Invariants of 3-manifolds via link polynomials and quantum groups

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DOI10.1007/BF01239527zbMath0725.57007WikidataQ56092695 ScholiaQ56092695MaRDI QIDQ2276808

Nicolai Reshetikhin, Vladimir G. Turaev

Publication date: 1991

Published in: Inventiones Mathematicae (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL:

57M99: General low-dimensional topology

81T99: Quantum field theory; related classical field theories

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I. A topological quantum field theory, SPIN TOPOLOGICAL QUANTUM FIELD THEORIES, SU(n)-CHERN–SIMONS INVARIANTS OF SEIFERT FIBERED 3-MANIFOLDS, The trace space and Kauffman’s knot invariants, Unnamed Item, On Hopf Algebras and Their Generalizations, ON THE QUANTUM INVARIANT FOR THE BRIESKORN HOMOLOGY SPHERES, COMBINATORIC AND DIAGRAMMATIC STUDY IN KNOT THEORY, Quantum relatives of the Alexander polynomial, Integral lattices in TQFT, ASYMPTOTICS OF THE QUANTUM INVARIANTS FOR SURGERIES ON THE FIGURE 8 KNOT, Representations of Weak Hopf Algebras Associated to Cyclic Quivers, The Notion of Vertex Operator Coalgebra and a Geometric Interpretation, Complex Topological Invariants of Three-Hyperbolic Manifolds, ON HABIRO'S CYCLOTOMIC EXPANSIONS OF THE OHTSUKI INVARIANT, Invariants from classical field theory, On an inner product in modular tensor categories, PURE-BRAIDED HOPF ALGEBRAS AND KNOT INVARIANTS, RESHETIKHIN–TURAEV INVARIANTS OF SEIFERT 3-MANIFOLDS FOR CLASSICAL SIMPLE LIE ALGEBRAS, CHERN–SIMONS–WITTEN CONFIGURATION SPACE INTEGRALS IN KNOT THEORY, Topological description of representations of \(U_q(sl_2)\), Semiclassical approximation for Chern-Simons theory and \(3\)-hyperbolic invariants., Gravity from CFT on \(S^ N(X)\): symmetries and interactions., Les invariants \(\theta_p\) des 3-variétés périodiques. (The \(\theta_p\) invariants of periodic 3-manifolds), Reshetikhin-Turaev invariants of Seifert 3-manifolds and a rational surgery formula, Modular categories and Hopf algebras, Invariants of Three-Manifolds, Unitary Representations of the Mapping Class Group, and Numerical Calculations

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