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zbMath0141.08601MaRDI QIDQ5515607

Robert C. Gunning, Hugo Rossi

Publication date: 1965

32Axx: Holomorphic functions of several complex variables

32-01: Introductory exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) pertaining to several complex variables and analytic spaces

Related Items

Perturbation theory for eigenvalues and resonances of Schrödinger hamiltonians, An algorithm for computing modular forms on \(\Gamma_0(N)\), On bounded sets of holomorphic germs, Maximum modulus sets, Parabolic invariant theory in complex analysis, Pseudoconvexity in the theory of complex spaces, Lifting smooth homotopies of orbit spaces, Analytic set-valued functions and spectra, Interpolation problems in \(C^ n\) with applications to harmonic analysis, Weakly 1-complete manifold and Levi problem, Cohomology and massless fields, A linear Pfaffian system at an irregular singularity, A second Lefschetz theorem for general manifold sections in complex projective space, Differentiable operator-conformal mappings, Decoupling of nonlinear systems, Distributions de type K-positif sur l'espace tangent, Embedding of Stein spaces into sequence spaces, Ein Isomorphiesatz für Potenzreihenräume, A generalization of Hartog's theorem relating to the subalgebras of continuous functions on the \(n\)-dimensional torus, Evaluation fields for power series I. The Nullstellensatz, Complex structures on a manifold with boundary, Invariant meromorphic functions on complex semisimple Lie groups, Spaces of compact Riemann surfaces and of Koebe groups, Analytic multivalued functions in Banach algebras and uniform algebras, Construction d'enveloppes d'holomorphie par la méthode de H. Cartan et P. Thullen, Minimal equations, global reducibility of holomorphic functions, and relative rationality of analytic sets, Sur les systèmes d'équations différence-différentielles, On global geometric properties of subspaces in Hilbert space, Differential invariance of multiplicity on analytic varieties, On the neighbourhood of a Hopf surface, Deformation of complex superspaces and coherent sheaves on them, Boundary behavior of invariant metrics and volume forms on strongly pseudoconvex domains, Globally analytic triangularization of a matrix function, A note on asymptotic normality in the thermodynamic limit at low densities, Boundary Morera theorems for holomorphic functions of several complex variables, Diffraction of pulses in the vicinity of simple caustics and caustic cusps, Extension of ``A multivariate convergence theorem of the ``de Montessus de Ballore type to multipoles, A Lie theoretic Galois theory for the spectral curves of an integrable system. I, Meromorphic extension spaces, A function algebraic characterization of Riemann domains, Properties of compact complex manifolds carrying closed positive currents, Uniform Fréchet algebras with prescribed endomorphism group, On the Schrödinger operator with a small potential in the case of a crystal film, A switch in nodal structure in coupled systems of nonlinear Sturm- Liouville boundary value problems, Non-embeddable CR-manifolds and surface singularities, On the Zariski tangent space to a complex analytic variety, On normality of a family of holomorphic functions, Analytic cycles and vector bundles on non-compact algebraic varieties, Maximality of the algebra of functions continuous on the extended complex plane and analytic in the complement of a completely discontinuous compactum, Holomorphic fiberings and multivalued functions of elements of a Banach algebra, Structure of foliation singularities, Eigentliche, holomorphe Abbildungen der Kugel in sich, Multiplicity formulae for discrete series, Analyticity of solutions of some nonlinear equations, Approximation für Okasche Paare von Garben homogener Räume, Eine Klasse komplexer Mannigfaltigkeiten und die Auflösung einiger isolierter Singularitäten, Calcul symbolique sur la frontière de Silov de certaines algèbres de fonctions holomorphes, Projektoren und relative Inversion holomorpher Semifredholmfunktionen, Varieties proper over affine schemes, Existence theorems for optimization problems concerning linear, hyperbolic partial differential equations without convexity conditions, On manifolds that cannot be ample divisors, On Schottky and Teichmüller spaces, On inequalities between Hermitian and symmetric forms, Sections of coherent analytic sheaves with growth on complex spaces, Fonctions différentiables invariantes sous l'opération d'un groupe réductif, Extremal tests for scalar functions of several real variables at degenerate critical points, Holomorphic fiber bundles whose fibers are bounded Stein domains with zero first Betti number, Simple proofs of Nakano's vanishing theorem and Kazama's approximation theorem for weakly 1-complete manifolds, Sur