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- bifurcations in a 5D segmented disc dynamo with a curve of equilibria 2022-03-04 Paper Coexisting hidden attractors in a 5D segmented disc dynamo with three types...10 bytes (13 words) - 10:07, 7 October 2023
- heterogeneous networks 2020-10-14 Paper Coexisting hidden attractors in a 5D segmented disc dynamo with three types of equilibria 2019-10-10 Paper https://portal.mardi4nfdi...10 bytes (13 words) - 09:53, 6 October 2023
- of Publication Type Bifurcation analysis and integrability in the segmented disc dynamo with mechanical friction 2019-01-22 Paper Zero-Hopf bifurcation and...10 bytes (13 words) - 18:06, 24 September 2023
- of Publication Type Bifurcation analysis and integrability in the segmented disc dynamo with mechanical friction 2019-01-22 Paper Zero-Hopf bifurcation and...10 bytes (13 words) - 18:06, 24 September 2023
- chaos and symmetry in Krause and Robert (KR) flow 2022-07-21 Paper Segmented disc dynamo with symmetric multidirectional patterns of multiscroll chaotic attractors...10 bytes (13 words) - 13:18, 24 September 2023
- (MSMCA) in double wing satellite chaotic system 2022-09-24 Paper Segmented disc dynamo with symmetric multidirectional patterns of multiscroll chaotic attractors...10 bytes (15 words) - 08:16, 7 October 2023
- manifold piecewise linear system 2024-05-14 Paper Jacobi analysis of a segmented disc dynamo system 2024-03-16 Paper Identification of discontinuous parameters...10 bytes (13 words) - 11:27, 6 October 2023
- Publication Date of Publication Type Jacobi analysis of a segmented disc dynamo system 2024-03-16 Paper Qualitative geometric analysis of traveling...10 bytes (14 words) - 07:26, 25 September 2023
- generalized Lorenz-like systems 2022-08-05 Paper On integrability of the segmented disc dynamo: the effect of mechanical friction 2022-06-13 Paper Rational Integrability...10 bytes (13 words) - 21:34, 24 September 2023
- chaos and symmetry in Krause and Robert (KR) flow 2022-07-21 Paper Segmented disc dynamo with symmetric multidirectional patterns of multiscroll chaotic attractors...10 bytes (13 words) - 03:08, 7 October 2023
- functions 2020-04-02 Paper Coexisting hidden attractors in a 5D segmented disc dynamo with three types of equilibria 2019-10-10 Paper Structural nonparallel...10 bytes (13 words) - 06:27, 7 October 2023
- p-Laplacian 2022-04-13 Paper Multistability and bifurcations in a 5D segmented disc dynamo with a curve of equilibria 2022-03-04 Paper Existence of solutions...10 bytes (13 words) - 12:38, 28 January 2024
- self-exciting homopolar disc dynamo 2018-05-23 Paper Detecting Hidden Chaotic Regions and Complex Dynamics in the Self-Exciting Homopolar Disc Dynamo 2017-05-31 Paper...10 bytes (15 words) - 23:53, 11 December 2023
- parametric geometry of numbers 2024-11-01 Paper Jacobi analysis of a segmented disc dynamo system 2024-03-16 Paper Coexistence for a kind of stochastic three-species...10 bytes (13 words) - 10:29, 6 October 2023
- Dynamical Systems Theory 2022-08-10 Paper On integrability of the segmented disc dynamo: the effect of mechanical friction 2022-06-13 Paper Amplitude equations...10 bytes (13 words) - 12:54, 6 October 2023
- system 2019-02-01 Paper Bifurcation analysis and integrability in the segmented disc dynamo with mechanical friction 2019-01-22 Paper Zero-Hopf bifurcation and...10 bytes (15 words) - 05:11, 7 October 2023
- and upper critical growth 2022-06-27 Paper On integrability of the segmented disc dynamo: the effect of mechanical friction 2022-06-13 Paper \(N\)-fold Darboux...10 bytes (13 words) - 20:15, 24 September 2023
- stabilizing the Rikitake two-disk dynamo dynamics â‹® Bifurcation analysis and integrability in the segmented disc dynamo with mechanical friction â‹® Darboux...15 bytes (273 words) - 14:55, 6 February 2024
- ork bifurcationdegenerate Hopf bifurcationcurve of equilibria5D segmented disc dynamo Mathematics Subject Classification ID Bifurcation theory for ordinary...15 bytes (265 words) - 10:48, 3 February 2024
- homopolar disc dynamo â‹® Multistability and bifurcations in a 5D segmented disc dynamo with a curve of equilibria â‹® Periodic and aperiodic dynamo waves â‹®...15 bytes (437 words) - 18:31, 5 February 2024