Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Asymptotic profiles for Choquard equations with combined attractive nonlinearities | 2024-11-28 | Paper |
Ground state solutions of nonlinear Schrödinger equations with asymptotically periodic potentials | 2024-09-05 | Paper |
Ground state solitons for periodic Schrödinger lattice systems with saturable nonlinearities and spectrum 0 | 2024-06-28 | Paper |
Discrete Schrödinger equations and systems with mixed and concave-convex nonlinearities | 2024-05-07 | Paper |
Asymptotic profiles for a nonlinear Kirchhoff equation with combined powers nonlinearity | 2024-01-08 | Paper |
Existence of ground states to the double-type nonlinear \(p\)-Laplace problem involving Sobolev critical Exponent | 2024-01-05 | Paper |
Asymptotic behaviors of normalized solutions for a class of Choquard equations | 2023-07-07 | Paper |
Existence of positive solutions for Kirchhoff-type problem in exterior domains | 2023-06-13 | Paper |
Asymptotic profiles for a nonlinear Schrödinger equation with critical combined powers nonlinearity | 2023-04-27 | Paper |
Asymptotic profiles for Choquard equations with combined attractive nonlinearities | 2023-02-27 | Paper |
Normalized Solutions to Kirchhoff Equation with Nonnegative Potential | 2023-01-19 | Paper |
Normalized solutions for the Choquard equation with mass supercritical nonlinearity | 2022-10-26 | Paper |
Non-periodic discrete nonlinear Schr#246;dinger equations with unbounded potentials and general temporal frequencies: In nitely many solitons | 2021-12-17 | Paper |
Perturbed Schrödinger lattice systems with superlinear terms: multiplicity of homoclinic solutions | 2021-08-24 | Paper |
Asymptotic profiles for a nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation with critical combined powers nonlinearity | 2021-08-03 | Paper |
Invasion dynamics of a diffusive pioneer-climax model: monotone and non-monotone cases | 2021-06-18 | Paper |
Multiple bound states of higher topological type for semi-classical Choquard equations | 2021-03-01 | Paper |
Choquard equations with critical nonlinearities | 2020-06-10 | Paper |
Solutions to upper critical fractional Choquard equations with potential | 2020-05-11 | Paper |
Perturbed Schrödinger lattice systems: existence of homoclinic solutions | 2020-05-06 | Paper |
Existence and asymptotic behavior of vector solutions for linearly coupled Choquard-type systems | 2020-05-04 | Paper |
Infinitely many bound states for Choquard equations with local nonlinearities | 2019-12-05 | Paper |
Periodic motions for FPU lattice systems with asymptotically quadratic potentials | 2019-04-25 | Paper |
Ground states for Choquard equations with doubly critical exponents | 2019-03-15 | Paper |
Groundstates for Kirchhoff-type equations with Hartree-type nonlinearities | 2019-02-28 | Paper |
Existence and qualitative properties of solutions for Choquard equations with a local term | 2019-02-27 | Paper |
Infinitely many nontrivial solutions of resonant cooperative elliptic systems with superlinear terms | 2019-02-14 | Paper |
Ground state solutions for periodic discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equations with saturable nonlinearities | 2019-01-21 | Paper |
Groundstates for Choquard equations with the upper critical exponent | 2018-12-13 | Paper |
Infinitely many bound state solutions of Choquard equations with potentials | 2018-10-25 | Paper |
Homoclinic solutions of discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equations with asymptotically or super linear terms | 2018-06-22 | Paper |
Solutions of the autonomous Kirchhoff type equations in \(\mathbb{R}^N\) | 2018-06-20 | Paper |
Multiple solutions for nonhomogeneous Schrödinger-Poisson equations with sign-changing potential | 2018-01-29 | Paper | | 2017-10-20 | Paper |
On nonhomogeneous elliptic problems involving the Hardy potential and critical Sobolev exponent | 2017-05-16 | Paper |
Positive ground state solutions for some non-autonomous Kirchhoff type problems | 2017-04-07 | Paper |
Nonexistence and multiplicity of solutions for nonlinear elliptic systems in \(\mathbb{R}^N\) | 2017-03-30 | Paper |
Bound state solutions of Schrödinger-Poisson system with critical exponent | 2017-01-09 | Paper |
Ground state travelling waves in infinite lattices | 2017-01-06 | Paper |
Positive solutions of perturbed elliptic problems involving Hardy potential and critical Sobolev exponent | 2016-10-14 | Paper |
Infinitely many sign-changing solutions for the Brezis-Nirenberg problem involving Hardy potential | 2016-10-06 | Paper |
Standing waves for discrete Schrödinger equations in infinite lattices with saturable nonlinearities | 2016-07-25 | Paper |
Periodic and solitary travelling waves in infinite lattices without Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition | 2016-06-27 | Paper |
Bound state solutions of Kirchhoff type problems with critical exponent | 2016-05-11 | Paper | | 2016-01-15 | Paper |
Infinitely many bound state solutions of Kirchhoff problem in \(\mathbb R^3\) | 2015-12-30 | Paper |
Ground state solutions for some Schrödinger-Poisson systems with periodic potentials | 2015-12-07 | Paper |
Multi-bump solutions of Schrödinger-Poisson equations with steep potential well | 2015-09-03 | Paper |
Existence and concentration of positive solutions for Kirchhoff-type problems with a steep well potential | 2015-08-19 | Paper |
Periodic and unbounded motions in asymmetric oscillators at resonance | 2015-06-30 | Paper |