l'existence d'intégrale première pour un germe de forme de Pfaff, Theory of vector-valued hyperfunctions, A theorem on Runge problem for analytic curves, Extensions of symmetric operators and symmetric binary relations, Some consequences of theorem A for complex spaces, Runge families and inductive limits of Stein spaces, Topological invariants of the maximal ideal space of a Banach algebra, Inversion von Fredholmfunktionen bei stetiger und holomorpher Abhängigkeit von Parametern, \(q\)-konvexe Restmengen in kompakten komplexen Mannigfaltigkeiten, Sui fibrati analitici reali E-principali. I: Alcuni teoremi sulle matrici olomorfe invertibili, A partial solution of the Pompeiu problem, Dualité des espaces de fonctions entières en dimension infinie, Prolongement des fonctions holomorphes bornees et métrique de Caratheodory, Sur les voisinages tubulaires en géométrie analytique, Approximation theory on totally real submanifolds, New techniques and results in multidimensional problems, Approximationseigenschaft, Lifting und Kohomologie bei lokalkonvexen Produktgarben, Analytic subvarieties in \(\mathbb{C}^n\) with given isolated singularities, Stein spaces, Cyclic extensions of Banach algebras, Multiple solutions of coupled Sturm-Liouville systems, Isometric operators in \(L^p\) spaces of analytic and harmonic functions, Zur Konstruktion komplexer Basen, On the spectrum of an inverse limit of holomorphic function algebras, Two theorems on higher dimensional singularities, Peak points on weakly pseudoconvex domains, Removable singularities of analytic functions of several complex variables, Le problème de Levi dans les fibres à base de Stein et à fibre une courbe compacte, Existence and approximation theorems on a weakly 1-complete analytic space, Konstruktion vollständiger Minimalflächen von endlicher Gesamtkrümmung, Vector bundles over affine surfaces, Nonseparation in the moduli of complex vector bundles, Fixed points and determining sets for holomorphic self-maps of a hyperbolic manifold, Embedding subsets of tori properly into \(\mathbb C^2\), On Fatou-Bieberbach domains with multiple leaves, Euler characteristics of Teichmüller curves in genus two, Samuel multiplicity and Fredholm theory, Complex polynomial vector fields having a finitely curved orbit, Slow-fast hamiltonian dynamics near a ghost separatix loop, On complex codimension-one foliations transverse fibrations, On the compactification of hyperconcave ends and the theorems of Siu-Yau and Nadel, Local \(c\)- and \(E\)-optimal designs for exponential regression models, Ruled surfaces and generic coverings, Weierstrass products for inverse limits of Banach algebras, The analytic part of the Runge hull, Die Uniformisierbarkeit der Fixpunkte eigentlich diskontinuierlicher Gruppen von biholomorphen Abbildungen, On some algebras of analytic functions on finite open Riemann surfaces, Uniform approximation on smooth curves, Special coordinate coverings of Riemann surfaces, Le problème des modules pour les sous-espaces analytiques compacts d'un espace analytique donné, Analytische Modulgarben und Endromisbündel, Spektraleigenschaften analytischer Operatorfunktionen, Fortsetzung von automorphen Funktionen, Abgeschlossenheit von Corandmoduln und Fortsetzbarkeit kohärenter analytischer Garben, Intersection theory in analytic geometry, Problems in linked operators. II, Das Lemma von Poincaré für holomorphe Differentialformen auf komplexen Räumen, Über lineare Faserräume und schwach negative holomorphe Geradenbündel, Randintegrale und nukleare Funktionenräume, Non-countable dimensions of cohomology groups of analytic sheaves and domains of holomorphy, Über offene analytische Äquivalenzrelationen auf komplexen Räumen, A priori estimates for solutions of the Helmholtz equation in exterior domains and their application, Über die Divisorenklassengruppen normaler komplex-analytischer Algebren, Ein Endlichkeitssatz in der analytischen Geometrie, A proof of Cartan's theorems A and B, On the spectra of topological algebras, Ideal theory and Laplace transforms for a class of measure algebras on a group, Lineare Faserräume und kohärente Modulgarben über komplexen Räumen, On the continuation of analytic curves, Flux in axiomatic potential theory. I: Cohomology, Local fiberings of a complex analytic variety, Flux in axiomatic potential theory. II: Duality, Über analytisch abhängige holomorphe und meromorphe Abbildungen, Das Randverhalten der Bergmanschen Kernfunktion und Metrik in streng pseudokonvexen Gebieten, Fonctions plurisousharmoniques sur les espaces vectoriels topologiques et applications à l'étude des fonctions analytiques, Über die analytische Cohomologiegruppe \(H^{n-1}(\mathcal P_{n} \setminus A,\mathcal J)\), Points singuliers d'un opérateur différentiel analytique, Perturbation of harmonic structures and an index-zero theorem, Every