Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Wells-type exact sequence and crossed extensions of algebras with bracket | 2024-10-01 | Paper |
Universal central extensions of braided crossed modules of groups | 2024-07-01 | Paper |
2D linear CA with mixing boundary conditions and reversibility | 2024-05-14 | Paper |
Universal central extensions of compatible Leibniz algebras | 2024-03-22 | Paper |
Notes on Leibniz \(n\)-algebras | 2024-01-04 | Paper |
Wells type exact sequence and crossed extensions of algebras with bracket | 2023-07-28 | Paper |
$q$-crossed modules and $q$-capability of Lie algebras | 2023-06-02 | Paper |
Evolution algebras and dynamical systems of a worm propagation model | 2023-04-13 | Paper |
Universal central extensions of braided crossed modules of Lie algebras | 2023-01-23 | Paper |
The non-abelian tensor and exterior products of crossed modules of Lie superalgebras | 2022-09-09 | Paper |
On the nilpotent Lie superalgebras of small superbreadth | 2022-09-06 | Paper |
Braiding for categorical algebras and crossed modules of algebras II: Leibniz algebras | 2022-07-19 | Paper |
Evolutionary Dynamics of Zero-sum Games with Degenerate Payoff Matrix and Bisexual Population | 2022-07-01 | Paper |
Pre-derivations and description of non-strongly nilpotent filiform Leibniz algebras | 2021-11-15 | Paper |
On new classes of chains of evolution algebras | 2021-11-11 | Paper |
On (s,t)-Volterra Quadratic Stochastic Operators of a Bisexual Population | 2021-09-08 | Paper | | 2021-07-29 | Paper |
Quadratic operators corresponding to permutations | 2021-04-27 | Paper |
On the capability of Leibniz algebras | 2021-04-27 | Paper |
Central extensions of filiform associative algebras | 2021-04-14 | Paper |
The dynamics of (π, α)-cubic stochastic operators | 2021-02-24 | Paper |
On a family of non-Volterra quadratic operators acting on a simplex | 2021-01-21 | Paper |
Braiding for categorical algebras and crossed modules of algebras I: Associative and Lie algebras | 2020-11-10 | Paper |
Solvable Leibniz algebras with quasi-filiform Lie algebras of maximum length nilradicals | 2020-09-03 | Paper |
Naturally Graded Quasi-Filiform Associative Algebras | 2020-08-31 | Paper |
Dealing with negative conditions in automated proving: tools and challenges. The unexpected consequences of Rabinowitsch's trick | 2020-08-12 | Paper |
Some classes of nilpotent associative algebras | 2020-04-06 | Paper |
Schur's theorem and its relation to the closure properties of the non-abelian tensor product | 2020-03-27 | Paper |
HNN-extension of Lie superalgebras | 2020-03-11 | Paper |
Classification of naturally graded Zinbiel algebras with characteristic sequence equal to \((n-p, p)\) | 2020-02-28 | Paper |
Rota-type operators on null-filiform associative algebras | 2019-12-16 | Paper |
Universal central extensions of braided crossed modules in Lie algebras | 2019-11-26 | Paper |
Minimal representations of filiform Lie algebras and their application for construction of Leibniz algebras | 2019-09-19 | Paper |
Action theory of alternative algebras | 2019-07-17 | Paper |
On chains and Rota-Baxter operators of evolution algebras | 2019-06-19 | Paper |
Leibniz algebras constructed by representations of general diamond Lie algebras | 2019-06-17 | Paper |
On Levi–Malcev theorem for Leibniz algebras | 2019-06-03 | Paper |
Markov processes of cubic stochastic matrices: quadratic stochastic processes | 2019-05-29 | Paper |
Universal central extensions of $\mathfrak{sl}(m, n, A)$ over associative superalgebras | 2019-05-03 | Paper |
The second cohomology group of simple Leibniz algebras | 2019-03-15 | Paper |
Automorphisms and derivations of Leibniz algebras | 2019-02-27 | Paper |
Pre-derivations and description of non-strongly nilpotent filiform Leibniz algebras | 2018-10-27 | Paper |
On the equiprobable strictly non-Volterra quadratic stochastic operators | 2018-06-20 | Paper |