Multiple solutions for discrete periodic nonlinear Schrödinger equations | 2015-03-13 | Paper |
Nontrivial periodic motions for resonant type asymptotically linear lattice dynamical systems | 2014-12-15 | Paper |
Infinitely many sign-changing solutions for the Brézis-Nirenberg problem | 2014-12-05 | Paper |
Bounded and unbounded motions in asymmetric oscillators at resonance | 2014-03-17 | Paper |
Infinitely many solutions for resonant cooperative elliptic systems with sublinear or superlinear terms | 2014-02-18 | Paper |
Erratum to: ``Infinitely many solutions for resonant cooperative elliptic systems with sublinear or superlinear terms | 2014-02-18 | Paper |
Multiple periodic solutions for lattice dynamical systems with superquadratic potentials | 2014-02-06 | Paper |
Ground State and Geometrically Distinct Solitons of Discrete Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations with Saturable Nonlinearities | 2013-12-17 | Paper |
Nontrivial solutions for Kirchhoff type equations via Morse theory | 2013-11-13 | Paper |
Multibump solutions for discrete periodic nonlinear Schrödinger equations | 2013-11-11 | Paper |
Ground state periodic solutions of second order Hamiltonian systems without spectrum 0 | 2013-10-31 | Paper |
Infinitely many periodic solutions for asymptotically linear Hamiltonian systems | 2013-09-20 | Paper |
Asymptotically or super linear cooperative elliptic systems in the whole space | 2013-09-09 | Paper | | 2013-07-26 | Paper |
Nontrivial periodic solutions for asymptotically linear Hamiltonian systems at resonance | 2013-06-06 | Paper |
Multiplicity of Periodic Solutions of Semilinear Duffing's Equation at Resonance | 2013-05-22 | Paper |
Traveling Wavefronts in Lattice Differential Equations with Time Delay and Global Interaction | 2013-04-09 | Paper |
On the quasilinear elliptic problem with a Hardy-Sobolev critical exponent | 2012-09-07 | Paper |
Discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equations with superlinear nonlinearities | 2012-06-11 | Paper |
Homoclinic orbits of superlinear Hamiltonian systems | 2011-12-07 | Paper |
Unboundedness of solutions for perturbed asymmetric oscillators | 2011-07-27 | Paper |
Periodic solutions for Hamiltonian systems without Ambrosetti-Rabinowitz condition and spectrum 0 | 2011-04-20 | Paper |
Nontrivial solutions for resonant cooperative elliptic systems via computations of the critical groups | 2010-11-19 | Paper |
Computations of critical groups and periodic solutions for asymptotically linear Hamiltonian systems | 2010-04-21 | Paper |
Some existence results on periodic and subharmonic solutions of ordinary \(p\)-Laplacian systems | 2009-08-06 | Paper |
Infinitely many solutions for cooperative elliptic systems with odd nonlinearity | 2009-07-01 | Paper |
Existence of infinitely many periodic solutions for ordinary \(p\)-Laplacian systems | 2009-01-15 | Paper |
Global asymptotic stability of minimal fronts in monostable lattice equations | 2008-08-22 | Paper |
Global Hopf bifurcations for abstract symmetric FDEs with applications to shell pattern formation | 2007-09-07 | Paper |
Existence, uniqueness and asymptotic stability of traveling wavefronts in a non-local delayed diffusion equation | 2007-08-20 | Paper |
Traveling waves for nonlocal delayed diffusion equations via auxiliary equations | 2007-06-25 | Paper |
A small twist theorem and boundedness of solutions for semilinear Duffing equations at resonance | 2007-05-15 | Paper |
Asymptotic speed of propagation and traveling wavefronts in a non-local delayed lattice differential equation | 2006-12-07 | Paper |
Existence, uniqueness and stability of travelling waves in a discrete reaction --- diffusion monostable equation with delay | 2005-10-24 | Paper |
Asymptotic stability of traveling waves in a discrete convolution model for phase transitions | 2005-06-30 | Paper |
Propagation and its failure in a lattice delayed differential equation with global interaction | 2005-05-04 | Paper |
Periodic solutions of linear neutral integro-differential equations | 2005-01-31 | Paper | | 2004-11-01 | Paper |
Multiple slowly oscillating periodic solutions in coupled lossless transmission lines | 2004-06-22 | Paper | | 2003-09-11 | Paper |
Traveling wave solutions for planar lattice differential systems with applications to neural networks | 2002-09-08 | Paper | | 2002-07-07 | Paper |
Traveling wavefronts for delayed reaction-diffusion systems via a fixed point theorem | 2002-07-07 | Paper |
Periodic solutions to periodically perturbed functional-differential equations | 2002-02-18 | Paper |
The existence of periodic solutions for nonlinear systems of first-order differential equations at resonance | 2001-10-14 | Paper | | 2001-09-16 | Paper |
Periodic solutions to Duffing equations with delay | 2001-09-13 | Paper |
An abstract existence theorem at resonance and its applications | 2000-07-19 | Paper |
Coincidence degree and periodic solutions of Duffing equations | 2000-02-23 | Paper |
Semilinear equations at resonance with the kernel of arbitrary dimension | 1999-10-03 | Paper | | 1999-02-07 | Paper | | 1997-08-11 | Paper |
Semilinear Duffing equations crossing resonance points | 1997-04-16 | Paper |
Non-existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for Choquard equations with critical combined nonlinearities | N/A | Paper |
Asymptotic profiles of ground state solutions for Choquard equations with a general local perturbation | N/A | Paper |