compact set in \(\mathbb{C}^ n\) is a good compact set, Ein Divisionsproblem und Randintegraldarstellungen in der komplexen Analysis, On the exactness of a Kodaira-Spencer sequence on complex spaces, The Weyl functional calculus, Nmal families of Cousin I and II data, Eine Künnethformel für Frechetgarben, Ordnungseigenschaften holomorpher Funktionen, Derivation pairs on algebras of analytic functions, Über die Anwendung algebraischer Methoden in der Deformationstheorie komplexer Räume, The 1-convex generalization of Grauert's direct image theorem, Normality domains for families of holomorphic maps, On lifting analytic relations in commutative Banach algebras, Die Cauchy-Riemannschen Differentialgleichungen auf streng pseudokonvexen Gebieten. Beschränkte Lösungen, Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions on bounded domains, Extremalpunktmethoden bei Koeffizientenproblemen, Fastholomorphe Algebren, The divisor class groups of some rings of holomorphic functions, Axioms for anaytic functions, Fortsetzung von kohärenten analytischen Modulgarben, Proper holomorphic self-maps of the unit ball, Globale Moduln, Periods of integrals on algebraic manifolds. III: Some global differential-geometric properties of the period mapping, Lokale topologische Eigenschaften komplexer Räume, Real Banach algebras. II, The growth of entire solutions of differential equations of finite and infinite order, Continuing analytic sets across \(\mathbb{R}^ n\), Two theorems on extensions of holomorphic mappings, The currents defined by analytic varieties, The cohomology of the spectrum of a measure algebra, Nonlinear mappings of analytic type in Banach spaces, Konstruktionen globaler Moduln und Anwendungen. (Constructions of global moduls and applications), Envelope of holomorphy of pseudoconcave spaces), Globale Ringe und Moduln. (Global rings and modules), Analytic families of differential complexes, Extensions of rings of holomorphic functions, Holomorphic approximation near strictly pseudoconvex boundary points, A joint spectrum for several commuting operators, The analytic-functional calculus for several commuting operators, Eine geometrische Eigenschaft Rungescher Gebiete. (A geometric property of Runge domains), Recouvrements privilégiés, Extending families of pseudoconcave complex spaces, Automorphe Abbildungen zu pseudokonkaven Gruppen, Über vektorwertige meromorphe Funktionen, Über analytische Fortsetzung in Banachräumen, Deformations of Lie subgroups and the variation of isotropy subgroups, On the versal deformation of a complex space with an isolated singularity, Upper bound for the number of critical levels for nonlinear operators in Banach spaces of the type of second order nonlinear partial differential operators, Über die 1. und 2. Ableitung der Bergmanschen Kernfunktion und ihr Randverhalten, Fonctions A-analytiques, Ein Zerlegungssatz für Resolventen elliptischer Operatoren, Tensor products of closed operators on Banach spaces, Topologische Fortsetzung biholomorpher Funktionen auf dem Rande bei beschränkten streng-pseudokonvexen Gebieten im C\(^n\) mit C\(^\infty\)- Rand, On maximal families of compact complex submanifolds of complex fiber spaces, Homotopie für Okasche Paare von Garben homogener Räume, A stronger result than Grauert-Narasimhan's solution to levi problem, Global Ideal Theory of Meromorphic Function Fields, Irrational Connected Sums and the Topology of Algebraic Surfaces, Reduction of systems of nonlinear partial differential equations to simplified involutive forms, Transversely affine and transversely projective holomorphic foliations, Branched Structures and Affine and Projective Bundles on Riemann Surfaces, Principal orbit types for reductive groups acting on Stein manifolds, An embedding of \(\mathbb C\) in \(\mathbb C^2\) with hyperbolic complement, Generalized hyperfunctions and algebra of megafunctions, Surfaces with degenerate CR singularities that are locally polynomially convex, Holomorphic dynamics near germs of singular curves, \({\bar \partial}\) cohomology of complex Lie groups, Computing singular solutions to nonlinear analytic systems, Effective Bezout identities in \({\mathbb{Q}}[z_ 1,\dots ,z_ n\)], Unnamed Item, Zeros of real polynomials, ON THE HARISH-CHANDRA HOMOMORPHISM FOR GENERALIZED KAC-MOODY ALGEBRAS, Compactifications équivariantes par des courbes, Fortsetzungssatz für räumliche holomorphe Funktionen, Unnamed Item, Le problème de Cauchy ramifié linéaire pour des données à singularités algébriques, The Limiting Behavior of the Kobayashi-Royden Pseudometric, A several complex variables approach to feedback stabilization of linear neutral delay-differential systems, A homogeneity condition guaranteeing bifurcation in multiparameter nonlinear eigenvalue problems, Generalizedn-dimensional hilbert transform and applications, The area of