Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
On the slow roll expansion of one-field cosmological models | 2024-03-26 | Paper |
The duality covariant geometry and DSZ quantization of abelian gauge theory | 2023-09-07 | Paper |
Dynamical consistency conditions for rapid turn inflation | 2023-06-05 | Paper |
Natural coordinates and horizontal approximations in two-field cosmological models | 2023-05-21 | Paper |
Non-degeneracy of cohomological traces for general Landau-Ginzburg models | 2023-04-19 | Paper |
The geometry and DSZ quantization four-dimensional supergravity | 2023-01-05 | Paper |
The infrared behavior of tame two-field cosmological models | 2022-09-02 | Paper |
Dynamical renormalization and universality in classical multifield cosmological models | 2022-09-02 | Paper | | 2022-05-09 | Paper | | 2022-05-09 | Paper |
Dirac operators on real spinor bundles of complex type | 2022-02-11 | Paper |
Spinors of real type as polyforms and the generalized Killing equation | 2021-11-17 | Paper |
The geometry and DSZ quantization of four-dimensional supergravity | 2021-01-19 | Paper |
Hesse manifolds and Hessian symmetries of multifield cosmological models | 2020-09-10 | Paper |
Four-dimensional geometric supergravity and electromagnetic duality: a brief guide for mathematicians | 2020-06-29 | Paper |
Real spinor bundles and real Lipschitz structures | 2020-06-02 | Paper |
\(\mathcal{N}=1\) geometric supergravity and chiral triples on Riemann surfaces | 2020-04-08 | Paper |
Hidden symmetries of two-field cosmological models | 2019-11-01 | Paper |
A differential model for B-type Landau-Ginzburg theories | 2019-10-23 | Paper |
On the spin geometry of supergravity and string theory | 2019-10-23 | Paper |
Two-field cosmological $\alpha$-attractors with Noether symmetry | 2019-06-17 | Paper |
The global formulation of generalized Einstein-Scalar-Maxwell theories | 2019-02-11 | Paper |
Two-field cosmological models and the uniformization theorem | 2019-02-11 | Paper |
Generalized \(\alpha\)-attractor models from elementary hyperbolic surfaces | 2018-12-11 | Paper |
Generalized two-field \(\alpha\)-attractor models from the hyperbolic triply-punctured sphere | 2018-11-27 | Paper |
B-type Landau-Ginzburg models on Stein manifolds | 2018-11-14 | Paper |
B-type Landau-Ginzburg models with one-dimensional target | 2018-11-14 | Paper |
Generalized two-field \(\alpha\)-attractor models from geometrically finite hyperbolic surfaces | 2018-11-05 | Paper |
Complex Lipschitz structures and bundles of complex Clifford modules | 2018-10-11 | Paper |
On B-type open-closed Landau-Ginzburg theories defined on Calabi-Yau Stein manifolds | 2018-08-24 | Paper |
Differential models for B-type open-closed topological Landau-Ginzburg theories | 2018-08-22 | Paper |
Generalized Einstein-Scalar-Maxwell theories and locally geometric U-folds | 2018-06-27 | Paper |
Foliated eight-manifolds for M-theory compactification | 2018-05-31 | Paper |
Singular foliations for M-theory compactification | 2018-05-31 | Paper |
The landscape of G-structures in eight-manifold compactifications of M-theory | 2018-05-31 | Paper |
Internal circle uplifts, transversality and stratified G-structures | 2018-05-31 | Paper |
Section sigma models coupled to symplectic duality bundles on Lorentzian four-manifolds | 2018-04-27 | Paper |
Geometric U-folds in four dimensions | 2018-03-01 | Paper |
Matrix factorizations over elementary divisor domains | 2018-02-21 | Paper |
Non-degeneracy of cohomological traces for general Landau-Ginzburg models | 2018-02-17 | Paper |
Elementary matrix factorizations over B\'ezout domains | 2018-01-08 | Paper |
Geometric algebra techniques in flux compactifications | 2017-07-18 | Paper |
The Geometric Algebra of Supersymmetric Backgrounds | 2017-02-28 | Paper |
Geometric algebra techniques in flux compactifications. II | 2016-08-12 | Paper |
Graded D-branes and skew categories | 2015-12-09 | Paper |
Foliated backgrounds for M-theory compactifications (II) | 2015-03-01 | Paper |
Foliated backgrounds for M-theory compactifications (I) | 2015-03-01 | Paper |
Geometric algebra and M-theory compactifications | 2013-01-22 | Paper |
On \(\mathrm{Sp}(0)\) factors and orientifolds | 2012-09-09 | Paper |
Generalized Berezin quantization, Bergman metrics and fuzzy Laplacians | 2012-08-26 | Paper |
M-theory compactifications on certain `toric' cones of \(G_{2}\) holonomy | 2011-11-29 | Paper |
On the non-commutative geometry of topological D-branes | 2005-07-22 | Paper |
D-BRANE CATEGORIES | 2004-03-07 | Paper |
Superpotentials, A-infinity Relations and WDVV Equations for Open Topological Strings | 2004-02-16 | Paper |
Enhanced gauge symmetry from ‘toric’ G2 cones | 2003-06-10 | Paper |
Holomorphic matrix models | 2003-03-03 | Paper |
M-theory on `toric' G_2 cones and its type II reduction | 2002-05-07 | Paper |
Gauge-fixing, semiclassical approximation and potentials for graded Chern-Simons theories | 2001-12-04 | Paper |
An analytic torsion for graded D-branes | 2001-11-26 | Paper |
Holomorphic potentials for graded D-branes | 2001-10-31 | Paper |
String field theory and brane superpotentials | 2001-07-19 | Paper |
Collapsing D-branes in one-parameter models and small/large radius duality | 2001-07-15 | Paper |
Collapsing D-branes in Calabi-Yau moduli space. I | 2001-07-08 | Paper |
Graded Chern-Simons field theory and graded topological D-branes | 2001-07-07 | Paper |
On the structure of open-closed topological field theory in two dimensions | 2001-07-04 | Paper |
Graded Lagrangians, exotic topological D-branes and enhanced triangulated categories | 2001-05-07 | Paper |
Generalized complexes and string field theory | 2001-02-19 | Paper |
D-particles on \(T^4/\mathbb{Z}_n\) orbifolds and their resolutions | 2000-07-12 | Paper |
D-branes on non-abelian threefold quotient singularities | 2000-07-12 | Paper |
D3-branes on partial resolutions of abelian quotient singularities of Calabi-Yau threefolds | 2000-07-12 | Paper |
A noncommutative-geometric interpretation of the resolution of equivariant instanton moduli spaces | 1998-05-20 | Paper |
On degree zero semistable bundles over an elliptic curve | N/A | Paper |