Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Scaled Brownian motion with random anomalous diffusion exponent | 2024-12-05 | Paper |
The challenge of non-Markovian energy balance models in climate | 2024-08-26 | Paper |
Fractional Brownian motion with random Hurst exponent: accelerating diffusion and persistence transitions | 2024-07-09 | Paper |
Emergent anomalous transport and non-Gaussianity in a simple mobile-immobile model: the role of advection | 2024-06-17 | Paper |
Erratum to: ``Fractional Brownian motion with random Hurst exponent: accelerating diffusion and persistence transitions | 2024-06-12 | Paper |
Role of asymmetry and external noise in the development and synchronization of oscillations in the analog Hopfield neural networks with time delay | 2024-06-11 | Paper |
Random diffusivity from stochastic equations: comparison of two models for Brownian yet non-Gaussian diffusion | 2024-06-01 | Paper |
Time-fractional Caputo derivative versus other integro-differential operators in generalized Fokker-Planck and generalized Langevin equations | 2023-08-15 | Paper |
Time averaging, ageing and delay analysis of financial time series | 2023-06-14 | Paper |
Time-dependent probability density function for partial resetting dynamics | 2023-05-23 | Paper |
Non-Gaussian displacement distributions in models of heterogeneous active particle dynamics | 2023-05-10 | Paper |
Fractional Brownian motion in superharmonic potentials and non-Boltzmann stationary distributions | 2023-02-10 | Paper |
Stochastic dynamics with multiplicative dichotomic noise: heterogeneous telegrapher's equation, anomalous crossovers and resetting | 2023-01-26 | Paper |
Fractional Brownian motion with random diffusivity: emerging residual nonergodicity below the correlation time | 2023-01-26 | Paper |
Stochastic dynamics driven by combined Lévy–Gaussian noise: fractional Fokker–Planck–Kolmogorov equation and solution | 2023-01-23 | Paper |
First passage time moments of asymmetric Lévy flights | 2023-01-17 | Paper |
First-passage properties of asymmetric Lévy flights | 2023-01-04 | Paper |
Detecting temporal correlations in hopping dynamics in Lennard–Jones liquids | 2022-12-01 | Paper |
Finite-energy Lévy-type motion through heterogeneous ensemble of Brownian particles | 2022-11-18 | Paper |
Heterogeneous diffusion with stochastic resetting | 2022-11-11 | Paper |
Closed-form multi-dimensional solutions and asymptotic behaviors for subdiffusive processes with crossovers. I: Retarding case | 2022-08-29 | Paper |
Goodness-of-fit test for \(\alpha\)-stable distribution based on the quantile conditional variance statistics | 2022-07-07 | Paper |
Publisher correction to: ``Goodness-of-fit test for \(\alpha\)-stable distribution based on the quantile conditional variance statistics | 2022-07-07 | Paper |
Fractional Brownian motion with random Hurst exponent: accelerating diffusion and persistence transitions | 2022-06-08 | Paper |
Capturing multifractality of pressure fluctuations in thermoacoustic systems using fractional-order derivatives | 2021-05-06 | Paper |
Fluctuation relations for anomalous dynamics generated by time-fractional Fokker–Planck equations | 2021-01-14 | Paper |
Lévy noise-driven escape from arctangent potential wells | 2021-01-11 | Paper |
On relation between generalized diffusion equations and subordination schemes | 2021-01-04 | Paper |
Space-fractional Fokker–Planck equation and optimization of random search processes in the presence of an external bias | 2020-08-11 | Paper |
Conservative random walks in confining potentials | 2019-10-07 | Paper |
Generalized diffusion-wave equation with memory kernel | 2019-10-07 | Paper |
First passage statistics for diffusing diffusivity | 2019-10-07 | Paper |
Generalised Diffusion and Wave Equations: Recent Advances | 2019-03-04 | Paper |
Large deviations of time-averaged statistics for Gaussian processes | 2019-02-20 | Paper |
Codifference as a practical tool to measure interdependence | 2018-09-20 | Paper |
From continuous time random walks to the generalized diffusion equation | 2018-06-27 | Paper |
Comb Model with Slow and Ultraslow Diffusion | 2018-03-14 | Paper |
Beyond monofractional kinetics | 2017-11-13 | Paper |
To hit or to pass it over—remarkable transient behavior of first arrivals and passages for Lévy flights in finite domains | 2017-02-08 | Paper |
Search reliability and search efficiency of combined Lévy–Brownian motion: long relocations mingled with thorough local exploration | 2016-10-18 | Paper |
Directed transport induced by spatially modulated Lévy flights | 2016-01-15 | Paper |
Quantifying the non-ergodicity of scaled Brownian motion | 2015-10-23 | Paper |
Diffusion and Fokker-Planck-Smoluchowski equations with generalized memory kernel | 2015-08-17 | Paper |
The Bogolyubov-Born-Green-Kirkwood-Yvon hierarchy and Fokker-Planck equation for many-body dissipative randomly driven systems | 2015-05-15 | Paper |
Ageing and confinement in non-ergodic heterogeneous diffusion processes | 2015-02-20 | Paper |
Localisation and universal fluctuations in ultraslow diffusion processes | 2015-01-09 | Paper |
Diffusion in randomly perturbed dissipative dynamics | 2014-11-13 | Paper |
Marcus versus Stratonovich for systems with jump noise | 2014-09-19 | Paper |
Natural and Modified Forms of Distributed-Order Fractional Diffusion Equations | 2014-09-12 | Paper |
Technology of task-solving in normalized radical media | 2014-06-06 | Paper |
Intellectualization of a complex system as a means of maintaining its information-system safety | 2014-06-06 | Paper |
Correlated continuous time random walks: combining scale-invariance with long-range memory for spatial and temporal dynamics | 2014-01-24 | Paper |
Bulk-mediated Surface Diffusion on a Cylinder in the Fast Exchange Limit | 2013-06-28 | Paper |
Generalized Elastic Model: Fractional Langevin Description, Fluctuation Relation and Linear Response | 2013-06-28 | Paper |
Relaxation to stationary states for anomalous diffusion | 2011-12-28 | Paper |
L\'evy Ratchet in a Weak Noise Limit: Theory and Simulation | 2010-08-25 | Paper |
Matrix approach to discrete fractional calculus. II: Partial fractional differential equations | 2009-04-17 | Paper |
Lévy flights in a steep potential well | 2009-04-08 | Paper |
Some fundamental aspects of Lévy flights | 2008-09-10 | Paper |
Anomalous diffusion and Lévy flights in channeling | 2007-12-04 | Paper |
Fractional diffusion in inhomogeneous media | 2005-11-04 | Paper | | 2005-09-27 | Paper |
First passage and arrival time densities for Lévy flights and the failure of the method of images | 2004-06-10 | Paper |
Stationary solutions of the fractional kinetic equation with a symmetric power-law potential | 2004-01-04 | Paper |
Fractional Brownian motion approximation based on fractional integration of a white noise | 2002-03-04 | Paper | | 2002-01-02 | Paper |
Self and spurious multi-affinity of ordinary Lévy motion, and pseudo-Gaussian relations | 2001-12-06 | Paper | | 2001-09-13 | Paper | | 1993-06-05 | Paper | | 1992-09-27 | Paper |
Solution of operator equations by the method of multiparametric regularization | 1982-01-01 | Paper | | 1982-01-01 | Paper | | 1982-01-01 | Paper | | 1982-01-01 | Paper | | 1982-01-01 | Paper | | 1982-01-01 | Paper | | 1980-01-01 | Paper |
Scaled Brownian motion with random anomalous diffusion exponent | N/A | Paper |