a divisor on manifolds with respect to a special fibering, On the Integrability of Singular Differential Forms in Two Complex Variables, On the Pythagoras numbers of real analytic surfaces☆, On the elementary theory of restricted elementary functions, Residue currents with prescribed annihilator ideals, The Vishik–Lyusternik method in the mixed problem for parabolic operators unresolved with respect to the highest time derivative, A superharmonic prior for the autoregressive process of the second-order, Fibrations and Stein neighborhoods, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Cyclicity of period annuli and principalization of Bautin ideals, Spherical Functions on Cartan Motion Groups, Unnamed Item, Une théorie de l'intersection dans un espace singulier, Michael’s problem and the Poincaré-Fatou-Bieberbach phenomenon, Extension of the Complex Structure from Stein Manifolds with Strictly Pseudoconvex Boundary, Unnamed Item, Time-varying systems and crossed products, Holomorphic symmetries, Iteration of Holomorphic Maps of the Unit Ball Into Itself, Conservative and Divergence Free Algebraic Vector Fields, Unnamed Item, A finiteness criterion for cohomology of Fréchet-Montel sheaves, A Complex Space Whose Spectrum is Not Locally Compact Anywhere, Unnamed Item, Holomorphe Semi-FREDHOLMfunktionen ohne komplementierte Kerne bzw. Bilder, Spaces with homogeneous norms, Integrals with a large parameter: a double complex integral with four nearly coincident saddle-points, Complex manifolds and mathematical physics, Composition operators and several complex variables, On singular sets of flat holomorphic mappings with isolated singularities, On the Intersection of Varieties with a Totally Real Submanifold, Positivity notions for holomorphic line bundles over compact Riemann surfaces, Unnamed Item, Complex Retractions and Envelopes of Holomorphy, The Kobayashi and Bergman Metrics on Generalized Thullen Domains, Unnamed Item, Analytic continuation and boundary continuity of functions of several complex variables, The Cauchy-Riemann equations and differential geometry, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, CR Functions and Tube Manifolds, Normal Two-Dimensional Elliptic Singularities, Dolbeault Homotopy Theory, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Some extension theorems for regular maps of Stein manifolds, Existence of secondary solutions to a generalized taylor problem, Un exemple de compact polynomialement convexe dans $\bbfC^2$, Notes on complex Lie semigroups, 6.—Rationally Convex Hulls and Potential Theory., Le groupe des automorphismes analytiques d'un domaine borné d'un espace de Banach complexe. Application aux domaines bornés symétriques, Unnamed Item, Holomorphic convexity of spaces of analytic cycles, Characterization of Privileged Polydomains, Analytic Structure in Some Analytic Function Algebras, Relative Size of the Shilov Boundary of a Function Algebra, A Generalized Shilov Boundary and Analytic Structure, Global Residues and Intersections on a Complex Manifold, The Ring of Holomorphic Functions on a Stein Compact Set as a Unique Factorization Domain, On the Infinite Dimensionality of the Dolbeault Cohomology Groups, Discrete Analytic Functions of Exponential Growth, Analytic Continuation, Envelopes of Holomorphy, and Projective and Direct Limit Spaces, Unnamed Item, A Paley-Wiener Theorem for Locally Compact Abelian Groups, Holomorphic Convexity of Compact Sets in Analytic Spaces and the Structure of Algebras of Holomorphic Germs, On Maximally Elliptic Singularities, Functions Satisfying Elementary Relations, Pluriharmonic Functions in Balls, On the Rationality of Divisors and Meromorphic Functions, A Deformation Theorem for the Kobayashi Metric, On Relatively Free Subsets of Lie Groups, On the rate of growth of the means \(M_ p\) of holomorphic and pluriharmonic functions on bounded symmetric domains of \({\mathbb{C}}^ n\), On the extension of \(L^ 2\) holomorphic functions, Ein semialgebraischer Beweis der topologischen Form des Hauptsatzes von Zariski. (A semi-algebraic proof of the topological form of Zariski's main theorem), A special surface in the 4-quadric, Asymptotic behavior of matrix coefficients of admissible representations, Deformation techniques to solve generalised Pham systems, Local observability of nonlinear systems, Analytic continuation of eigenvalues of a quartic oscillator, Complex polynomial vector fields having an orbit with finite total curvature, Quasilevels of a two-particle Schrödinger operator with a perturbed periodic potential, A multivariate convergence theorem of the ``de Montessus de Ballore type, Imbedding of power series spaces and spaces of analytic functions, Über holomorphe Abbildungen mit projektiven Fasern, A general framwork for a multi-operator functional calculus, A Montessus de Ballore