Available identifiers
zbMath Open chakrabarti.amithaba MaRDI QID Q866851
List of research outcomes
This list is not complete and representing at the moment only items from zbMATH Open and arXiv . We are working on additional sources - please check back here soon!
Publication Date of Publication Type Eigenstates and eigenvalues of chain Hamiltonians based on multiparameter braid matrices for all dimensions 2018-08-07 Paper Unitary braid matrices: bridge between topological and quantum entanglements 2013-06-07 Paper Multiparameter statistical models from \(N^2 \times N^2\) braid matrices: explicit eigenvalues of transfer matrices \textbf{T}\(^{(r)}\), spin chains, factorizable scatterings for all \(N\) 2012-09-04 Paper EXOTIC BIALGEBRAS: NON-DEFORMATION QUANTUM GROUPS 2012-01-01 Paper Comment on ``Minimal parabolic quantum groups in twist deformations by M. Ilyin and V. Lyakhovsky on a ``new deformation of \(GL(2)\) 2010-06-25 Paper A new eight vertex model and higher dimensional, multiparameter generalizations 2009-01-23 Paper Exotic Bialgebras from 9x9 Unitary Braid Matrices 2008-12-11 Paper Higher dimensional multiparameter unitary and nonunitary braid matrices: Even dimensions 2008-12-08 Paper Higher dimensional unitary braid matrices: Construction, associated structures, and entanglements 2008-10-14 Paper Nested sequence of projectors. II. Multiparameter multistate statistical models, Hamiltonians, S-matrices 2007-05-16 Paper New class ôN of statistical models: Transfer matrix eigenstates, chain Hamiltonians, factorizable S matrix 2007-05-16 Paper Exotic bialgebra \(S03\): representations, Baxterisation and applications. 2007-02-14 Paper Addendum to "On Super-Jordanian ${\cal U}_{\sf h}(sl(N|1))$ Algebra 2007-01-13 Paper Duality and representations for new exotic bialgebras 2004-12-14 Paper Spectral Decomposition and Baxterization of Exotic Bialgebras and Associated Noncommutative Geometries 2003-12-15 Paper Duality for exotic bialgebras 2001-09-04 Paper On a deformation of with paragrassmannian variables 1999-01-21 Paper On nonlinear angular momentum theories, their representations and associated Hopf structures 1998-09-10 Paper Representations of Uq (sl(N)) at roots of unity 1997-04-10 Paper Representations of Uq (SO(5)) and non-minimal q-deformation 1997-01-14 Paper Periodic and partially periodic representations of \(\text{SU}(N)_ q\) 1992-06-27 Paper Flat periodic representations of \({\mathcal U}_ q({\mathcal G})\) 1992-06-27 Paper The character table of the Hecke algebra $H_n(q)$ in terms of traces of products of Murphy operators N/A Paper Non--Minimal $q$--Deformations and Orthogonal Symmetries: $U_q$(SO(5)) Example N/A Paper On the Fundumental Invariant of the Hecke Algebra $H_{n}(q)$ N/A Paper Combined (q,h)-Deformation as a Nonlinear Map on $U_q(sl(2))$ N/A Paper Maps and twists relating $U(sl(2))$ and the nonstandard $U_{h}(sl(2))$: unified construction N/A Paper General Construction of Nonstandard $R_h$-matrices as Contraction Limits of $R_{q}$-matrices N/A Paper
Research outcomes over time
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