Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Generalized identifiability of sums of squares | 2024-11-04 | Paper |
Vector bundles without intermediate cohomology and the trichotomy result | 2024-10-24 | Paper |
Effective methods for plane quartics, their theta characteristics and the Scorza map | 2024-08-26 | Paper |
Taylor polynomials of rational functions | 2024-06-27 | Paper |
On the degree of varieties of sum of squares | 2024-03-20 | Paper |
A Footnote to a Footnote to a Paper of B. Segre | 2024-02-11 | Paper |
Book Review: Invitation to nonlinear algebra | 2023-12-19 | Paper |
Taylor Polynomials of Rational Functions | 2023-04-03 | Paper |
The critical space for orthogonally invariant varieties | 2022-07-15 | Paper |
The Hessian Map | 2022-04-20 | Paper |
Tensors with eigenvectors in a given subspace | 2022-03-31 | Paper |
Asymptotics of degrees and ED degrees of Segre products | 2021-08-05 | Paper |
The distance function from a real algebraic variety | 2020-10-07 | Paper |
Tensor Rank and Complexity | 2020-04-03 | Paper |
Fine-Structure Classification of Multiqubit Entanglement by Algebraic Geometry | 2019-10-21 | Paper |
Best rank-\(k\) approximations for tensors: generalizing Eckart-Young | 2019-08-20 | Paper |
The Geometry of Rank Decompositions of Matrix Multiplication I: 2 × 2 Matrices | 2019-08-13 | Paper |
Homotopy techniques for tensor decomposition and perfect identifiability | 2019-08-07 | Paper |
On real typical ranks | 2018-10-24 | Paper | | 2018-07-23 | Paper |
Polynomials and the exponent of matrix multiplication | 2018-07-04 | Paper |
Best rank \(k\) approximation for binary forms | 2018-02-20 | Paper |
The Chow form of the essential variety in computer vision | 2017-11-22 | Paper |
The Euclidean distance degree of orthogonally invariant matrix varieties | 2017-11-17 | Paper |
On the number of Waring decompositions for a generic polynomial vector | 2017-11-14 | Paper |
Effective Criteria for Specific Identifiability of Tensors and Forms | 2017-08-14 | Paper |
On generic identifiability of symmetric tensors of subgeneric rank | 2017-03-31 | Paper |
The euclidean distance degree | 2016-09-29 | Paper |
One example of general unidentifiable tensors | 2016-09-13 | Paper |
A geometric perspective on the Singular Value Decomposition | 2016-05-30 | Paper |
The Euclidean distance degree of an algebraic variety | 2016-03-04 | Paper |
New lower bounds for the border rank of matrix multiplication | 2015-08-21 | Paper |
Five Lectures on Projective Invariants | 2015-05-21 | Paper |
An Algorithm For Generic and Low-Rank Specific Identifiability of Complex Tensors | 2015-04-21 | Paper |
Exact Solutions in Structured Low-Rank Approximation | 2015-04-21 | Paper |
The number of singular vector tuples and uniqueness of best rank-one approximation of tensors | 2015-01-16 | Paper |
Refined methods for the identifiability of tensors | 2014-12-03 | Paper |
Eigenvectors of tensors and algorithms for Waring decomposition | 2013-12-11 | Paper |
Equations for secant varieties of Veronese and other varieties | 2013-08-20 | Paper |
Laplace Equations and the Weak Lefschetz Property | 2013-05-24 | Paper |
Introduction to the Hyperdeterminant and to the Rank of Multidimensional Matrices | 2013-04-12 | Paper |
A computational approach to Lüroth quartics | 2013-04-02 | Paper |
Matrices with eigenvectors in a given subspace | 2013-03-20 | Paper |
On the Waring problem for polynomial rings | 2013-02-02 | Paper |