theorem for multivariate Padé approximants, Holomorphic maps of compact Riemann surfaces into 2-dimensional compact C-hyperbolic manifolds, Elargissement du groupe d'automorphismes pour les variétés quasi- homogenes, Closed finitely generated ideals in algebras of holomorphic functions and smooth to the boundary in strictly pseudoconvex domains, On a partial converse of the Montessus de Ballore theorem in \({\mathbb{C}}^ n\), A duality theorem for complex manifolds, Bounded holomorphic functions of several variables, Cohomology vanishing theorems on weakly 1-complete manifolds, On the vanishing of and spanning sets for Poincaré series for cusp forms, Geometry of bifurcation diagrams, La distance de Carathéodory n'est pas intérieure, An intrinsic characterization of Kähler manifolds, On the rigidity of Hardy submodules, A new class of polynomially convex sets, Optimal designs for three-dimensional shape analysis with spherical harmonic descriptors, Perturbation theory of resonances and embedded eigenvalues of the Schrödinger operator for a crystal film, Isolated singularities of the 1D complex viscous Burgers equation, On the classification of non-integrable complex distributions, Isolated fixed point sets for holomorphic maps, Boundary behavior of rational proper maps, Sums of products of functions of x times functions of y, Algebraic varieties preserved by generic flows, Error formulas for multivariate rational interpolation and Padé approximation, On the extension of Nash functions, Principe d'Oka-Grauert dans \(A^{\infty}\). (The Oka-Grauert principle in \(A^{\infty})\), Factoriality of the projective limit of factorial rings, Curvature and holomorphic sections of Hermitian bundles, \(m\)-adische Topologie, Fréchettopologie und der Cartansche Abgeschlossenheitssatz. (\(m\)-adic topology, Fréchet topology and the Cartan closedness theorem), Spectral theory of a pencil of skew-symmetric differential operators of third order on \(S^ 1\), On iterates of holomorphic maps, On complex manifolds which can be compactified by adding finitely many points, Linearizability conditions of time-reversible quartic systems having homogeneous nonlinearities, Stein neighborhood bases of embedded strongly pseudoconvex domains and approximation of mappings, A topological version of the argument principle and Rouche's theorem, Normed domains of holomorphy, The coherence of complemented ideals in the space of real analytic functions, Holomorphic curves in complex spaces, Analyticity and naturality of the multi-variable functional calculus, On representing maximin efficient designs by Taylor series, Bordered Riemann surfaces in \(\mathbb C^2\), The Fredholm index of a pair of commuting operators. II, Nondicritical \(\mathbb C^*\)-actions on two-dimensional Stein manifolds, Actions of the groups \({\mathbb C}\) and \({\mathbb C^*}\) on Stein varieties, Implicit Riquier bases for PDAE and their semi-discretizations, Preimages of CR submanifolds with generic holomorphic maps, Microlocal versal deformations of the plane curves \(y^k=x^n\), Riemann domains and envelopes of holomorphy, Spectrum and envelope of holomorphy for infinite dimensional Riemann domains, A coherency theorem for direct images with proper supports in the case of a 1-convex map, An envelope of holomorphy for certain normal complex spaces, Integral representations of Cauchy type with conical singular sets, The pointwise-local-global principle for solutions of generic linear equations, Global realization of strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds, Covering spaces and the Galois theory of commutative Banach algebras, Resolving the singularities of differential equations, On horospheres and holomorphic endomorfisms of the Siegel disc, \({\bar\partial}\)-cohomology of (H,C)-groups, Totally real imbeddings and the universal covering spaces of domains of holomorphy: Some examples, Higher dimensional analogues of periodic continued fractions and cusp singularities, On the Douady space of a compact complex space in the category \({\mathcal C}\). II, Ideals generated by exponential-polynomials, Bifurcations imparfaites de type pontentiel et D-équivalences de déformations des fonctions, Spectra of algebras of holomorphic functions on infinite dimensional Riemann domains, Infinitesimal deformations of Tsuchihashi's cusp singularities, Antisymmetry and analytic structure in the spectrum of a uniform Fréchet algebra, Infinitesimal deformations of generalized cusp singularities, Extending proper holomorphic mappings of positive codimension, Runge approximation, Index of critical points in rational \(\ell\) 2-approximation, On graded bundles and their moduli spaces, Hodge spectral sequence on pseudoconvex domains, Etude topologique des formes logarithmiques fermées. (Topological study of closed logarithmic forms), Complemented