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zbMath0458.58002MaRDI QIDQ3908199

Jean-Pierre Eckmann, Pierre Collet

Publication date: 1980

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Appendix: On non-renormalizable quadratic polynomials, COMPLEX PATTERNS ON THE PLANE: DIFFERENT TYPES OF BASIN FRACTALIZATION IN A TWO-DIMENSIONAL MAPPING, LANGUAGE PROCESSING BY DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, DYNAMIC COMPLEXITIES IN RATIO-DEPENDENT PREDATOR–PREY ECOSYSTEM MODELS WITH BIRTH PULSE AND PESTICIDE PULSE, Self-similarity in inverse limit spaces of the tent family, DYNAMICS OF PIECEWISE LINEAR DISCONTINUOUS MAPS, ROBUST CHAOS IN POLYNOMIAL UNIMODAL MAPS, Are chaotic functions really chaotic, Sharkovskii's order for the appearance of superstable cycles in one-parameter families of simple real maps: An elementary proof, A Holling II functional response food chain model with impulsive perturbations, Smooth chaotic maps with zero topological entropy, Dynamic complexities in a seasonal prevention epidemic model with birth pulses, Unnamed Item, Chaotic behaviour of nonlinear differential-delay equations, Roads to turbulence in dissipative dynamical systems, Chaotic behavior of a chemostat model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response and periodically impulsive invasion, DYNAMIC BEHAVIORS OF A KIND OF PREDATOR–PREY SYSTEM WITH IVLEV'S AND BEDDINGTON–DEANGELIS' FUNCTIONAL RESPONSE AND IMPULSIVE RELEASE, Critical behavior of the aperiodic quantum Ising chain in a transverse magnetic field, Lower bounds for Z-numbers, Exact folded-band chaotic oscillator, Some results in finite and discrete dynamical systems, The Classification of Critically Preperiodic Polynomials as Dynamical Systems, A Complete Classification of the Piecewise Monotone Functions on the Interval, CHAOTIC BEHAVIOR AND DYNAMICS OF MAPS USED IN A METHOD OF SCRAMBLING SIGNALS, Unnamed Item, Dynamics of functions with piecewise non-positive Schwarzian derivatives, Chaotic Maps with Rational Zeta Function, ON TWO-DIMENSIONAL DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS ASSOCIATED WITH MEMBRANE KINETICS UNDERLYING CARDIAC ARRHYTHMIAS, A NOTE ON THE UNIMODAL FEIGENBAUM'S MAPS, Periodic Cycles and Bifurcation Curves for One-Dimensional Maps with Two Discontinuities, On the approximation of a class of unbounded invariant densities, Planar competitive and cooperative difference equations, Pseudo-Orbit Shadowing in the Family of Tent Maps, Master-equation approach to deterministic chaos, Iteration of piecewise linear maps on an interval, Developments in fractal geometry, Hofbauer towers and inverse limit spaces, THE COMPLEX DYNAMICS OF THE SIMPLE RICARDIAN SYSTEM: A NOTE, C*-algebras associated with interval maps, Unnamed Item, Šarkovskii-minimal orbits, On the minimal 2(2k+1)-orbits of the continuous endomorphisms on the real line with application in Chaos theory, Dynamics and universality of unimodal mappings with infinite criticality, Kneading sequences for unimodal expanding maps of the interval, Bifurcation sequences in the interaction of resonances in a model deriving from nonlinear rotordynamics: The zipper, Geometry, electrostatic measure and orthogonal polynomials on Julia sets for polynomials, A computer-assisted proof of the Feigenbaum conjectures, Geometry of Cantor Systems, Minimality, transitivity, mixing and topological entropy on spaces with a free interval, Topological Semiconjugacy of Piecewise Monotone Maps of the Interval, Uniqueness of Aperiodic Kneading Sequences, Critical Points of One Parameter Families of Maps of the Interval