Edward G. jun. Coffman

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zbMath Open coffman.edward-g-junDBLPc/EdwardGCoffmanJrWikidataQ5100264 ScholiaQ5100264MaRDI QIDQ948705

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Normal-form preemption sequences for an open problem in scheduling theory2018-02-28Paper
An approximate model of processor communication rings under heavy load2016-05-26Paper
Scheduling Independent Tasks to Minimize the Makespan on Identical Machines2016-05-11Paper
Markov chains, computer proofs, and average-case analysis of best fit bin packing2015-05-07Paper
A performance analysis of channel fragmentation in dynamic spectrum access systems2013-11-25Paper
An efficient algorithm for finding ideal schedules2012-03-23Paper
Self-correcting Self-assembly: Growth Models and the Hammersley Process2009-04-02Paper
Random-order bin packing2008-10-17Paper
On Times to Compute Shapes in 2D Tile Self-assembly2008-04-04Paper
Optimal seamless self-assembly of files in linear networks2007-11-05Paper
Approximation algorithms for extensible bin packing2007-05-15Paper
Stochastic Models of Queue Storage2007-01-19Paper
Scheduling Stochastic Jobs with a Two-Point Distribution on Two Parallel Machines2007-01-19Paper
Tandem Conveyor Queues2007-01-19Paper
Storage-Limited Queues in Heavy Traffic2007-01-19Paper
Gated, Exhaustive, Parallel Service2007-01-19Paper
DNA Computing2006-10-19Paper
Scheduling Two-Point Stochastic Jobs to Minimize the Makespan on Two Parallel Machines2006-09-22Paper
Space filling and depletion2005-04-18Paper
Ideal preemptive schedules on two processors2004-03-11Paper
Packing rectangles in a strip2003-09-01Paper
Optimizing the number of robots for web search engines2003-02-17Paper
Packing random rectangles2002-05-02Paper
Perfect Packing Theorems and the Average-Case Behavior of Optimal and Online Bin Packing2002-04-15Paper
Polling Systems in Heavy Traffic: A Bessel Process Limit2001-11-26Paper
Processor Shadowing: Maximizing Expected Throughput in Fault-Tolerant Systems2001-11-26Paper
The Maximum of a Random Walk and Its Application to Rectangle Packing2001-04-09Paper
Bandwidth packing2001-02-11Paper
Interval packing: the vacant interval distribution.2000-09-04Paper
Bin Packing with Discrete Item Sizes, Part I: Perfect Packing Theorems and the Average Case Behavior of Optimal Packings2000-07-20Paper
Performance of the move-to-front algorithm with Markov-modulated request sequences2000-04-29Paper
Optimal robot scheduling for web search engines1999-04-08Paper
Packing random intervals on-line1999-02-02Paper
Optimal fault-tolerant computing on multiprocessor systems1998-10-01Paper
Processor-Ring Communication: A Tight Asymptotic Bound on Packet Waiting Times1998-09-20Paper
Mutual exclusion scheduling1997-09-10Paper
Bin packing with discrete item sizes, part II: Tight bounds on First Fit1997-03-05Paper
Stochastic limit laws for schedule makespans1996-11-07Paper
Polling systems with zero switchover times: A heavy-traffic averaging principle1996-07-22Paper
Queues served by a rotating ring1996-01-15Paper
Packing random intervals1995-08-15Paper
Parking arcs on the circle with applications to one-dimensional communication networks1995-05-14Paper
Stochastic analysis of a slotted FIFO communication channel1994-10-03Paper
Scheduling saves in fault-tolerant computations1994-06-02Paper
Proof of the 4/3 conjecture for preemptive vs. nonpreemptive two-processor scheduling1994-04-17Paper
The processor minimization problem with independent waiting-time constraints1994-04-05Paper
Processor-shared buffers with reneging1994-03-22Paper
A selection-replacement process on the circle1994-01-30Paper
A Stochastic Checkpoint Optimization Problem1993-09-01Paper
Stochastic Machine Minimization with Constant Service Times1993-08-05Paper
Optimal Stochastic Allocation of Machines under Waiting-Time Constraints1993-05-17Paper
The Gated Infinite-Server Queue: Uniform Service Times1993-05-16Paper
Packings in two dimensions: Asymptotic average-case analysis of algorithms1993-05-16Paper
Probabilistic Analysis of the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Unsplit Demands1993-04-01Paper
Service by a Queue and a Cart1993-01-16Paper
Paths through a maze of rectangles1993-01-16Paper
Scheduling Checks and Saves1992-08-13Paper
A distributed clustering process1992-06-28Paper
On the Optimal Stochastic Scheduling of Out-Forests1992-06-28Paper
Controlled stochastic model of a communication system with multiple sources1992-06-26Paper
Height distributions in data communication buffers with locking protocols1992-06-26Paper
A Simple Proof of the $O( \sqrt{n} \log^{3 / 4} n )$ Upright Matching Bound1991-01-01Paper
Average-case analysis of cutting and packing in two dimensions1990-01-01Paper
Batch sizing and job sequencing on a single machine1990-01-01Paper
Largest-first sequential selection with a sum constraint1990-01-01Paper
First-fit allocation of queues: Tight probabilistic bounds on wasted space1990-01-01Paper
Optimal strategies for scheduling checkpoints and preventive maintenance1990-01-01Paper
A provably efficient algorithm for dynamic storage allocation1989-01-01Paper
Algorithms for Packing Squares: A Probabilistic Analysis1989-01-01Paper
Optimal Scheduling of Products with Two Subassemblies on a Single Machine1989-01-01Paper
