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zbMath0271.18006MaRDI QIDQ3215398

Nicolae Popescu

Publication date: 1973

18-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to category theory

16Gxx: Representation theory of associative rings and algebras

16Exx: Homological methods in associative algebras

18Exx: Categorical algebra

16-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to associative rings and algebras

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II, Sur une classe d'anneaux de prüfer avec groupe de classes de torsion, Attached atoms in Grothendieck categories, Differential operators on quantized flag manifolds at roots of unity, II, Hearts of t-structures in the derived category of a commutative Noetherian ring, Associated Graded Algebras and Coalgebras, Flat Comodules and Perfect Coalgebras, The Picard Group of Corings, Algebroid prestacks and deformations of ringed spaces, Localization in Coalgebras. Stable Localizations and Path Coalgebras, Tilting equivalences for Grothendieck categories, A Generalization of Watts's Theorem: Right Exact Functors on Module Categories, Homological identities for noncommutative rings, Indecomposable decompositions of pure-injective objects and the pure-semisimplicity., On the Picard group of a Grothendieck category, On the Picard group of a Grothendieck category, Nilpotence, radicals and monoidal structures. With an appendix by Peter O'Sullivan., Localising embeddings of comodule categories with applications to tame and Euler coalgebras, Local duality for structured ring spectra, Derived equivalence for quantum symplectic resolutions, Hom-computable coalgebras, a composition factors matrix and the Euler bilinear form of an Euler coalgebra., Uppers to zero and semistar operations in polynomial rings, Generic representations of orthogonal groups: The functor category \({\mathcal F}_{\text{quad}}\), Negative \(K\)-theory of derived categories, Configurations in abelian categories. I: Basic properties and moduli stacks, Derived equivalences induced by big cotilting modules, Hereditary coalgebras and representations of species., The Popescu-Gabriel theorem for triangulated categories, Stability of abelian groups in a topos of sheaves, *-MODULES, TILTING, AND ALMOST ABELIAN CATEGORIES, Localisation homotopique et tour de Taylor pour une catégorie abélienne, Subspaces of non-commutative spaces, THE HOMOGENISED ENVELOPING ALGEBRA OF THE LIE ALGEBRA sℓ(2,ℂ), Unnamed Item, ON THE HOMOGENIZED ENVELOPING ALGEBRA OF THE LIE ALGEBRA Sℓ(2,ℂ) II, Definable additive categories: purity and model theory, An Overring-Theoretic Approach to Polynomial Extensions of Star and Semistar Operations, On Localizing Systems in a Prűfer Domain, Serre duality for non-commutative ${\mathbb {P}}^{1}$-bundles, Quasi-Frobenius Functors. 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I: Classical tilting., Relative homology, higher cluster-tilting theory and categorified Auslander-Iyama correspondence, Localization in abelian categories and double dual functors, The kernels of completion maps and a relative form of Nakayama's lemma, Retract rational fields and cyclic Galois extensions, Explaining Gabriel-Zisman localization to the computer, Local morphisms and modules with a semilocal endomorphism ring., Sklyanin algebras and Hilbert schemes of points, Riemann-Roch for equivariant \({\mathcal D}\)-modules. 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II, Generic representations of the finite general linear groups and the Steenrod algebra. II, On the trace of graded automorphisms, Connected graded Gorenstein algebras with enough normal elements, Invariant subspaces of the ring of functions on a vector space over a finite field, Adjoint functors and equivalences of subcategories, The injective spectrum of a noncommutative space., Uniqueness of monogeny classes for uniform objects in abelian categories, Universal property of the Kaplansky ideal transform and affineness of open subsets, Equivalences of comodule categories for coalgebras over rings, A Krull-Schmidt theorem for Noetherian modules, Types of Serre subcategories of Grothendieck categories, Symmetric quiver Hecke algebras and R-matrices of quantum affine algebras, The Auslander-Reiten components seen as quasi-hereditary categories, Localization of \(LM_n\)-algebras, The Beilinson-Bernstein correspondence for quantized enveloping algebras., Cohen-Macaulay modules on hypersurface singularities. I, Abelian categories of modules over a (lax) monoidal functor, Schur algebras of reductive \(p\)-adic groups. I, A generalization of the Gabriel-Popescu theorem, Idealizer rings and noncommutative projective geometry, Frobenius bimodules between noncommutative spaces., Relative homological algebra and purity in triangulated categories, On endomorphism rings of quasiprojective modules, BGG algebras and the BGG reciprocity principle, Non-commutative resolutions and Grothendieck groups, Specialization orders on atom spectra of Grothendieck categories, Direct limits in the heart of a t-structure: the case of a torsion pair