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zbMath0081.26501MaRDI QIDQ3249822

Pierre Samuel, Oscar Zariski

Publication date: 1958

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Berenstein - A. Yger and invariants of contact at infinity, Unnamed Item, Hilbert's basis theorem for *-radical ideals, Differentials on Quotients of Algebraic Varieties, Unnamed Item, Algebraically constructible chains., Prehomogeneous Vector Spaces and Varieties, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Growth of multiplicities of graded families of ideals, On Minimal Sets of Generators of Purely Inseparable Field Extensions, Unique Factorization of Ideals into Nonfactorable Ideals, Rings in Which the Unique Primary Decomposition Theorem Holds, On the Homological Dimension of Certain Ideals, Integral domains with quotient overrings, Prüfer rings, Homology of Smooth Splines: Generic Triangulations and a Conjecture of Strang, A note on the FIP property for extensions of commutative rings, On the primitive irreducible representations of finitely generated linear groups of finite rank, On Inner Product Spaces Over Dedekind Domains of Characteristic Two, Prime Decompositions in Infinite Extensions of Global Fields, Compositions of Consistent Systems of Rank One Discrete Valuation Rings, Über die normalen Punkte eines komplexen Raumes, Compact rings, Deformationen von Singularitäten komplexer Räume, Simple modules and their essential extensions for skew polynomial rings, Geometric Automorphisms of a Free Group of Rank at Least Three are Rare, Distributed system transfer functions of exponential order, Topological Examples of Projective Modules, Geometric and algebraic reduction for singular momentum maps, One-dimensional bad Noetherian domains, Effective Bezout identities in \({\mathbb{Q}}[z_ 1,\dots ,z_ n\)], The Laskerian Property, Power Series Rings and Noetherian Spectra, Filtrations, closure operations and prime divisors, On a measure of algebraic independence of modulus and values of Jacobi elliptic function, A Lower Central Series for Split Hopf Algebras with Involution, Number of generators of derivation modules of some hypersurfaces, Unnamed Item, Differential Criteria for Flatness, A Note on Complete Intersections, Conciseness in compact \(R\)-analytic groups, Sur la dualité dans les $({\cal T})$-algèbres. Application aux anneaux, aux modules, aux demi-groupes, TRANSCENDENTAL AND ALGEBRAIC EXTENSIONS OF COMMUTATIVE RINGS, Approximate solution of multipoint boundary value problems for linear differential equations by polynomial functions, Reductions of ideals in local rings with finite residue fields, Unnamed Item, Idéaux et types sur les corps séparablement clos, Surles faces du cône associé pléthysme, Homogenization and dimension in Λ - graded rings, A note on the algebra of Poisson brackets, Stability and nonsingular stable precompensation: An algebraic approach, Derivations and generations of finite extensions, A state space approach to the finite automata, Some applications of the Frobenius in characteristic 0, The homogeneous spectrum of a graded commutative ring, Finite Rings with Applications, Irreducible bimodules over alternative algebras and superalgebras, On ruled fields, On the content of polynomials over semirings and its applications, Special isomorphisms of F[x 1,..., x n preserving GCD and their use], Unnamed Item, Generalized primary rings, Über homologische Invarianten lokaler Ringe, Embedding Riemann surfaces in maximal ideal spaces, Rings of formal power series over a Krull domain, Sulle localizzazioni di ideali e moduli di tipo finito privi di torsione (Proprieta del chiuso di un fascio algebrico coerente e liscio), Endomorphism rings of projective modules, On the occasional equality of the lower and Jacobson radicals in Noetherian rings, The Cousin complex for a module over a commutative Noetherian ring, Ein Hebbarkeitssatz in der Algebra, Sulle estensioni degli anelli di Gorenstein, Invariant rational functions and a problem of Steenrod, Whitehead-Moduln abzählbaren Ranges über Hauptidealringen, The torsion submodule splits off, Locally compact principal ideal domains, Semidegenerate algebras in a Pontryagin space, On the complex bordism of finite complexes, One generalization of the primary