Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
The critical point of a sigmoidal curve | 2022-07-19 | Paper |
A susceptible-infectious (SI) model with two infective stages and an endemic equilibrium | 2022-02-22 | Paper |
Gromov product structures, quadrangle structures and split metric decompositions for finite metric spaces | 2021-04-28 | Paper |
Matrix Invariants of Finite Metric Spaces | 2020-03-06 | Paper |
Gromov Product Decomposition of 7-point Metric Spaces | 2018-04-09 | Paper |
Determination of epidemic parameters from early phase fatality data: A case study of the 2009 A (H1N1) pandemic in Europe | 2018-03-06 | Paper |
An equivalence class decomposition of finite metric spaces via Gromov products | 2017-05-22 | Paper |
On the classification of scalar evolution equations with non-constant separant | 2017-02-09 | Paper |
On the uniqueness of epidemic models fitting a normalized curve of removed individuals | 2015-10-02 | Paper |
The Fourier Transform of the First Derivative of the Generalized Logistic Growth Curve | 2015-02-25 | Paper |
The Critical Point of a Sigmoidal Curve: the Generalized Logistic Equation Example | 2014-07-17 | Paper |
‘Level grading’ a new graded algebra structure on differential polynomials: application to the classification of scalar evolution equations | 2013-10-23 | Paper |
Non-twisting vacuum metrics with D(σ/ρ)=0 | 2012-10-06 | Paper |
Canonical forms for families of anti-commuting diagonalizable linear operators | 2011-11-29 | Paper | | 2011-10-05 | Paper |
\((3+3+2)\) warped-like product manifolds with holonomy | 2011-05-03 | Paper |
Maximal linear subspaces of strong self-dual 2-forms and the Bonan 4-form | 2011-02-09 | Paper |
Toward the Classification of Scalar Nonpolynomial Evolution Equations: Polynomiality in Top Three Derivatives | 2009-10-19 | Paper |
Scalar fields coupled to gravity in (3+1) dimensions: Static spherically symmetric stiff matter solutions | 2008-12-08 | Paper | | 2008-11-17 | Paper |
Canonical bases for real representations of Clifford algebras | 2007-02-14 | Paper | | 2006-07-20 | Paper |
Towards the classification of scalar nonpolynomial evolution equations: quasilinearity | 2006-02-02 | Paper |
An exact solution for static scalar fields coupled to the gravity in \((2+1)\)-dimensions | 2005-08-18 | Paper | | 2001-07-09 | Paper |
The geometry of self-dual two-forms | 2000-07-11 | Paper |
Monopole equations on 8-manifolds with Spin(7)-holonomy | 2000-02-17 | Paper |
Singular travelling wave solutions of the fifth-order KdV, Sawada-Kotera and Kaup equations | 1998-09-24 | Paper | | 1997-09-04 | Paper |
Solution and ellipticity properties of the self duality equations of Corrigan \textit{et al.} in eight dimensions | 1997-02-04 | Paper |
Self-dual Yang-Mills fields in eight dimensions | 1996-06-04 | Paper |
Self-duality in Dimensions $2n>4$: Equivalence of Various Definitions, and an Upper Bound for $p_2$ | 1996-04-11 | Paper |
On the equivalence of linearization and formal symmetries as integrability tests for evolution equations | 1996-01-01 | Paper |
Integrability of seventh-order KdV-like evolution equations using formal symmetries and perturbations of conserved densities | 1993-04-01 | Paper |
Integration of the radial Newman-Penrose equations in terms of rho , sigma and xi k | 1991-01-01 | Paper |
An asymptotically flat vacuum solution | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
Classification of Integrable Evolution Equations of the Form $u_t=u_{xxx}+f(t,x,u,u_x,u_{xx})$ | N/A | Paper |
WITHDRAWN: Miura Transformations for Integrable Evolution Equations of the Form $u_t=u_{xxx}+f(t,x,u,u_x,u_{xx})$ | N/A | Paper |