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An algorithm for the one commodity pickup and delivery traveling salesman problem with restricted depot ⋮ Generating subtour elimination constraints for the TSP from pure integer solutions ⋮ Efficient preprocessing methods for tabu search: an application on asymmetric travelling salesman problem ⋮ Chained Lin-Kernighan for Large Traveling Salesman Problems ⋮ Comparison of Tabu/2-opt heuristic and optimal tree search method for assignment problems ⋮ Approximation algorithms and heuristics for a 2-depot, heterogeneous Hamiltonian path problem ⋮ A two-stage flow-shop scheduling problem with incompatible job families and limited waiting time ⋮ Exact algorithms and heuristics for the quadratic traveling salesman problem with an application in bioinformatics ⋮ Genetic operators for combinatorial optimization in TSP and microarray gene ordering ⋮ Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science ⋮ The reduction of computation times of upper and lower tolerances for selected combinatorial optimization problems ⋮ Order Batching and Picker Routing in manual order picking systems: the benefits of integrated routing ⋮ A computational software system to design order picking warehouses ⋮ Reinforcement learning for combinatorial optimization: a survey ⋮ Hybrid genetic search for the CVRP: open-source implementation and SWAP* neighborhood ⋮ Capping methods for the automatic configuration of optimization algorithms ⋮ Guidelines for the computational testing of machine learning approaches to vehicle routing problems ⋮ Crowdsourced humanitarian relief vehicle routing problem ⋮ Optimal TSP tour length estimation using standard deviation as a predictor ⋮ A branch-and-cut approach for the distributed no-wait flowshop scheduling problem ⋮ Optimal TSP tour length estimation using Sammon maps ⋮ Using regression models to understand the impact of route-length variability in practical vehicle routing ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ Unnamed Item ⋮ A tabu search algorithm for the single vehicle routing 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the weighted independent set problem ⋮ Efficient heuristics for Median Cycle Problems ⋮ Application of the out-of-kilter algorithm to the asymmetric traveling salesman problem ⋮ Determination of the candidate arc set for the asymmetric traveling salesman problem ⋮ A concise guide to the Traveling Salesman Problem ⋮ Expanding neighborhood GRASP for the traveling salesman problem ⋮ An efficient heuristic algorithm for the bottleneck traveling salesman problem ⋮ Locating a cycle in a transportation or a telecommunications network ⋮ A Neural-Network-Based Approach to the Double Traveling Salesman Problem ⋮ Theoretical insights into the augmented-neural-network approach for combinatorial optimization ⋮ The split delivery vehicle routing problem with three-dimensional loading constraints ⋮ Finite-time performance analysis of static simulated annealing algorithms ⋮ A fast simulated annealing method for batching precedence-constrained customer orders in a warehouse ⋮ Genetic Algorithms and 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II: QUBO-plus, network optimization and combinatorial chaining for asset exchange ⋮ Multiprogramming genetic algorithm for optimization problems with permutation property ⋮ Solving large-scale TSP using a fast wedging insertion partitioning approach ⋮ Improving the robustness of EPS to solve the TSP ⋮ Deep policy dynamic programming for vehicle routing problems
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