
From MaRDI portal
Revision as of 22:50, 13 December 2023 by Tconrad (talk | contribs) (Created page with "-- Required module containing helper methods local helper = require('Module:HelperMethods') -- Required modules for SPARQL queries and HTML table generation local sparql = require('SPARQL') local mwHtml = require('mw.html') -- Main table to hold all functions local p = {} -- Function to build a HTML table from SPARQL query results function p.buildTableFromSparql(frame) -- Retrieve target1 from frame arguments or return error message if not set local target = fr...")
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:PersonList/doc

-- Required module containing helper methods
local helper = require('Module:HelperMethods')

-- Required modules for SPARQL queries and HTML table generation
local sparql = require('SPARQL')
local mwHtml = require('mw.html')

-- Main table to hold all functions
local p = {}

-- Function to build a HTML table from SPARQL query results
function p.buildTableFromSparql(frame)
    -- Retrieve target1 from frame arguments or return error message if not set
	local target = frame.args[1]
    if not target or target == '' then
        return "No records found"

    -- Constructing the SPARQL query with dynamic entity target1
    local sparqlQuery = [[
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>

SELECT ?item ?itemLabel
  ?item wdt:P31 wd:Q57162.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
ORDER BY ?propertyLabel

	-- Executing the SPARQL query and retrieving results in JSON format
	local jsonResults = sparql.runQuery(sparqlQuery)

	-- Handle error in SPARQL query execution
	if jsonResults and jsonResults.error then
    	mw.log("Error in SPARQL query: " .. tostring(jsonResults.error))
    	return nil
	if not jsonResults.results or not jsonResults.results.bindings or #jsonResults.results.bindings == 0 then
        return "No records found."

	-- Convert the JSON results into a Lua table
	local dataTable = helper.convertJsonToTable(jsonResults)

	-- Create and return a HTML table from the data
    local headers = {"Property", "Value"}

    return helper.createHtmlTableWithMergedCols(dataTable, headers, {{1, 2}})

-- Return the created html table
return p