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Minimal triangulations of graphs: a survey ⋮ Approximation by cubic \(C^ 1\)-splines on arbitrary triangulations ⋮ A hybrid recursive multilevel incomplete factorization preconditioner for solving general linear systems ⋮ Row-ordering schemes for sparse Givens transformations. II. Implicit graph model ⋮ Row-ordering schemes for sparse Givens transformations. III. Analyses for a model problem ⋮ Matrix-equation-based strategies for convection-diffusion equations ⋮ Linear algebra on high performance computers ⋮ Improving Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iterations ⋮ A sparse sequential quadratic programming algorithm ⋮ A two-level ILU preconditioner for electromagnetic applications ⋮ A banded preconditioner for the two-sided, nonlinear space-fractional diffusion equation ⋮ Karmarkar's projective algorithm: A null space variant for multi- commodity generalized networks ⋮ A survey of the advances in the exploitation of the sparsity in the solution of large problems ⋮ Solution of sparse positive definite systems on a shared-memory multiprocessor ⋮ The analysis of a nested dissection algorithm ⋮ On substructuring algorithms and solution techniques for the numerical approximation of partial differential equations ⋮ Heuristics for matrix bandwidth reduction ⋮ Sparse linear problems and the least squares method ⋮ A parallel graph partitioning algorithm for a message-passing multiprocessor ⋮ Numerical treatment of wave breaking on unstructured finite volume approximations for extended Boussinesq-type equations ⋮ A direct method for sparse least squares problems with lower and upper bounds ⋮ Algebraic multilevel preconditioning methods. I ⋮ Algorithmique et calculs de complexité pour un solveur de type dissections emboîtées. (Algorithmic study and complexity bounds for a nested dissection solver) ⋮ Sparse matrix storage formats and acceleration of iterative solution of linear algebraic systems with dense matrices ⋮ Techniques for parallel manipulation of sparse matrices ⋮ Discontinuous control-volume/finite-element method for advection-diffusion problems ⋮ The dynamic behaviour of elastic coaxial cylindrical shells conveying fluid ⋮ Solution of sparse positive definite systems on a hypercube ⋮ Conditioning analysis of positive definite matrices by approximate factorizations ⋮ High performance verified computing using C-XSC ⋮ A parallel multigrid-based preconditioner for the 3D heterogeneous high-frequency Helmholtz equation ⋮ Efficient solution for Galerkin-based polynomial chaos expansion systems ⋮ Application of the incomplete Cholesky factorization preconditioned Krylov subspace method to the vector finite element method for 3-D electromagnetic scattering problems ⋮ On sparse matrix orderings in interior point methods ⋮ Cholesky decomposition of a positive semidefinite matrix with known kernel ⋮ Boundary concentrated finite elements for optimal boundary control problems of elliptic PDEs ⋮ Some aspects of parallel implementation of the finite-element method on message passing architectures ⋮ Efficient unsteady high Reynolds number flow computations on unstructured grids ⋮ Decomposed block Cholesky factorization in the Karmarkar algorithm. Solving a class of super large LP problems ⋮ Task scheduling for parallel sparse Cholesky factorization ⋮ Smooth interpolation to scattered data by bivariate piecewise polynomials of odd degree ⋮ Sparse direct factorizations through unassembled hyper-matrices ⋮ A locally refined rectangular grid finite element method: Application to computational fluid dynamics and computational physics ⋮ Preconditioned biconjugate gradient methods for numerical reservoir simulation ⋮ Bandwidth on AT-free graphs ⋮ Algorithms of parallel computations for linear algebra problems with irregularly structured matrices ⋮ Stability analysis of cylindrical shells containing a fluid with axial and circumferential velocity components ⋮ Dynamics of a large scale rigid-flexible multibody system composed of composite laminated plates ⋮ Sparse quasi-Newton updates with positive definite matrix completion ⋮ Advances in iterative methods and preconditioners for the Helmholtz equation ⋮ On the performance of the algebraic optimized Schwarz methods with applications ⋮ Effective preconditioning through minimum degree ordering interleaved with incomplete factorization ⋮ Continuation methods for approximate large scale object sequencing ⋮ The decomposition of a communication network considering traffic demand interrelations ⋮ A multilevel bilinear programming algorithm for the vertex separator problem ⋮ A sparse matrix approach to Bayesian computation in large linear models ⋮ Inverse-free recursive multiresolution algorithms for a data approximation problem ⋮ Influence of matrix reordering on the performance of iterative methods for solving linear systems arising from interior point methods for linear programming ⋮ An \(O(N)\) parallel method of computing the log-Jacobian of the variable transformation for models with spatial interaction on a lattice ⋮ An Explicit Link between Gaussian Fields and Gaussian Markov Random Fields: The Stochastic Partial Differential Equation Approach ⋮ A sparse linear algebra algorithm for fast computation of prediction variances with Gaussian Markov random fields ⋮ Factoring matrices with a tree-structured sparsity pattern ⋮ Hemelb: A high performance parallel lattice-Boltzmann code for large scale fluid flow in complex geometries ⋮ How ordinary elimination became Gaussian elimination ⋮ A direct active set algorithm for large sparse quadratic programs with simple bounds ⋮ Viscous computations using a direct solver ⋮ A parallel linear solver exploiting the physical properties of the underlying mechanical problem ⋮ An evaluation of low-cost heuristics for matrix bandwidth and profile reductions ⋮ Bivariate least squares approximation with linear constraints ⋮ The chebop system for automatic solution of differential equations ⋮ Investigation of the structure of binary variables ⋮ Vector processing in simplex and interior methods for linear programming ⋮ Parallel sparse Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting ⋮ Simultaneous selection of variables and smoothing parameters in structured additive regression models ⋮ Modified block-approximate factorization strategies ⋮ Row-ordering schemes for sparse Givens transformations. I. Bipartite graph model ⋮ A comparison of projective and direct solvers for finite elements in elastostatics ⋮ On the use of inexact subdomain solvers for BDDC algorithms ⋮ Fixed-domain asymptotic properties of tapered maximum likelihood estimators ⋮ Bandwidth of bipartite permutation graphs in polynomial time ⋮ A sparse counterpart of Reichel and Gragg's package QRUP ⋮ Computational methods in linear algebra ⋮ A physical interpretation of factorization and factor modification in structural analysis ⋮ Calculs de complexité relatifs à une méthode de dissection emboîtée ⋮ Finding pseudoperipheral nodes in graphs ⋮ An algorithm to compute a sparse basis of the null space ⋮ Feasibility issues in a primal-dual interior-point method for linear programming ⋮ Massive memory buys little speed for complete, in-core sparse Cholesky factorizations on some scalar computers ⋮ Convergence of a direct-iterative method for large-scale least-squares problems ⋮ The dual variable method for solving fluid flow difference equations on Delaunay triangulations ⋮ Algorithms for the reduction of matrix bandwidth and profile ⋮ Solution algorithms for nonlinear transient heat conduction analysis employing element-by-element iterative strategies ⋮ Estimating the matrix \(p\)-norm ⋮ Derivative generation from multivariate scattered data by functional minimization ⋮ Iterative methods for overflow queueing models. I ⋮ Parallel Cholesky factorization on a shared-memory multiprocessor ⋮ A pipelined Givens method for computing the QR factorization of a sparse matrix ⋮ Parallel triangularization of substructured finite element problems ⋮ The Cholesky factorization in interior point methods ⋮ Quotient tree partitioning of undirected graphs
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