...
    10 bytes (17 words) - 03:41, 12 December 2023
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