
From MaRDI portal
Revision as of 11:02, 8 December 2023 by Tconrad (talk | contribs) (Created page with "-- Required modules for SPARQL queries and HTML table generation local sparql = require('SPARQL') local mwHtml = require('mw.html') -- Main table to hold all functions local p = {} -- Function to build a HTML table from SPARQL query results function p.buildTableFromSparql(frame) -- Retrieve target1 from frame arguments or return error message if not set local target = frame.args[1] if not target or target == '' then return "No records found" end...")
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This module is not used at the moment.

This is getting the properties (actually relations) from the local (MaRDI) knowledge graph, similar to the style that Scholia is using. I left it for comparison reasons.

-- Required modules for SPARQL queries and HTML table generation
local sparql = require('SPARQL')
local mwHtml = require('mw.html')

-- Main table to hold all functions
local p = {}

-- Function to build a HTML table from SPARQL query results
function p.buildTableFromSparql(frame)
    -- Retrieve target1 from frame arguments or return error message if not set
	local target = frame.args[1]
    if not target or target == '' then
        return "No records found"

    -- Constructing the SPARQL query with dynamic entity target1
    local sparqlQuery = [[
PREFIX target: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>

SELECT ?node ?nodeLabel ?childNode ?childNodeLabel 
  SELECT DISTINCT ?node ?childNode WHERE {
      BIND(target:]] .. target .. [[ AS ?node)
      ?node ?p ?i.
      ?childNode ?x ?p.
      ?childNode rdf:type wikibase:Property.
      FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?i), ""))
      FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?childNode), ""))
  LIMIT 5000
} AS %nodes
  SELECT DISTINCT ?childNode ?node WHERE {
      target:]] .. target .. [[ ?p ?childNode.
      ?node ?x ?p.
      ?node rdf:type wikibase:Property.
      FILTER(STRSTARTS(STR(?childNode), ""))
  LIMIT 5000
} AS %childNodes
    INCLUDE %nodes
    INCLUDE %childNodes
  FILTER (?node != target:]] .. target .. [[)
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }        
ORDER BY ASC(?nodeLabel) ASC(?childNodeLabel)


	-- Executing the SPARQL query and retrieving results in JSON format
	local jsonResults = sparql.runQuery(sparqlQuery)

	-- Handle error in SPARQL query execution
	if jsonResults and jsonResults.error then
    	mw.log("Error in SPARQL query: " .. tostring(jsonResults.error))
    	return nil
	-- Extracting headers from the SPARQL query results
	-- NOTE that these headers are not used since we will use hard coded ones below
	local headers = {}
	if jsonResults and jsonResults.head and jsonResults.head.vars then
		headers = jsonResults.head.vars
	-- Hard-code headers
    local headers = {"Property", "Value"}

	-- Convert the JSON results into a Lua table
	local dataTable = convertJsonToTable(jsonResults)

	-- Create and return a HTML table from the data
	return createHtmlTableWithMergedCols(dataTable, headers)

-- Utility function to trim and lowercase a string
function trimAndLower(str)
	if str == nil then return nil end
	str = str:gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1")
	return str:lower()

-- Function to convert JSON results into a Lua table
function convertJsonToTable(jsonResults)
    local resultsTable = {}
    if jsonResults and jsonResults.results and jsonResults.results.bindings then
        local bindings = jsonResults.results.bindings
        for j = 1, #bindings do
            local row = {}
            for key, value in pairs(bindings[j]) do
                table.insert(row, value.value)
            table.insert(resultsTable, row)
    return resultsTable

-- Function to create a HTML table from a Lua table
function createHtmlTableWithMergedCols(dataTable, headers)
	local htmlTable = mwHtml.create('table')
	htmlTable:addClass('wikitable'):attr('border', '1')

	local headerRow = htmlTable:tag('tr')
	-- Use the provided headers
    for _, header in ipairs(headers) do

	-- The first two columns are merged
	for _, row in ipairs(dataTable) do

		if not string.find(row[1], "/entity/statement/") then

			-- mw.logObject(row)
			local dataRow = htmlTable:tag('tr')
			local combinedData1, combinedData2
			combinedData1 = '[' .. row[1] .. ' ' .. row[2] .. ']'
			combinedData2 = '[' .. row[3] .. ' ' .. row[4] .. ']'

			-- Add rows to table

		end -- if not string.find(row[1], "/entity/statement/") then

	return tostring(htmlTable)

-- Return the created html table
return p