representation of modules, Automorphisms of analytic local rings, Two Notes on Imbedded Prime Divisors, Flat epimorphic extensions of rings, Structures Henseliennes, Der allgemeine Kontinuitätssatz für \(k\)-meromorphe Funktionen im Dizylinder, The divisor class groups of some rings of holomorphic functions, Completely prime radical and primary ideal representations in non- commutative rings, Residual finiteness and the Hopf property in rings, Multiplicative Ideal Theory in Noncommutative Rings, Der Kontinuitätssatz für reindimensionale \(k\)-affinoide Räume, Representation of finitely generated metabelian groups by matrices, Arithmetical rings and multiplicative lattices, Quotient rings, Characteristic numbers of G-manifolds. I, Restricted regular rings, AF-lattices on a regular quadratic space, On L-groups, On solvability by radicals of field extensions, Ringtopologien auf nichtalgebraischen Körpern, Additive ideal systems, A note on locally factorial noetherian domains, A note on the units of semigroup rings, Proprieta di ideali in domini d'integrita noetheriani, Le spectre à gauche d'un anneau, Closed Subspaces of Finite Codimension in Some Function Algebras, Structure of representations generated by vectors of highest weight, Multiplicative maps of matrix semigroups over Dedekind rings, On the group of units of certain rings, Cohomological dimension of local fields, Elementi indipendenti rispetto ad un ideale, Strongly 0-Dimensional Rings, On a geometric interpretation of multiplicity, Théorie primaire de la décomposition dans les anneaux semi-noetheriens, A Finiteness Condition on Regular Local Overrings of a Local Domain, On chain morphisms of commutative rings, The Meaning of the Form Calculus in Classical Ideal Theory, Torsion Free and Projective Modules, The constructible topology on spaces of valuation domains, Commutative Algebras and Cohomology, Desingularization of toric and binomial varieties, Maximal Commutative Algebras of Linear Transformations, A solution of the Cauchy problem for multidimensional discrete linear shift-invariant systems, Essential dimension in mixed characteristic, Defect operators, defect functions and defect indices for analytic submodules, On the expected number of generators of a submodule of a free module over a finite principal ideal ring, Essential finite generation of valuation rings in characteristic zero algebraic function fields, Differential independence of \(\Gamma\) and \(\zeta\), Implementing the Round Four maximal order algorithm, Uniqueness of the \(F\)-algebra topology on Noetherian algebras, A Cartan decomposition for \(p\)-adic loop groups, Galois structure and de Rham invariants of elliptic curves, Characterization of desirable properties of general database decompositions., On the ranks and implicit constant fields of valuations induced by pseudo monotone sequences, Eine Charakterisierung freier Körper durch den Stellenbegriff, Differential transcendence of solutions of the difference equation \(\Delta y=ay^2 +by+c\), Weil bounds for singular curves, Bound for the number of one-dimensional fibers of a projective morphism, The infinite groups of Lie and Cartan. I: The transitive groups, Generalizing Sperner's lemma to a free module over a special principal ideal ring, Formal prime ideals of infinite value and their algebraic resolution, The Newton procedure for several variables, On the differential structure of the ring of quasi-modular forms for \(\text{SL}_2(\mathbb Z)\), Local zero estimates and effective division in rings of algebraic power series, The index of an algebraic variety, On the integral ideals of \(R[X\) when \(R\) is a special principal ideal ring], Determination of the limits for multivariate rational functions, Functions satisfying Poincaré's multiplication formula, Galois groups and complete domains, PI-groups and PI-representations of groups., Covering and gluing of algebras and differential algebras, Finite singularities of nonlinear systems. Output stabilization, observability, and observers, Modules over discrete valuation domains. III, Minimal pairs, minimal fields and implicit constant fields, Projectively full radical ideals in integral extension rings, On the decomposition subgroup of an irrational curve in the Cremona group of the