Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
The KDM-CCA Security of REACT | 2022-12-09 | Paper |
The ECCA Security of Hybrid Encryptions | 2022-12-09 | Paper |
On the linear complexity of feedforward clock-controlled sequence | 2022-07-01 | Paper |
A new class of \(p\)-ary regular bent functions | 2021-05-12 | Paper |
New quadratic bent functions in polynomial forms with coefficients in extension fields | 2019-08-27 | Paper |
Efficient 3-dimensional GLV method for faster point multiplication on some GLS elliptic curves | 2017-11-03 | Paper |
Construction of Efficient MDS Matrices Based on Block Circulant Matrices for Lightweight Application | 2017-07-28 | Paper |
The Weight Distributions of Cyclic Codes and Elliptic Curves | 2017-06-08 | Paper |
Network Coding Signature Schemes Against Related-Key Attacks in the Random Oracle Model | 2017-05-19 | Paper |
A semantically secure public key cryptoscheme using bit-pair shadows | 2016-11-24 | Paper |
A Note on Semi-bent and Hyper-bent Boolean Functions | 2015-12-02 | Paper |
The Gallant-Lambert-Vanstone Decomposition Revisited | 2015-12-02 | Paper |
Implementing optimized pairings with elliptic nets | 2015-11-20 | Paper |
Some techniques for faster scalar multiplication on GLS curves | 2015-11-05 | Paper |
A Public Key Cryptoscheme Using Bit-Pairs with Provable Semantical Security | 2015-10-29 | Paper |
Cryptography on twisted Edwards curves over local fields | 2015-08-05 | Paper |
Constructing vectorial Boolean functions with high algebraic immunity based on group decomposition | 2015-06-24 | Paper |
A note on cyclic codes from APN functions | 2014-10-02 | Paper |
Generation and Tate Pairing Computation of Ordinary Elliptic Curves with Embedding Degree One | 2014-09-29 | Paper |
On algorithmic aspects of thel-torsion of Brauer groups | 2013-11-19 | Paper |
Faster pairing computation on genus \(2\) hyperelliptic curves | 2013-03-28 | Paper |
Pseudorandom Generators Based on Subcovers for Finite Groups | 2013-01-07 | Paper |
Implementing the 4-dimensional GLV method on GLS elliptic curves with \(j\)-invariant 0 | 2012-04-04 | Paper | | 2011-09-29 | Paper | | 2011-09-29 | Paper | | 2011-09-29 | Paper |
A Generalization of Verheul’s Theorem for Some Ordinary Curves | 2011-07-29 | Paper |
Hierarchical management scheme by local fields | 2011-06-24 | Paper | | 2010-02-12 | Paper |
Some lower bounds for the spectral radius of matrices using traces | 2010-02-09 | Paper |
Cryptography on elliptic curves over \(p\) -adic number fields | 2008-05-07 | Paper |
A model of hierarchical key assignment scheme | 2007-06-01 | Paper |
Applied Cryptography and Network Security | 2005-06-13 | Paper | | 2002-01-20 | Paper |
Onp-series and the mullineux conjecture | 1999-12-20 | Paper |
On properties of the Mullineux map with an application to Schur modules | 1999-11-22 | Paper |
A break of public key cryptosystem PKCY | 1998-07-03 | Paper |
On mullineux' conjecture in the representation theory of symmetric groups | 1998-06-02 | Paper | | 1995-01-19 | Paper |