Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Logics for order-of-magnitude qualitative reasoning: formalizing negligibility | 2024-09-06 | Paper |
A measure of consistency for fuzzy logic theories | 2024-01-26 | Paper |
Measures of inclusion and entropy based on the \(\varphi\)-index of inclusion | 2023-10-26 | Paper |
Connecting concept lattices with bonds induced by external information | 2023-09-22 | Paper |
Formal Methods in FCA and Big Data | 2022-12-12 | Paper |
Galois Connections Between Unbalanced Structures in a Fuzzy Framework | 2022-12-06 | Paper |
Formal Concept Analysis and Structures Underlying Quantum Logics | 2022-12-06 | Paper |
Formal Independence Analysis | 2022-12-06 | Paper |
Relating Hilbert-Chu Correspondences and Big Toy Models for Quantum Mechanics | 2022-11-15 | Paper |
A View of f-indexes of Inclusion Under Different Axiomatic Definitions of Fuzzy Inclusion | 2022-11-04 | Paper |
Some relationships between the notions of \(f\)-inclusion and \(f\)-contradiction | 2022-10-27 | Paper |
On some categories underlying knowledge graphs | 2022-10-27 | Paper |
A flexible logic-based approach to closeness using order of magnitude qualitative reasoning | 2022-06-09 | Paper | | 2022-04-20 | Paper | | 2021-07-06 | Paper |
Multi-adjoint lattices from adjoint triples with involutive negation | 2021-06-24 | Paper |
Relational Galois connections between transitive digraphs: characterization and construction | 2021-03-31 | Paper |
Functional degrees of inclusion and similarity between \(L\)-fuzzy sets | 2021-01-19 | Paper |
Relational Galois connections between transitive fuzzy digraphs | 2020-11-09 | Paper |
\(L\)-fuzzy relational mathematical morphology based on adjoint triples | 2020-09-22 | Paper |
An Adjoint Pair for Intuitionistic L-Fuzzy Values | 2020-02-13 | Paper |
A relational extension of Galois connections | 2020-02-11 | Paper |
On the n-ary Generalization of Dual Bonds | 2020-02-07 | Paper | | 2019-08-01 | Paper |
Generating Isotone Galois Connections on an Unstructured Codomain | 2019-07-26 | Paper |
A multimodal logic for closeness | 2018-09-12 | Paper |
On reductants in the framework of multi-adjoint logic programming | 2018-07-30 | Paper |
On the construction of adjunctions between a fuzzy preposet and an unstructured set | 2018-02-20 | Paper |
On the Dedekind-MacNeille completion and formal concept analysis based on multilattices | 2018-01-22 | Paper |
Toward the Use of Fuzzy Relations in the Definition of Mathematical Morphology Operators | 2017-02-17 | Paper |
On the definition of suitable orderings to generate adjunctions over an unstructured codomain | 2017-02-07 | Paper |
On homogeneousL-bonds and heterogeneousL-bonds | 2016-08-29 | Paper |
A logic framework for reasoning with movement based on fuzzy qualitative representation | 2015-06-24 | Paper |
On residuation in multilattices: filters, congruences, and homomorphisms. | 2015-06-24 | Paper |
On Closure Systems and Adjunctions Between Fuzzy Preordered Sets | 2015-06-16 | Paper |
Multi-adjoint concept lattices with heterogeneous conjunctors and hedges. | 2015-02-05 | Paper |
Revising the link between \(L\)-Chu correspondences and completely lattice \(L\)-ordered sets. | 2015-02-05 | Paper |
Revisiting Reductants in the Multi-adjoint Logic Programming Framework | 2015-01-14 | Paper |
Dual multi-adjoint concept lattices | 2014-08-01 | Paper |
Finitary coalgebraic multisemilattices and multilattices. | 2014-06-27 | Paper |
On the Existence of Isotone Galois Connections between Preorders | 2014-06-24 | Paper |
On basic conditions to generate multi-adjoint concept lattices via Galois connections | 2014-04-25 | Paper |
A Multi-Adjoint Approach to Similarity-Based Unification | 2013-08-15 | Paper |
Concept-Forming Operators on Multilattices | 2013-05-31 | Paper |
On multi-adjoint concept lattices based on heterogeneous conjunctors | 2012-11-29 | Paper | | 2012-06-20 | Paper |
On the existence and unicity of stable models in normal residuated logic programs | 2012-05-15 | Paper |
On the Notions of Residuated-Based Coherence and Bilattice-Based Consistence | 2011-09-16 | Paper |
OnL-fuzzy Chu correspondences | 2011-06-15 | Paper |
A coalgebraic approach to non-determinism: applications to multilattices | 2011-01-28 | Paper |
Measuring Instability in Normal Residuated Logic Programs: Discarding Information | 2010-10-27 | Paper |
Efficient Thresholded Tabulation for Fuzzy Query Answering | 2010-04-23 | Paper |
Congruence relations on some hyperstructures | 2010-03-19 | Paper |
Multi-adjoint t-concept lattices | 2010-03-11 | Paper |
Relating generalized concept lattices and concept lattices for non-commutative conjunctors | 2010-02-12 | Paper |
Formal concept analysis via multi-adjoint concept lattices | 2009-11-17 | Paper |
Fuzzy congruence relations on nd-groupoids | 2009-11-10 | Paper |
An implementation of a dual tableaux system for order-of-magnitude qualitative reasoning | 2009-11-10 | Paper |
On Fixed-Points of Multivalued Functions on Complete Lattices and Their Application to Generalized Logic Programs | 2009-11-06 | Paper |
Multi-lattices as a Basis for Generalized Fuzzy Logic Programming | 2009-07-02 | Paper |
A Fixed-Point Theorem for Multi-valued Functions with an Application to Multilattice-Based Logic Programming | 2009-07-02 | Paper |
On Coherence and Consistence in Fuzzy Answer Set Semantics for Residuated Logic Programs | 2009-07-02 | Paper |
Relational Approach to Order-of-Magnitude Reasoning | 2009-01-20 | Paper |
On Multi-adjoint Concept Lattices: Definition and Representation Theorem | 2007-09-03 | Paper |
Termination of logic programs with imperfect information: applications and query procedure | 2007-07-25 | Paper |
Fuzzy logic programming via multilattices | 2007-04-18 | Paper |
Logics in Artificial Intelligence | 2006-10-25 | Paper |
Logics in Artificial Intelligence | 2006-10-25 | Paper | | 2006-06-19 | Paper | | 2006-06-12 | Paper | | 2006-02-06 | Paper |
A neural implementation of multi-adjoint logic programming | 2004-10-28 | Paper |
Similarity-based unification: A multi-adjoint approach | 2004-08-20 | Paper | | 2004-08-12 | Paper | | 2004-08-09 | Paper | | 2004-08-09 | Paper | | 2003-09-03 | Paper | | 2003-07-01 | Paper | | 2003-07-01 | Paper | | 2003-06-20 | Paper | | 2003-03-18 | Paper |
Satisfiability testing for Boolean formulas using \(\Delta\)-trees | 2003-03-12 | Paper | | 2002-11-25 | Paper |
Reductions for non-clausal theorem proving | 2002-03-03 | Paper |
Implicates and reduction techniques for temporal logics | 2000-06-07 | Paper | | 1999-10-05 | Paper | | 1997-11-25 | Paper |