Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Sharpening the Dirac inequality | 2024-04-11 | Paper |
Dirac inequality for highest weight Harish-Chandra modules II | 2024-01-19 | Paper |
Clifford algebras, symmetric spaces and cohomology rings of Grassmannians | 2023-10-07 | Paper |
On the classification of unitary highest weight modules | 2023-05-25 | Paper |
Dirac inequality for highest weight Harish-Chandra modules I | 2023-03-13 | Paper |
Cubic Dirac operator for $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)$ | 2022-09-20 | Paper |
Representation theoretic embedding of twisted Dirac operators | 2021-10-21 | Paper |
Twisted Dirac Index and Applications to Characters | 2020-06-29 | Paper |
Dirac index and associated cycles of Harish-Chandra modules | 2020-01-17 | Paper |
Computing the associated cycles of certain Harish-Chandra modules | 2019-07-24 | Paper |
Dirac index and twisted characters | 2019-01-09 | Paper |
On classifying unitary modules by their Dirac cohomology | 2018-07-25 | Paper |
BGG complexes in singular infinitesimal character for type A | 2018-01-02 | Paper |
Translation principle for Dirac index | 2017-12-22 | Paper |
Classifying $$A_\mathfrak {q}(\lambda )$$ A q ( λ ) Modules by Their Dirac Cohomology | 2017-07-13 | Paper |
Dirac operator and its cohomology for the quantum group Uq(𝖘𝖑𝟐) | 2017-05-08 | Paper |
Higher Dirac cohomology of modules with generalized infinitesimal character | 2016-10-12 | Paper |
Corrigendum to ``Dirac cohomology and translation functors | 2016-02-04 | Paper |
Branching problems and ${\mathfrak{sl}}(2,\mathbb{C})$-actions | 2016-02-01 | Paper |
Dirac cohomology of unipotent representations of Sp(2n,R) and U(p,q) | 2015-05-20 | Paper |
Dirac cohomology, K -characters and branching laws | 2013-10-30 | Paper |
Dirac cohomology and translation functors | 2013-10-09 | Paper |
Dirac cohomology and unipotent representations of complex groups | 2012-01-05 | Paper |
Dirac cohomology of Wallach representations | 2011-03-01 | Paper | | 2011-01-26 | Paper | | 2011-01-26 | Paper |
Dirac cohomology and the bottom layer K-types | 2011-01-19 | Paper | | 2010-12-20 | Paper | | 2010-07-29 | Paper |
Dirac cohomology of some Harish-Chandra modules | 2009-06-17 | Paper |
Dirac operators and Lie algebra cohomology | 2008-02-28 | Paper |
Zuckerman functors between equivariant derived categories | 2007-02-01 | Paper |
Dirac cohomology for Lie superalgebras | 2006-10-11 | Paper | | 2006-08-09 | Paper |
A simple proof of Bernstein-Lunts equivalence | 2005-11-02 | Paper |
Coproducts for Clifford algebras | 2005-03-30 | Paper | | 2005-02-09 | Paper | | 2004-03-14 | Paper |
Equivariant analogues of Zuckerman functors | 2004-01-11 | Paper |
Dirac cohomology, unitary representations and a proof of a conjecture of Vogan | 2001-12-10 | Paper | | 2001-07-26 | Paper | | 1999-02-22 | Paper | | 1998-07-06 | Paper |
New dual pair correspondences | 1996-11-04 | Paper | | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
Quantised $\mathfrak{sl}_2$-differential algebras | N/A | Paper |
Braided coproduct, antipode and adjoint action for $U_q(sl_2)$ | N/A | Paper |