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- periodic points 2007-08-23 Paper Fixed-point theorems for families of weakly non-expansive maps 2007-07-19 Paper The \(\omega\)-limit set of a graph map 2007-07-09...10 bytes (14 words) - 03:12, 12 December 2023
- and fixed point properties 1973-01-01 Paper Action of topological semigroups, invariant means, and fixed points 1972-01-01 Paper Almost fixed points of...10 bytes (18 words) - 11:12, 9 December 2023
- On fixed point results for a-implicit contractions in quasi-metric spaces and consequences 2019-07-12 Paper BEST PROXIMITY POINTS AND FIXED POINTS WITH...10 bytes (14 words) - 21:23, 9 December 2023
- orientifolds with fluxes, open string moduli and critical points 2012-09-09 Paper \(c\)-map, very special quaternionic geometry and dual Kähler spaces...10 bytes (13 words) - 14:46, 7 December 2023
- variational inequalities, fixed points of pseudocontractions and zeros of accretive operators 2022-06-03 Paper Locating common fixed points of nonlinear representations...10 bytes (16 words) - 14:49, 6 December 2023
- and invariant points 2012-01-10 Paper Invariant points and \(\varepsilon\)-simultaneous approximation 2011-07-22 Paper Common fixed points and invariant...10 bytes (15 words) - 16:33, 11 December 2023
- metric fixed point theory 2023-12-11 Paper Two new iterative schemes to approximate the fixed points for mappings 2023-07-21 Paper On Caristi's fixed point...10 bytes (13 words) - 13:57, 10 December 2023
- increasing-along-rays maps and well-posed set-valued star-shaped optimization 2007-04-26 Paper A Mixed Mann Iteration Process for Fixed Points of Mixed Increasing...10 bytes (14 words) - 14:26, 11 December 2023
- best C-proximity points 2012-07-09 Paper On fixed points of quasi-contraction type multifunctions 2012-05-18 Paper Common fixed points of \((\psi , \phi...10 bytes (15 words) - 19:06, 8 December 2023
- Periodic and Fixed Points, and Commuting Mappings 1979-01-01 Paper An Iff Fixed Point Criterion 1976-01-01 Paper Commuting Mappings and Fixed Points 1976-01-01...10 bytes (15 words) - 14:38, 11 December 2023
- de/entity/Q4031236 1993-04-01 Paper Holomorphic actions on contractible domains without fixed points 1993-03-07 Paper 1993-02-02...10 bytes (14 words) - 00:06, 9 December 2023
- 2010-09-27 Paper Approximating fixed points of some maps in uniformly convex metric spaces 2010-04-13 Paper Common fixed points of generalized contractive...10 bytes (16 words) - 18:34, 9 December 2023
- inclusion theorems. II 1994-01-26 Paper Some fixed point theorems for compatible maps 1993-12-06 Paper Fixed points for pairs of mappings in d-complete topological...10 bytes (15 words) - 14:16, 8 December 2023
- system 2009-05-07 Paper METRICAL AND TOPOLOGICAL PRESSURE OF FLOWS WITHOUT FIXED POINTS 2005-03-10 Paper Bifurcations and stability boundary of a power system...10 bytes (14 words) - 01:30, 12 December 2023
- de/entity/Q4494956 2000-08-09 Paper Approximate selections, fixed points, almost fixed points of multivalued mappings and generalized quasi-variational inequalities...10 bytes (17 words) - 23:10, 8 December 2023
- de/entity/Q3645092 2009-11-16 Paper Fixed points for \(w\)-contractive multimaps 2009-07-09 Paper Fixed points of multivalued maps in modular function spaces 2009-07-02...10 bytes (16 words) - 23:47, 8 December 2023
- weak\(^*\) fixed point property for the space \(\ell_{1}\) 2017-08-29 Paper Separable Lindenstrauss spaces whose duals lack the weak$^*$ fixed point property...10 bytes (13 words) - 00:07, 11 December 2023
- nonlinearities 2015-02-24 Paper Is that Really Hidden? The Presence of Complex Fixed-Points in Chaotic Flows with No Equilibria 2015-01-28 Paper Constructing a Novel...10 bytes (14 words) - 03:00, 12 December 2023
- coincidence points 2015-07-27 Paper Stability Theorems for Estimating the Distance to a Set of Coincidence Points 2015-06-11 Paper Coincidence points in generalized...10 bytes (17 words) - 07:50, 9 December 2023
- cylinder without fixed-curves 2016-10-12 Paper Semiconjugacy to a map of a constant slope 2016-03-10 Paper On the set of periods of sigma maps of degree...10 bytes (13 words) - 22:28, 9 December 2023