plane, Conditional equations for quadratic functions, On matrix analogs of Fermat's little theorem, Abelian varieties over fields of finite characteristic, Essentially normal Hilbert modules and \(K\)-homology, The minimal generating sets of the multiplicative monoid of a finite commutative ring., Extensions of valuations to the Henselization and completion, Complexity of solving parametric polynomial systems, A sharp Bézout domain is an elementary divisor ring, Partial morphisms on partial algebras, Canonical \(p\)-dimension of algebraic groups, Iterated blowups of two-dimensional regular local rings, The Deligne-Illusie theorem and exceptional Enriques surfaces, An arithmetic characterization of the rational homotopy groups of certain spaces, Primärzerlegung in Steinschen Algebren, Sull'integrita e la fattorialita dei completamenti m-adici, Points proches en géométrie algébrique, Zur Theorie der Divisoren in algebraischen Funktionenkörpern, Su certi omomorfismi di tipo esponenziale, Domains in which valuation ideals are prime powers, Sugli ideali frazionari invertibili, Eine Bemerkung zur idealtheoretischen Multiplizitätstheorie, Su alcune classi di anelli noetheriani normali, On a derivation equation in a measure algebra, On general rings with descendent chain condition, Una proprieta degli ideali di classe principale negli anelli di Macaulay, Matrices similar on a Zariski-open set, On proper of integral domains, The converse to a well known theorem on Noetherian rings, Algebraic functions and analogue of the geometry of numbers: The Riemann- Roch theorem, Intersection theory in analytic geometry, Nonsplitting of valuations in extensions of two dimensional regular local domains, An algorithm on polynomials in one indeterminate with coefficients in a two dimensional regular local domain, Growth rings, On the index of an algebraic integer and beyond, Divisoren in eindimensionalen affinoiden und affinen Räumen, On the notion of separable ideals, Konstruktionsverfahren bei Moduln über Polynomringen, Extensions of meromorphic function rings over noncompact Riemann surfaces. I, II, Su certi interi associati a un ideale e le molteplicità d'intersezione, Semi-primal categorical independent algebras, The ideal transform and overrings of an integral domain, Non-countable dimensions of cohomology groups of analytic sheaves and domains of holomorphy, Anneau des endomorphismes d'un module de type fini sur un anneau local, Commutative rings in which each prime ideal is principal, Definable invariants of bilinear mappings, Simultaneous approximations of some transcendental numbers, On the divisibility of matrices with remainder over the domain of principal ideals, Germs of holomorphic mappings between real algebraic hypersurfaces, Commutative algebras in which polynomials have infinitely many roots, On \(n\)-absorbing ideals of locally divided commutative rings, Generators for the semimodule of varieties of a free module, Co-Henselian extensions and Henselizations of skew fields, A sparse effective Nullstellensatz, Diagnostic tests for discrete functions defined on rings, Where some inert minimal ring extensions of a commutative ring come from. II, Six impossible rings, Conditions for nilpotency of Lie rings, On the functional equation of Cauchy, A generalization of the class group, Primitive irreducible representations of finitely generated nilpotent groups, Fuzzy commutative algebra and intersection equations, A formalization of Dedekind domains and class groups of global fields, Construction techniques for Galois coverings of the affine line, On the prime ideal structure of tensor products of algebras, A note on Euclidean order types, Counterexamples to local monomialization in positive characteristic, Finiteness in the Minimal Models of Sullivan, Induction theorems for Grothendieck groups and Whitehead groups of finite groups, Acyclic Digraphs, Young Tableaux and Nilpotent Matrices, Sur les corps locaux à corps résiduel algébriquement clos, On the non-uniqueness of maximal purely wild extensions, Unnamed Item, Integration of Algebraic Functions, Natural bound in Kwiecinski’s criterion for flatness, On polynomial ideals, their complexity, and applications, Global Ideal Theory of Meromorphic Function Fields, On the parallel complexity