Universal central extensions of Lie–Rinehart algebras | 2018-06-14 | Paper |
On a Volterra cubic stochastic operator | 2018-04-12 | Paper |
Exact sequences in homology of multiplicative Lie rings and a new version of Stallings' theorem | 2018-03-02 | Paper |
Gr\"obner Bases under Composition, Survey paper | 2018-01-30 | Paper |
A natural extension of the universal enveloping algebra functor to crossed modules of Leibniz algebras | 2017-12-15 | Paper |
Construction of flows of finite-dimensional algebras | 2017-10-20 | Paper |
Some irreducible components of the variety of complex \((n + 1)\)-dimensional Leibniz algebras | 2017-09-29 | Paper |
Solvable Leibniz algebras with naturally graded non-Liep-filiform nilradicals | 2017-08-16 | Paper |
Algebras of cubic matrices | 2017-08-03 | Paper |
F-evolution algebra | 2017-07-19 | Paper |
Universal central extensions of Leibniz superalgebras over superdialgebras | 2017-07-12 | Paper |
On Identically Distributed non-Volterra Cubic Stochastic Operator | 2017-07-04 | Paper |
More on crossed modules in Lie, Leibniz, associative and diassociative algebras | 2017-06-02 | Paper |
Non-abelian tensor and exterior products of multiplicative Lie rings | 2017-05-03 | Paper |
On some closure properties of the non-abelian tensor product | 2016-12-22 | Paper |
Flow of finite-dimensional algebras | 2016-11-02 | Paper |
Bounding the gap between a free group (outer) automorphism and its inverse | 2016-09-16 | Paper |
Corrigendum to: ``Classification of solvable Leibniz algebras with naturally graded filiform nilradical. | 2016-08-31 | Paper |
Non-ergodicity of uniform quadratic stochastic operators | 2016-06-01 | Paper |
Conditional cubic stochastic operator | 2016-03-29 | Paper |
Test for Leibniz \(n\)-algebra structure | 2016-03-03 | Paper |
Solvable Leibniz algebra with non-Lie and non-split naturally graded filiform nilradical and its rigidity | 2016-02-23 | Paper |
Non-abelian tensor product and homology of Lie superalgebras | 2015-08-05 | Paper |
Universal enveloping crossed module of a Lie crossed module | 2015-03-19 | Paper |
Dibaric and evolution algebras in biology | 2015-03-17 | Paper |
Adjunction between crossed modules of groups and algebras | 2015-02-17 | Paper |
On solvable Leibniz algebras whose nilradical is a direct sum of null-filiform algebras | 2014-10-29 | Paper |
On Algebraic properties of ABO-Blood Type Inheritance Pattern | 2014-10-28 | Paper |
The classification of non-characteristically nilpotent filiform Leibniz algebras | 2014-09-19 | Paper |
An evolution algebra in population genetics | 2014-07-21 | Paper |
Baer invariants and cohomology of precrossed modules | 2014-06-24 | Paper |
The excision theorems in Hochschild and cyclic homologies | 2014-06-03 | Paper |
Universal central extensions of $\mathfrak{sl}(m, n, A)$ of small rank over associative superalgebras | 2014-05-15 | Paper |
On Evolution Algebras | 2014-04-25 | Paper |
Left-right noncommutative Poisson algebras | 2014-03-19 | Paper |
On the degenerations of solvable Leibniz algebras | 2014-02-19 | Paper |
On nilpotent index and dibaricity of evolution algebras | 2014-01-21 | Paper |
Some radicals, Frattini and Cartan subalgebras of Leibnizn-algebras | 2014-01-15 | Paper |
Chevalley-Eilenberg homology of crossed modules of Lie algebras in lower dimensions | 2014-01-02 | Paper |
Evolution algebra of a bisexual population | 2013-10-25 | Paper |
Evolution algebra of a "chicken" population | 2013-07-18 | Paper | | 2013-07-10 | Paper |
Classification of \(p\)-adic 6-dimensional filiform Leibniz algebras by solutions of \(x^q=a\) | 2013-07-05 | Paper |
Low-dimensional non-abelian Leibniz cohomology | 2013-07-03 | Paper |
Classification of solvable Leibniz algebras with null-filiform nilradical | 2013-06-24 | Paper |
Actor of a Lie–Leibniz Algebra | 2013-05-30 | Paper |