Analysis of conveyor queue in a flexible manufacturing system1988-01-01Paper
Asymptotic Methods in the Probabilistic Analysis of Sequencing and Packing Heuristics1988-01-01Paper
Optimal selection of stochastic intervals under a sum constraint1987-01-01Paper
Bin packing with divisible item sizes1987-01-01Paper
Polling and greedy servers on a line1987-01-01Paper
The forwarding index of communication networks1987-01-01Paper
Minimizing expected makespans on uniform processor systems1987-01-01Paper
Queueing models of secondary storage devices1986-01-01Paper
Sojourn times in a tandem queue with overtaking: reduction to a boundary value problem1986-01-01Paper
Sequencing two servers on a sphere1985-01-01Paper
On the Expected Relative Performance of List Scheduling1985-01-01Paper
Sequencing Problems in Two-Server Systems1985-01-01Paper
Scheduling File Transfers1985-01-01Paper
A Stochastic Model of Fragmentation in Dynamic Storage Allocation1985-01-01Paper
Algorithms for resolving conflicts in dynamic storage allocation1985-01-01Paper
A performance guarantee for the greedy set-partitioning algorithm1984-01-01Paper
A Stochastic Optimization Algorithm Minimizing Expected Flow Times on Uniforn Processors1984-01-01Paper
A Note on Expected Makespans for Largest-First Sequences of Independent Tasks on Two Processors1984-01-01Paper
Insertion and Compaction Algorithms in Sequentially Allocated Storage1984-01-01Paper
Permuting Elements Within Columns of a Matrix in Order to Minimize Maximum Row Sum1984-01-01Paper
Dynamic, first-fit packings in two or more dimensions1984-01-01Paper
Optimum Head Separation in a Disk System with Two Read/Write Heads1984-01-01Paper
Approximation Algorithms for Maximizing the Number of Squares Packed into a Rectangle1983-01-01Paper
Dynamic Bin Packing1983-01-01Paper
An Introduction to Combinatorial Models of Dynamic Storage Allocation1983-01-01Paper
Instruction Sets for Evaluating Arithmetic Expressions1983-01-01Paper
On the Expected Performance of Scanning Disks1982-01-01Paper
A two-dimensional bin-packing model of preemptive, FIFO storage allocation1982-01-01Paper
Optimization of the Number of Copies in a Distributed Data Base1981-01-01Paper
An analysis of parallel-read sequential-write systems1981-01-01Paper
A Tight Asymptotic Bound for Next-Fit-Decreasing Bin-Packing1981-01-01Paper
Performance Bounds for Level-Oriented Two-Dimensional Packing Algorithms1980-01-01Paper
Orthogonal Packings in Two Dimensions1980-01-01Paper
A Characterization of Waiting Time Performance Realizable by Single-Server Queues1980-01-01Paper
Combinatorial Analysis of an Efficient Algorithm for Processor and Storage Allocation1979-01-01Paper
An Application of Bin-Packing to Multiprocessor Scheduling1978-01-01Paper
An efficient algorithm for allocating paged, drum-like storage1978-01-01Paper
A Class of FIFO Queues Arising in Computer Systems1978-01-01Paper
Bin packing: Maximizing the number of pieces packed1978-01-01Paper
Flow-Time Sequencing of Independent Tasks on Multiple Processors’*1977-01-01Paper
Record Allocation for Minimizing Expected Retrieval Costs on Drum-Like Storage Devices1976-01-01Paper
Algorithms minimizing mean flow time: Schedule-length properties1976-01-01Paper
On batch scheduling of jobs with stochastic service times and cost structures on a single server1976-01-01Paper
Anaysis of interleaved memory systems using blockage buffers1975-01-01Paper
Synthesis of a Feedback Queueing Discipline for Computer Operation1974-01-01Paper
Scheduling independent tasks to reduce mean finishing time1974-01-01Paper
A Problem in Multiprogrammed Storage Allocation1974-01-01Paper
A Combinatorial Problem Related to Interleaved Memory Systems1973-01-01Paper
A study of storage partitioning using a mathematical model of locality1972-01-01Paper
Analysis of Scanning Policies for Reducing Disk Seek Times1972-01-01Paper
On the Performance of Interleaved Memories with Multiple-Word Bandwidths1971-01-01Paper
Performance predictions for extended paged memories1971-01-01Paper
Optimal scheduling for two-processor systems1971-01-01Paper
Waiting Time Distributions for Processor-Sharing Systems1970-01-01Paper
On file structuring for non-uniform access frequencies1970-01-01Paper
File structures using hashing functions1970-01-01Paper
Preemptive Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks on Multiprocessor Systems1970-01-01Paper
Analysis of a Drum Input/Output Queue Under Scheduled Operation in a Paged Computer System1969-01-01Paper
Markov chain analyses of multiprogrammed computer systems1969-01-01Paper
Organizing matrices and matrix operations for paged memory systems1969-01-01Paper
Optimal Preemptive Scheduling on Two-Processor Systems1969-01-01Paper
A Random-Walk Model of a Queue Storage Problem1968-01-01Paper
Feedback Queueing Models for Time-Shared Systems1968-01-01Paper
On the Motion of an Unbounded, Markov Queue in Random Access Storage1968-01-01Paper
Analysis of Two Time-Sharing Algorithms Designed for Limited Swapping1968-01-01Paper
Distribution of attained service in time-shared systems1967-01-01Paper
Interarrival statistics for time sharing systems1966-01-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

This page was built for person: Edward G. jun. Coffman