Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Isoperimetric planar clusters with infinitely many regions | 2024-02-02 | Paper |
Locally isoperimetric partitions | 2023-12-21 | Paper |
On the Steiner tree connecting a fractal set | 2023-04-04 | Paper |
Origami and Fractal Solutions of Differential Systems | 2022-11-11 | Paper |
Isoperimetric clusters in homogeneous spaces via concentration compactness | 2022-08-26 | Paper |
The quadruple planar bubble enclosing equal areas is symmetric | 2020-01-10 | Paper |
Minimal clusters of four planar regions with the same area | 2018-12-21 | Paper | | 2018-09-17 | Paper |
Flows of measures generated by vector fields | 2018-08-24 | Paper |
Minimal cluster computation for four planar regions with the same area | 2018-06-27 | Paper |
An example of an infinite Steiner tree connecting an uncountable set | 2015-07-14 | Paper | | 2014-05-19 | Paper |
The degenerate two well problem for piecewise affine maps | 2013-08-08 | Paper |
Structure of metric cycles and normal one-dimensional currents | 2013-04-30 | Paper |
Existence and regularity results for the Steiner problem | 2013-03-18 | Paper |
The two well problem for piecewise affine maps | 2013-01-03 | Paper |
Decomposition of acyclic normal currents in a metric space | 2012-12-13 | Paper |
Origami and Partial Differential Equations | 2012-09-18 | Paper |
Functions with orthogonal Hessian. | 2011-09-01 | Paper |
The Steiner problem for infinitely many points | 2011-02-10 | Paper |
Connecting measures by means of branched transportation networks at finite cost | 2010-12-22 | Paper | | 2010-06-17 | Paper |
A short proof of the minimality of Simons cone | 2009-07-22 | Paper |
On the \(n\)-dimensional Dirichlet problem for isometric maps | 2009-02-10 | Paper |
Lipschitz-continuous local isometric immersions: rigid maps and origami | 2008-08-06 | Paper |
An explicit solution to a system of implicit differential equations | 2008-03-11 | Paper |
Optimal transportation networks as flat chains | 2007-01-03 | Paper |
Qualitative Properties of Maximum Distance Minimizers and Average Distance Minimizers in \mathbb Rn | 2006-11-17 | Paper |
On one-dimensional continua uniformly approximating planar sets | 2006-10-16 | Paper |
Partial regularity for quasi minimizers of perimeter: errata-corrige | 2006-09-28 | Paper |
Regularity results for boundaries in \(\mathbb R^2\) with prescribed anisotropic curvature | 2006-09-28 | Paper |
Global Solutions to the Gradient Flow Equation of a Nonconvex Functional | 2006-05-31 | Paper |
On the relaxed total variation of singular maps | 2003-09-16 | Paper |
Some regularity results for minimal crystals | 2003-08-19 | Paper |
Regularity results for some 1-homogeneous functionals | 2003-03-11 | Paper |
A computational approach to fractures in crystal growth. | 2002-10-31 | Paper |
Partial regularity for quasi minimizers of perimeter | 2000-02-07 | Paper |
Regularity for minimal boundaries in \(\mathbb{R}^n\) with mean curvature in \(L^n\) | 1998-11-29 | Paper |
Steiner trees with infinitely many terminals on the sides of an angle | N/A | Paper |