Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
A dynamical approach to the \(\alpha -\beta\) displacive transition of quartz | 2024-11-01 | Paper |
Foundations of physics in Milan, Padua and Paris. Newtonian trajectories from celestial mechanics to atomic physics | 2022-08-25 | Paper |
The FPU problem as a statistical-mechanical counterpart of the KAM problem, and its relevance for the foundations of physics | 2019-04-26 | Paper |
Statistical thermodynamics for metaequilibrium or metastable states | 2018-02-14 | Paper |
Chaoticity threshold in magnetized plasmas: Numerical results in the weak coupling regime | 2017-11-17 | Paper |
Persistence of regular motions for nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems in the thermodynamic limit | 2017-06-30 | Paper |
On the energy transfer to small scales in a discrete model of one-dimensional turbulence | 2015-04-21 | Paper |
Carlo Cercignani's interests for the foundations of physics | 2014-08-19 | Paper |
A first principles explanation for the density limit in magnetized plasmas | 2010-01-25 | Paper |
Nikolai Nikolaevich Nekhoroshev (obituary) | 2009-11-20 | Paper | | 2008-10-20 | Paper |
On the stability of spatially uniform Langmuir oscillations of electronic plasmas | 2007-10-05 | Paper |
Recent results on the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem | 2007-08-07 | Paper |
The Fermi–Pasta–Ulam problem as a challenge for the foundations of physics | 2005-11-08 | Paper |
Localization of energy in FPU chains | 2005-02-28 | Paper |
On the definition of temperature in FPU systems | 2004-08-10 | Paper | | 2004-05-27 | Paper | | 2002-05-21 | Paper | | 2001-05-17 | Paper |
On the specific heat of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam systems and their glassy behavior | 1999-11-25 | Paper |
Nonuniqueness properties of the physical solutions of the Lorentz-Dirac equation | 1995-08-15 | Paper | | 1994-10-04 | Paper |
Asymptotic character of the series of classical electrodynamics and an application to bremsstrahlung | 1994-08-08 | Paper | | 1993-06-29 | Paper |
Towards a rigorous treatment of the Jeans-Landau-Teller method for the energy exchanges of harmonic oscillators | 1993-05-16 | Paper |
On the problem of energy equipartition for large systems of the Fermi- Pasta-Ulam type: Analytical and numerical estimates | 1993-01-18 | Paper |
Effective stability for a Hamiltonian system near an elliptic equilibrium point, with an application to the restricted three body problem | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
Realization of holonomic constraints and freezing of high frequency degrees of freedom in the light of classical perturbation theory. II | 1989-01-01 | Paper | | 1989-01-01 | Paper | | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
Realization of holonomic constraints and freezing of high frequency degrees of freedom in the light of classical perturbation theory. I | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
A proof of Nekhoroshev's theorem for the stability times in nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems | 1985-01-01 | Paper | | 1985-01-01 | Paper |
Lyapunov characteristic exponents for smooth dynamical systems and for Hamiltonian systems; a method for computing all of them. I: Theory | 1980-01-01 | Paper | | 1978-01-01 | Paper | | 1978-01-01 | Paper |
Formal integrals for an autonomous Hamiltonian system near an equilibrium point | 1978-01-01 | Paper |