On Generic Identifiability of 3-Tensors of Small Rank | 2013-01-18 | Paper |
On the typical rank of real binary forms | 2012-07-04 | Paper |
On singular Lüroth quartics | 2012-03-29 | Paper |
Non-defectivity of Grassmannians of planes | 2012-02-17 | Paper |
On partial polynomial interpolation | 2011-07-15 | Paper |
Equations for secant varieties via vector bundles | 2010-10-09 | Paper |
On the hypersurface of Lüroth quartics | 2010-09-28 | Paper |
Equations for secant varieties to Veronese varieties | 2010-06-01 | Paper |
An Invariant Regarding Waring’s Problem for Cubic Polynomials | 2009-04-02 | Paper |
Induction for secant varieties of Segre varieties | 2009-02-25 | Paper |
On the Alexander-Hirschowitz theorem | 2008-03-10 | Paper | | 2007-05-15 | Paper |
Symplectic bundles on the plane, secant varieties and L\"uroth quartics revisited | 2007-02-06 | Paper |
Quivers and the cohomology of homogeneous vector bundles | 2006-07-06 | Paper |
Resolutions of homogeneous bundles on \({\mathbb P}^2\). | 2005-05-25 | Paper |
Regularity of the moduli space of instanton bundles \(MI_{\mathbb{P}^3}\)(5) | 2003-08-06 | Paper |
The Binet--Cauchy theorem for the hyperdeterminant of boundary format multi-dimensional matrices | 2003-04-02 | Paper | | 2003-03-10 | Paper | | 2002-11-29 | Paper |
Nondegenerate multidimensional matrices and instanton bundles | 2002-10-07 | Paper | | 2002-01-13 | Paper |
The theorem of Mather on generic projections for singular varieties | 2001-12-09 | Paper |
Unstable hyperplanes for Steiner bundles and mulitdimensional matrices | 2001-07-17 | Paper |
ON SINGULARITIES OF ℳℙ3 (c1, c2) | 1999-03-07 | Paper |
Real and complex't Hooft instanton bundles over ℙ2n+1(ℂ) | 1998-10-08 | Paper |
Boundedness for codimension two submanifolds of quadrics | 1998-08-10 | Paper |
On moduli of instanton bundles on \(\mathbb{P}^{2n+1}\) | 1996-11-05 | Paper |
Stability of Special Instanton Bundles on ℙ 2n + 1 | 1995-04-17 | Paper |
The tangent space at a special symplectic instanton bundle on \(\mathbb{P}_{2n+1}\) | 1995-04-09 | Paper |
The Horrocks bundles of rank three on P5. | 1995-03-01 | Paper |
On moduli of stable 2-bundles with small Chern classes on \(Q_ 3\). Appendix by Nicolae Manolache: The curves \(Y\) of degree 6 with \(\omega_ Y= {\mathcal O}_ Y(-1)\) on a smooth quadric \(Q_ 3\) | 1995-02-06 | Paper | | 1993-08-05 | Paper | | 1993-05-16 | Paper | | 1993-02-21 | Paper |
The theorem of Mather on generic projections in the setting of algebraic geometry | 1992-09-27 | Paper | | 1992-06-26 | Paper | | 1992-06-25 | Paper |
Some Applications of Beilinson's Theorem to Projective Spaces and Quadrics | 1991-01-01 | Paper |
On the 3 and 4-normality of codimension two subvarieties of \({\mathbb{P}}^ n\) | 1990-01-01 | Paper | | 1990-01-01 | Paper | | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
Some extensions of Horrocks criterion to vector bundles on Grassmannians and quadrics | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
Spinor Bundles on Quadrics | 1988-01-01 | Paper | | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
A class of n-bundles on Gr (k, n). | 1987-01-01 | Paper | | 1987-01-01 | Paper | | 1985-01-01 | Paper | | 1984-01-01 | Paper |
Generalized identifiability of sums of squares | N/A | Paper |
Vector bundles without intermediate cohomology and the trichotomy result | N/A | Paper |
Effective methods for plane quartics, their theta characteristics and the Scorza map | N/A | Paper |