infinite type power series subspaces of nuclear Fréchet spaces, Sur les compactifications équivariantes des groupes commutatifs. (On equivariant compactifications of commutative groups), An improved projection operation for cylindrical algebraic decomposition of three-dimensional space, Complex-symmetric spaces, Quadratic forms and holomorphic foliations on singular surfaces, Norms possessing a critical exponent, Coefficient-parameter polynomial continuation, Compactness-like operator properties preserved by complex interpolation, On holomorphic families of subspaces of a Banach space, On a class of Hermitian manifolds, Certain properties of Fredholm analytic sets in Banach spaces, A characterization of the hyperbolic mixed problems in a quarter space for differential operators with constant coefficients, Compact complex surfaces containing global strongly pseudoconvex hypersurfaces, On connected components in the set of divisors of a monic matrix polynomial, On Dolbeault cohomology and envelopes of holomorphy, On algebras of holomorphic functions on finite pseudoconvex manifolds, Zur Definition von Hyperfunktionen, \(C^\infty\) convex functions and manifolds of positive curvature, An algebraic construction of a class of representations of a semi-simple Lie algebra, Holomorphe Systeme von Pseudodifferentialoperatoren, The topology of the space of positive analytic cycles, Topos theory and complex analysis, Ein Approximationssatz für holomorphe Funktionen auf nicht-kompakten Riemannschen Flächen, Intégrales premieres d'une forme de Pfaff analytique, Submanifolds of \(P^N\) with splitting normal bundle sequence are linear, Isomorphisms and ideals of the Lie algebras of vector fields, A functionalanalytic characterization of pure-dimensional and regular Stein algebras, Toeplitz operators on strongly pseudoconvex domains in Stein spaces, Sur la formule de Jensen et les zéros des fonctions holomorphes dans le polydisque, On a generalization of the Hopf fibration. I, Asymptotische Potenzreihen in zwei Veränderlichen, Domains with pseudoconvex neighborhood systems, On a generalization of the Hopf fibration. II: Complex structures on the products of generalized Brieskorn manifolds, Analytic structure in the spectra of certain uF-algebras, Trim stratification of semianalytic sets, On the extension of analytic sets, The divergence of vector fields on Hilbert space, On non-compact complex nil-manifolds, Sur la dualité locale, Hyperfunktionen und Sätze vom Typ edge of the wedge, Zeros of analytic functions of several variables, Closedness of the Douady spaces of compact Kähler spaces, On 2-dimensional Cousin I-spaces, On real and complex-valued bivariate Chebyshev polynomials, Note on the reproducing property of the Bergman kernel, Germs of holomorphic mappings between real algebraic hypersurfaces, On small perturbations of the Schrödinger operator with a periodic potential, Integrable particle systems vs solutions to the KP and 2D Toda equations, Filling in holes of analytic surfaces and classification of compact surfaces, Harmonic synthesis of solutions of elliptic equation with periodic coefficients, Continuous vector bundles over topological algebras. II, The Mergelyan-Bishop theorem in the case of mappings into homogeneous manifolds. II: Proof of the theorem and application, Complements of domains with respect to hulls of outside compact sets, Algebraic approximations of holomorphic maps from Stein domains to projective manifolds, Hartogs extension phenomena for analytic curves, Holomorphic \(q\)-hulls in top degrees, Strictly pseudoconvex domains and algebraic varieties, A note on topological degree theory for holomorphic maps, Optimal designs for estimating individual coefficients in polynomial regression -- a functional approach, Optimal designs for estimating individual coefficients in Fourier regression models, Resonance multiplicity of a perturbed periodic Schrödinger operator, Critical sets of solutions to elliptic equations., Holomorphic Chern-Simons-Witten theory: From 2D to 4D conformal field theories, On quotient modules -- the case of arbitrary multiplicity, Minimal representation of convex regions defined by analytic functions, The distribution \(|v|^\lambda\), oscillating integrals and principal value integrals, On the factoriality of some rings of complex Nash functions, Polynomially convex orbits of compact Lie groups, Complex projective foliations having sub-exponential growth, Local algebras of differential operators, On levels of a weakly perturbed periodic Schrödinger operator, Holomorphic submersions from Stein manifolds., A characterization of 1-convex spaces, Extending holomorphic mappings from subvarieties in Stein manifolds., On the functional approach to optimal designs for nonlinear models, Some special Kähler metrics on \(\operatorname{SL} (2,\mathbb