Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Asymmetric instability of flow-induced vibration for elastically mounted cube at moderate Reynolds numbers | 2024-10-21 | Paper |
Reduced-order modeling: a personal journey | 2023-08-17 | Paper |
Critical effect of fore-aft tapering on galloping triggering for a trapezoidal body | 2023-07-21 | Paper |
Harmonic balance methods applied to computational fluid dynamics problems | 2022-04-14 | Paper |
Dynamic Equations of Motion for Inextensible Beams and Plates | 2021-07-15 | Paper |
A study of the regularized lid-driven cavity's progression to chaos | 2020-10-22 | Paper |
Analysis on global and chaotic dynamics of nonlinear wave equations for truss core sandwich plate | 2019-05-20 | Paper |
Bifurcation observation of combining spiral gear transmission based on parameter domain structure analysis | 2018-10-12 | Paper |
Natural frequencies of a super-critical transporting Timoshenko beam | 2018-08-15 | Paper |
Hamilton's principle and Hamilton's equations with holonomic and non-holonomic constraints | 2017-11-24 | Paper |
Minimal subspace rotation on the Stiefel manifold for stabilization and enhancement of projection-based reduced order models for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations | 2016-12-05 | Paper |
Nonlinear elastic plate in a flow of gas: recent results and conjectures | 2016-06-30 | Paper |
Mathematical Aeroelasticity: A Survey | 2015-12-22 | Paper | | 2015-11-19 | Paper |
A modern course in aeroelasticity | 2014-10-09 | Paper |
Low-dimensional modelling of high-Reynolds-number shear flows incorporating constraints from the Navier–Stokes equation | 2014-06-30 | Paper |
An examination of initial condition maps for the sinusoidally excited buckled beam modeled by the Duffing's equation | 2012-04-05 | Paper |
On necessary and sufficient conditions for chaos to occur in Duffing's equation: an Heuristic approach | 2012-04-05 | Paper |
Frequency domain solutions to multi-degree-of-freedom, dry friction damped systems | 2012-04-05 | Paper |
Routes to escape from an energy well | 2012-03-01 | Paper |
A New Solution Method for Unsteady Flows Around Oscillating Bluff Bodies | 2011-03-24 | Paper |
Hopf-flip bifurcation of high-dimensional maps and application to vibro-impact systems | 2010-11-25 | Paper |
A novel harmonic balance analysis for the van der Pol oscillator | 2010-11-24 | Paper |
Computationally fast harmonic balance methods for unsteady aerodynamic predictions of helicopter rotors | 2008-08-22 | Paper |
Complex dynamics of a pyranose ring structure molecule attached to an atomic force micro\-scope | 2007-10-31 | Paper |
Multiscale, Multiphenomena Modeling and Simulation at the Nanoscale: On Constructing Reduced-Order Models for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems With Many Degrees-of-Freedom | 2007-06-01 | Paper |
On the evolution of deterministic non-periodic behavior of an airfoil | 2007-03-28 | Paper |
Limit cycle oscillations of two-dimensional panels in low subsonic flow | 2007-03-28 | Paper |
Enhanced nonlinear dynamics for accurate identification of stiffness loss in a thermo-shielding panel | 2006-08-14 | Paper |
The secondary bifurcation of an aeroelastic airfoil motion: effect of high harmonics | 2005-12-08 | Paper |
Modal reduction of mathematical models of biological molecules | 2005-11-04 | Paper |
Reduced order dynamic model for polysaccharides molecule attached to an atomic force microscope | 2005-01-11 | Paper |
Localized basis function method for computing limit cycle oscillations | 2003-12-09 | Paper |
The stability of limit–cycle oscillations in a nonlinear aeroelastic system | 2003-04-09 | Paper | | 2001-01-01 | Paper |
The Influence of a Nonzero Angle of Attack and Gust Loads on the Nonlinear Response of a Typical Airfoil Section with a Control Surface Freeplay | 2000-11-21 | Paper | | 2000-11-07 | Paper |
Optimal multi-dimensional OGY controller | 2000-06-21 | Paper |
On the optimality of the Ott-Grebogi-Yorke control scheme | 2000-02-01 | Paper |
Basins of Attraction in Experimental Nonlinear Oscillators | 2000-01-25 | Paper |
Resonances of a harmonically forced Duffing oscillator with time delay state feedback | 1999-01-26 | Paper |
Eigenmode analysis in unsteady aerodynamics - Reduced-order models | 1998-11-15 | Paper |
The role of higher modes in the chaotic motion of the buckled beam. I. II | 1998-06-18 | Paper | | 1997-08-21 | Paper |