of linear groups, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Multiplication Rings as Rings in Which Ideals with Prime Radical are Primary, Quasi-Invertible Prime Ideals, Noncommutative Unique Factorization Domains, Algebraic Rings, Unnamed Item, Note on Analytically Unramified Semi-Local Rings, The Henselian Defect for Valued Function Fields, A Remark on the Nonnormal Locus of an Analytic Space, Left ideals of polynomial rings in several indeterminates, Some Properties of Integral Closure, On the Galois theory of inseparable extensions, Inductive Ring Topologies, Primary Ideals and Valuation Ideals. II, Inertial Subalgebras of Algebras Over Commutative Rings, Centralizers in Free Associative Algebras, Rings with Nondiscrete Ideal Topologies, On Finitely Generated Flat Modules, A Cohomological Description of Abelian Galois Extensions, Modules Over Polydisc Algebras, Noether-Lasker Decomposition of Coherent Analytic Subsheaves, Unnamed Item, Locally Compact Rings having a Topologically Nilpotent Unit, Inverses of Polynomial Functions in Topological Fields, Completeness in semi-local ideal lattices, On the Dimension Theory of Overrings of an Integral Domain, Primary decomposition in right noetherian rings, On Primitive Elements in Differentially Algebraic Extension Fields, Prime links in some skew-polynomial and skew-laurent rings, Unnamed Item, On the nature and number of isomorphism classes of the minimal ring extensions of a finite commutative ring, On involutive systems of partial differential equations whose characters of order more than one vanish, The Restriction of Admissible Modules to Parabolic Subalgebras, Totally real rigid elements and Fπ-henselian valuation rings, On an algebraic theory of systems defined by convolution operators, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Overrings of Commutative Rings. II. Integrally Closed Overrings, Certain towers of ramified minimal ring extensions of commutative rings, Some Properties of Localization and Normalization, Irreducibility of Discrete Painlevé Equation of Type <i>D</i><sub>7</sub><sup>(1)</sup>, Axiomatic Primary and Tertiary Decomposition Theory, On the Ramification Theory of Regular Schemes, Outer Product Rings, Primary Ideals and Valuation Ideals, Arithmetical rings, Prime ideals and maximal ideals in semigroups, Dehomogenization of Gradings to Zariskian Filtrations and Applications to Invertible Ideals, Unnamed Item, Geometric Consequences of Extremal Behavior in a Theorem of Macaulay, Maximal Crossed Product Orders Over Discrete Valuation Rings, The rings with identity whose additive subgroups are one-sided ideals, Some results on integrally closed domains, A minimal ring extension of a large finite local prime ring is probably ramified, Permanent Groups. II, Maximal Periodic Two-Dimensional Arrays Over Galois Rings, The Dominion and Separable Subalgebras of Finitely Generated Algebras, Ringe mit dichtem Rechtsquasizentrum, The Bracket Ring of a Combinatorial Geometry. I, Unnamed Item, Trivial extensions satisfying certain valuation-like properties, THE FERRAND-OLIVIER CLASSIFICATION OF THE MINIMAL RING EXTENSIONS OF A FIELD: A PROOF AND A SURVEY OF ITS INFLUENCE, Unnamed Item, Finite Unions of Ideals and Modules, Real valuations and the limits of multivariate rational functions, Radical factorization for trivial extensions and amalgamated duplication rings, A note on Dedekind Criterion, Extensions of valuations to the Henselization and completion of a local ring, Characterizing finite fields via minimal ring extensions, Seven lectures on universal algebraic geometry, Mixed multiplicities of filtrations, Primary Ideals in Rings of Analytic Functions, A Note on the Geometric Criteria for the Factoriality of an Affine Ring, Null ideals and spanning ranks of matrices, On maximal ideals and the brown-mccoy radical of polynomial rings, Unnamed Item, On factor refinement in number fields, Unnamed Item, A characterization of 𝑄-domains, Rational invariants of certain orthogonal groups over finite fields of characteristic two, Local Jordan Algebras, Generalized Quotient Rings, On infinite inseparable extensions of exponent one, Structure Theorems for Certain Topological Rings, Discrete time convolution control systems, Root lattices in number fields