C)\) and their holomorphic quantization, The uniqueness question in the multidimensional moment problem with application to phase space observables., Variation of the Green function on Riemann surfaces and Whitney's holomorphic stratification conjecture, The convergence of Padé-type approximants to holomorphic functions of several complex variables, Hyperbolic domains for the Carathéodory integrated pseudodistance, Heyting valued set theory and Sato hyperfunctions, The ball in \({\mathbb{C}}^ n\) is a closed complex submanifold of a polydisc, Ambient deformations for exceptional sets in two-manifolds, Representation theorems of cohomology on weakly 1-complete manifolds, On the equivalence of the definitions of \(q\)-convex spaces, Deformation kompakter komplexer Mannigfaltigkeiten, Über holomotphe und meromorphe einseitige Inverse, Imbedding annuli in C\(^2\), On deformations of automorphism groups of compact complex manifolds, The residual index and the dynamics of holomorphic maps tangent to the identity, Global asymptotics for multiple integrals with boundaries., A functional-algebraic determination of \(D\)-optimal designs for trigonometric regression models on a partial circle., Painlevé's theorem extended, Entire curves avoiding given sets in \(\mathbb{C}^n\), Noncritical holomorphic functions on Stein manifolds., The Runge approximation problem for holomorphic maps into Grassmannians, A tame splitting theorem for exact sequences of Fréchet spaces, Equivalence of real submanifolds under volume-preserving holomorphic automorphisms of \(\mathbb{C}^ n\), Vertex-IRF correspondence and factorized \(L\)-operators for an elliptic \(R\)-operator, Anosov flows and non-Stein symplectic manifolds, A regularity theorem for deformations of a compact complex surface, Definable sets in generic complex tori, On point to point reflection of harmonic functions across real-analytic hypersurfaces in \(\mathbb{R}^ n\), CR manifolds with noncompact connected automorphism groups, Algebraization of analytic curve germs passing through isolated surface singularities, On certain homological properties of Stein algebras, An approximation theorem related to good compact sets in the sense of Martineau, Resträume zu analytischen Mengen in Steinschen Räumen, A removable singularities theorem for families of ruled surfaces, On L.\,Waelbroeck's functional calculus, An interpolation theorem for proper holomorphic embeddings, Deconstructing functions on quadratic surfaces into multipoles, Classical Poincaré metric pulled back off singularities using a Chow-type theorem and desingularization, On complex vector fields having simply-connected orbits, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, EXPANSIONS OF ALGEBRAICALLY CLOSED FIELDS II: FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABLES, A nonstandard Riemann existence theorem, Families of Holomorphic Maps into Riemann Surfaces, On absence of embedded eigenvalues for schrÖdinger operators with perturbed periodic potentials, [ Un crit�re de Darboux d'existence d'int�grale premi�re pour les 1-formes diff�rentielles analytiques], Unnamed Item, A Holomorphic Point of View about Geodesic Completeness, Picard's theorem, Mittag-Leffler methods, and continuity of characters on Fréchet algebras, Unnamed Item, Continuation of analytic structure in the maximal ideal space of a uniform algebra, Irreducibility of some unitary representations of the poincaré group with respect to the Poincaré subsemigroup, II, Approximation of plurisubharmonic functions by multipole Green functions, The Oka principle for multivalued sections of ramified mappings, Ricci flatness of asymptotically locally Euclidean metrics, Unnamed Item, On the convergence to statistical equilibrium for harmonic crystals, Lifting Cycles to Deformations of Two-Dimensional Pseudoconvex Manifolds, Characterization of the Linear Partial Differential Operators with Constant Coefficients Which are Surjective on Non‐quasianalytic Classes of Roumieu Type on ℝN, Extension operators for analytic functions defined on certain closed subvarieties of a Stein space, Boundedly Holomorphic Convex Riemann Domain, Wave Equations with Finite Velocity of Propagation, [ A poincar�-bendixson theorem for analytic families of vector fields], Cohomology, Maximal Ideals, and Point Evaluations, Regularity and Algebras of Analytic Functions in Infinite Dimensions, Countable partitions of Euclidean space, Generalized Fredholm determinants and Selberg zeta functions for Axiom A dynamical systems, Mappings of Real Algebraic Hypersurfaces, Holomorphic vector fields transverse to polydiscs, EXTENSION OF THE STRUCTURE THEOREM OF BORCHERS AND ITS APPLICATION TO HALF-SIDED MODULAR INCLUSIONS, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, A conjecture of J. Nagata on dimension and metrization, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Zeros