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zbMath0070.12401MaRDI QIDQ3231529

F. B. Hildebrand

Publication date: 1956

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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I. Topological considerations, Efficient Algorithms for Polynomial Interpolation and Numerical Differentiation, Unnamed Item, On fitting exponential regressions, A Generalized Interpolation Algorithm, Chebyshev Type Quadrature Formulas, Trigonometric and Gaussian Quadrature, A note on correctors with an arbitrary number of nonstep points, On the Numerical Solution of Equations of the Abel Type, Minimum Norm Differentiation Formulas with Improved Roundoff Error Bounds, Numerical inversion of Mellin transforms, Deciphering Singularities by Discrete Methods, A unified approach to solving ill-conditioned matrix problems, Existence of Detonations for Large Values of the Rate Parameter, Certain positive definite submatrices that arise from binomial coefficient matrices, A variational method for the solution of eigenvalue problems involving mixed boundary conditions, On the propagation of error in numerical integrations, A study of sub‐tabulation for tracking high speed bodies†, Estimation of frequencies of sinusoids in the presence of noise, \(d\)-fold Hermite-Gauss quadrature, The simultaneous approximation of polynomial roots, Single server queues with hyperexponential service times, Method of initial functions for thick transversely isotropic shells, Unnamed Item, Approximate Integration Formulas for Certain Spherically Symmetric Regions, A Finite Difference Exponential Approximation Method, Multivariate Polynomial Approximation for Equidistant Data, Tables of Zeros and Gaussian Weights of Certain Associated Laguerre Polynomials and the Related Generalized Hermite Polynomials, Decomposing polynomial interpolation for systolic arrays, Conditional Least Squares Polynomial Approximation, Some Properties of Orthogonal Polynomials, A One-Step Method for the Numerical Solution of Second Order Linear Ordinary Differential Equations, Trigonometric interpolation, Classroom notes, New Properties of the Zeros of Krall Polynomials, The generation of arbitrary-phase polynomials by recurrence formulae, Numerical treatment of convolution integrals involving distributions with densities having singularities at the origin, Discrete Galerkin and Related One-Step Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations, Steffensen's poweroids, A Runge‐Kutta Method for the Numerical Integration of the Differential Equation y″ = f(x, y), On the Construction and Properties of $m$-step Methods for FDEs, Convergence acceleration by means of numerical quadrature, Koopman Resolvent: A Laplace-Domain Analysis of Nonlinear Autonomous Dynamical Systems, On a matrix theorem due to H. O. Kreiss, Quadrature Formulas for Semi-Infinite Integrals, A method of high-order accuracy for the numerical integration of boundary value problems, Optimal specification of incentive remuneration systems, Some Comments on the Derivation and Structure of Newton‐Cotes Quadrature Formulae, Konvergenz der Linienmethode bei einem parabolischen Rand‐Kontrollproblem