On the non-existence of a cyclic homology theory with coefficients | 2013-05-24 | Paper |
Two generalizations of the nonabelian tensor product. | 2013-04-17 | Paper |
Classification of solvable Leibniz algebras with naturally graded filiform nilradical | 2013-03-05 | Paper |
Cyclic homologies of crossed modules of algebras | 2012-12-06 | Paper |
Actions in the Category of Precrossed Modules in Lie Algebras | 2012-10-18 | Paper |
More on the Hochschild and Cyclic Homologies of Crossed Modules of Algebras | 2012-08-17 | Paper |
ON NILPOTENT LEIBNIZ n-ALGEBRAS | 2012-06-25 | Paper |
An algorithm for the classification of 3-dimensional complex Leibniz algebras | 2012-05-14 | Paper |
The generalized conjugacy problem for virtually free groups | 2011-06-14 | Paper |
A chain of evolution algebras | 2011-06-08 | Paper |
Homology and central extensions of Leibniz and Lie \(n\)-algebras | 2011-05-17 | Paper |
Cyclic homology via derived functors. | 2010-11-19 | Paper | | 2010-04-16 | Paper |
Homological aspects of Lie algebra crossed modules | 2010-03-10 | Paper |
Universal strict general actors and actors in categories of interest | 2010-03-09 | Paper |
Higher Hopf formula for homology of Leibniz \(n\)-algebras | 2010-02-19 | Paper |
Actor of a Precrossed Module | 2010-01-14 | Paper |
Actor of an alternative algebra | 2009-10-03 | Paper |
Hochschild homology with coefficients in an \(H\)-unital ideal. | 2009-08-17 | Paper |
Gröbner bases in universal enveloping algebras of Leibniz algebras | 2009-04-14 | Paper |
The precise center of a crossed module | 2009-04-08 | Paper |
Crossed modules for Leibniz n-algebras | 2008-11-05 | Paper | | 2008-07-29 | Paper |
Peiffer elements in simplicial groups and algebras | 2008-06-26 | Paper |
Computing low dimensional Leibniz homology of some perfect Leibniz algebras | 2008-06-03 | Paper |
Hopf type formulas for cyclic homology | 2008-05-08 | Paper |
A note on Gröbner bases and Berlekamp's algorithm | 2008-03-06 | Paper |
Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem for Leibniz \(n\)-algebras | 2008-01-16 | Paper |
More on five commutator identities. | 2007-09-17 | Paper |
On universal central extensions of precrossed and crossed modules | 2007-04-26 | Paper |
Ganea Term for the Homology of Precrossed Modules | 2007-02-14 | Paper |
Homology of multiplicative Lie rings | 2007-02-02 | Paper |
On Solvability and Nilpotency of Leibnizn-Algebras | 2006-09-25 | Paper |
Triple cohomology of Lie-Rinehart algebras and the canonical class of associative algebras | 2005-10-27 | Paper |
Homology of \((n+1)\)-types and Hopf type formulas | 2005-08-01 | Paper |
Epimorphisms of crossed modules | 2005-03-21 | Paper |
Central extensions of precrossed modules | 2005-01-17 | Paper |
Crossed modules for Lie-Rinehart algebras. | 2004-05-27 | Paper |
Homology of precrossed modules | 2004-03-23 | Paper |
Universal central extensions of precrossed modules and Milnor's relative \(K_{2}\) | 2003-10-15 | Paper | | 2003-10-08 | Paper |
N-Crossed Extensions of Crossed Modules | 2003-09-25 | Paper |
Non-abelian Tensor Product of Leibniz Algebras and an Exact Sequence in Leibniz Homology | 2003-08-14 | Paper |
Derived functors and the homology of \(n\)-types | 2003-02-12 | Paper | | 2002-01-01 | Paper | | 2001-12-19 | Paper |
CCG-homology of crossed modules via classifying spaces | 2001-04-08 | Paper |
H2(T, G, ∂) and central extensions for crossed modules | 1999-11-30 | Paper |
Nilpotent crossed modules and homology | 1999-11-10 | Paper |
On totally free crossed modules | 1999-10-14 | Paper |
The actor of a crossed module in lie algebras | 1998-08-09 | Paper | | 1997-05-06 | Paper |
Perfect crossed modules in lie algebras | 1995-06-13 | Paper |
Crossed modules and homology | 1994-09-22 | Paper |
An eight term exact sequence relative to a variety | 1987-01-01 | Paper | | 1987-01-01 | Paper | | 1984-01-01 | Paper |