Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Improved methods for finding imaginary quadratic fields with high \(n\)-rank | 2024-04-30 | Paper |
Unconditional computation of the class groups of real quadratic fields | 2024-04-30 | Paper |
Numerical and Statistical Analysis of Aliquot Sequences | 2021-04-07 | Paper |
Divisor class group arithmetic on C3,4 curves | 2021-03-11 | Paper |
Jacobian Versus Infrastructure in Split Hyperelliptic Curves | 2020-06-29 | Paper |
Improved efficiency of a linearly homomorphic cryptosystem | 2019-10-14 | Paper |
A note on the security of CSIDH | 2019-03-29 | Paper |
Provably Sublinear Point Multiplication on Koblitz Curves and Its Hardware Implementation | 2017-08-08 | Paper |
Fast heuristic algorithms for computing relations in the class group of a quadratic order, with applications to isogeny evaluation | 2017-04-04 | Paper |
Computing quadratic function fields with high 3-rank via cubic field tabulation | 2016-03-24 | Paper |
Unconditional class group tabulation of imaginary quadratic fields to $\|\Delta \| < 2^{40}$ | 2016-03-23 | Paper |
Infrastructure: Structure Inside the Class Group of a Real Quadratic Field | 2015-10-14 | Paper |
Construction of all cubic function fields of a given square-free discriminant | 2015-09-11 | Paper |
Comparison of scalar multiplication on real hyperelliptic curves | 2015-01-28 | Paper |
Smoothness testing of polynomials over finite fields | 2015-01-28 | Paper |
Computing discrete logarithms in the Jacobian of high-genus hyperelliptic curves over even characteristic finite fields | 2014-01-22 | Paper |
Shorter Compact Representations in Real Quadratic Fields | 2013-12-10 | Paper |
Tabulation of cubic function fields via polynomial binary cubic forms | 2013-07-17 | Paper |
Improved Exponentiation and Key Agreement in the Infrastructure of a Real Quadratic Field | 2012-09-21 | Paper |
Sublinear Scalar Multiplication on Hyperelliptic Koblitz Curves | 2012-06-08 | Paper |
Explicit formulas for real hyperelliptic curves of genus 2 in affine representation | 2012-01-25 | Paper |
Fast ideal cubing in imaginary quadratic number and function fields | 2011-06-03 | Paper |
Efficient reduction of large divisors on hyperelliptic curves | 2011-06-03 | Paper |
Cryptographic protocols on real hyperelliptic curves | 2011-03-10 | Paper |
Cryptographic aspects of real hyperelliptic curves | 2011-02-17 | Paper |
Practical Improvements to Class Group and Regulator Computation of Real Quadratic Fields | 2010-09-29 | Paper |
Rigorous Computation of Fundamental Units in Algebraic Number Fields | 2010-01-23 | Paper |
Solving the Pell equation | 2008-11-17 | Paper |
An Adaptation of the NICE Cryptosystem to Real Quadratic Orders | 2008-06-13 | Paper | | 2008-03-20 | Paper |
Construction of hyperelliptic function fields of high three-rank | 2007-11-30 | Paper |
Explicit Formulas for Real Hyperelliptic Curves of Genus 2 in Affine Representation | 2007-11-15 | Paper |
Algorithmic Number Theory | 2007-05-02 | Paper |
An improved real-quadratic-field-based key exchange procedure | 2006-08-14 | Paper | | 2006-06-06 | Paper |
Information Security and Privacy | 2005-09-07 | Paper |
Algorithmic Number Theory | 2005-08-12 | Paper | | 2005-04-08 | Paper | | 2004-08-11 | Paper | | 2004-08-04 | Paper |
Towards practical non-interactive public-key cryptosystems using non-maximal imaginary qua\-dratic orders | 2003-11-10 | Paper |
A computational approach for solving $y^2=1^k+2^k+\dotsb+x^k$ | 2003-07-28 | Paper | | 2003-02-25 | Paper |
New quadratic polynomials with high densities of prime values | 2002-11-19 | Paper |
Modular arithmetic on elements of small norm in quadratic fields | 2002-09-17 | Paper | | 2002-06-13 | Paper |
Computing discrete logarithms in quadratic orders | 2002-02-19 | Paper | | 2002-01-09 | Paper |
The Size of the Fundamental Solutions of Consecutive Pell Equations | 2001-03-19 | Paper |
Analysis of the Xedni calculus attack | 2000-11-20 | Paper | | 1999-09-09 | Paper | | 1999-08-31 | Paper | | 1999-05-20 | Paper |
Applying sieving to the computation of quadratic class groups | 1999-03-22 | Paper |
On some computational problems in finite abelian groups | 1997-12-16 | Paper |
An Investigation of Bounds for the Regulator of Quadratic Fields | 1997-04-09 | Paper |
Solving norm equations in global function fields | 0001-01-03 | Paper |