Flutter of an infinitely long panel in a duct | 1995-07-06 | Paper | | 1993-06-05 | Paper |
Effect of structural damping on flutter of plates with a follower force | 1993-05-16 | Paper |
Effect of constant transverse force on chaotic oscillations of sinusoidally excited buckled beam | 1993-01-16 | Paper |
Study of intensification zones in a rectangular acoustic cavity | 1992-08-13 | Paper |
Limit cycle oscillation of a fluttering cantilever plate | 1992-06-28 | Paper |
Eigenvalue calculation procedure for an Euler/Navier-Stokes solver with application to flows over airfoils | 1992-06-27 | Paper |
Static subsonic aeroelastic stability of a shell wrapped around a rigid surface | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
Approach to modeling and estimation for uncertain systems | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
On chaos and fractal behavior in a generalized Duffing's system | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
An estimator for uncertain output matrix systems | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
Principal coordinate realization of state estimation and its application of order reduction | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
Theory and application of dynamic decoupling in structural analysis: Another view | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
On the Understanding of Chaos in Duffings Equation Including a Comparison With Experiment | 1986-01-01 | Paper |
Random response of beams and plates with slipping at support boundaries | 1986-01-01 | Paper |
A Study of Dynamic Instability of Plates by an Extended Incremental Harmonic Balance Method | 1985-01-01 | Paper |
Multi-Harmonic Analysis of Dry Friction Damped Systems Using an Incremental Harmonic Balance Method | 1985-01-01 | Paper |
The behavior of a linear, damped modal system with a non-linear spring-mass—dry friction damper system attached, part II | 1985-01-01 | Paper | | 1984-01-01 | Paper |
Postbuckling behavior of rectangular orthotropic plates with two free side edges | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Component Mode Analysis of Nonlinear, Nonconservative Systems | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Forced response of a cantilever beam with a dry friction damper attached, part I: Theory | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
The behavior of a linear, damped modal system with a non-linear spring-mass-dry friction damper system attached | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Linear/nonlinear behavior in unsteady transonic aerodynamics | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
Component mode analysis of a simple non-linear, non-conservative system | 1982-01-01 | Paper |
Non-linear oscillator models in bluff body aero-elasticity | 1981-01-01 | Paper |
Bounds on Modal Damping by a Component Modes Method Using Lagrange Multipliers | 1980-01-01 | Paper |
Component Mode Analysis of Nonlinear and Nonconservative Systems | 1980-01-01 | Paper | | 1980-01-01 | Paper |
On Some General Properties of Combined Dynamical Systems | 1979-01-01 | Paper |
Variable thickness shear layer aerodynamics revisited | 1977-01-01 | Paper |
Aerodynamic Effects of Inviscid Parallel Shear Flows | 1977-01-01 | Paper | | 1975-01-01 | Paper |
Dynamic analysis of an elastic plate on a thin, elastic foundation | 1974-01-01 | Paper |
Free Vibrations of a Linear Structure With Arbitrary Support Conditions | 1971-01-01 | Paper |
Comparison of theory and experiment for nonlinear flutter of loaded plates | 1970-01-01 | Paper |
Nonlinear flutter of curved plates. | 1969-01-01 | Paper |
Non-linear theory of unstable plane Poiseuille flow | 1969-01-01 | Paper |
Modal equations for the nonlinear flexural vibrations of a cylindrical shell | 1968-01-01 | Paper |
Generalized aerodynamic forces on a flexible cylindrical shell undergoing transient motion | 1968-01-01 | Paper |
Generalized aerodynamic forces on a flexible plate undergoing transient motion | 1967-01-01 | Paper |
On the nonlinear flexural vibrations of rings. | 1967-01-01 | Paper |
Generalized aerodynamic forces on an oscillating cylindrical shell -Subsonic and supersonic flow. | 1966-01-01 | Paper |
Generalized aerodynamic forces on an oscillating cylindrical shell | 1966-01-01 | Paper |
Flutter of multibay panels at high supersonic speeds | 1964-01-01 | Paper |