of complex homogeneous polynomials, Stein compacts in Levi-flat hypersurfaces, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Equivalence of quotient Hilbert modules–II, Unnamed Item, Some functional-difference equations solvable in finitary functions, Approximation of holomorphic maps with a lower bound on the rank, Banach function algebras with dense invertible group, Generalization of the big Picard theorem, A preparation theorem for Weierstrass systems, The geometry of $G$-structures, Calculation of Some Homology Groups Relevant to Sixth-Order Feynman Diagrams, Solvability of the first Cousin problem and vanishing of higher cohomology groups for domains which are not domains of holomorphy, Solvability of the first Cousin problem and vanishing of higher cohomology groups for domains which are not domains of holomorphy. II, Representations of the algebra of all operators in hilbert space, and related analytic function algebras, Parabolic equations in one space variable and the non‐characteristic cauchy problem, Holomorphic approximation on real submanifolds of a complex manifold, Non-existence of holomorphic solutions of $\partial u/\partial z_1 = f$, Function theoretic methods in the theory of boundary value problems for generalized metaharmonic functions, Coherent sheaves on bordered Riemann surfaces, On Projective Differential Equations on Complex Analytic Manifolds, Hölder and Lp estimates for solutions of ∂u = f in strongly pseudoconvex domains, Cones in Complex Affine Space are Topologically Singular, On local solvability of linear partial differential equations—part II. Sufficient conditions, Holomorphic Approximation on Real-Analytic Submanifolds of a Complex Manifold, Hölder and Lp estimates for solutions of ∂u = f in strongly pseudoconvex domains, Hilbert Nullstellensatz in Global Complex-Analytic Case, Some Remarks about a Theorem of Hartogs, On Projective Differential Equations on Complex Analytic Manifolds, Holomorphic Hulls and Holomorphic Convexity of Differentiable Submanifolds, Decomposition theorems for the generalized metaharmonic equation in several independent variables, Local analytic structure in certain commutative topological algebras, Families of Nonnegative Divisors, On Serre Duality and Envelopes of Holomorphy, Extension of Coherent Analytic Subsheaves, Properties of the Sequence of Closed Powers of a Maximal Ideal in a Sup-Norm Algebra, The Theory of Infinitely Divisible Matrices and Kernels, Finitely Generated Coherent Analytic Sheaves, Modules Over Polydisc Algebras, Noether-Lasker Decomposition of Coherent Analytic Subsheaves, On Smooth Bounded Manifolds, Compact Holomorphically Convex Subsets of a Stein Manifold, On the Number of Singularities of an Analytic Curve, Absolute Gap-Sheaves and Extensions of Coherent Analytic Sheaves, Picard-Lefschetz Theorem for Families of Nonsingular Algebraic Varieties Acquiring Ordinary Singularities, A Note on the Holomorphic Functional Calculus in a Banach Algebra, On the Measure of Zero Sets of Coordinate Functions, Local Complex Analytic Curves in an Analytic Variety, Uniform Approximation on a Real-Analytic Manifold, Approximation Theorems on Differentiable Submanifolds of a Complex Manifold, Bounded Holomorphic Functions of Several Complex Variables. I, The Spectrum of a Function Algebra, The Blaschke Condition for Bounded Holomorphic Functions, Closedness of Coboundary Modules of Analytic Sheaves, The Powers of a Maximal Ideal in a Banach Algebra and Analytic Structure, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Approximation on Disks, Spaces of generalized analytic functions, Quasi-normal analytic spaces, Sous-ensembles analytiques d'ordre fini ou infini dans $C^n$, A spectral mapping theorem for tensor products of unbounded operators, SUR L'ÉQUATION DE CAUCHY–RIEMANN TANGENTIELLE DANS UNE CALOTTE STRICTEMENT PSEUDOCONVEXE, SECOND QUANTIZATION AND THE Lp-SPECTRUM OF NONSYMMETRIC ORNSTEIN–UHLENBECK OPERATORS, Analytic Sets as Branched Coverings, Invariant modules and the reduction of nonlinear partial differential equations to dynamical systems, On complete intersections, The deformation theory of representations of fundamental groups of compact Kähler manifolds, On Cohomology Groups of Certain Subcomplexes of Dolbeault Complexes, Zeros of Entire Functions in Several Complex Variables, Homomorphisms of Rings of Germs of Analytic Functions, Plurisubharmonic Functions and Convexity Properties for General Function Algebras, On the De Rham cohomology of algebraic varieties, Inverse eigenvalue problems, Curvature Tensors in Kaehler Manifolds, On the mean value of probability measures on circular graphs, Foliations with complex leaves, Complete intersections in Stein manifolds, Algebras of Analytic Germs, Kählerianity of \(q\)-Stein spaces, Kählerianity of \(q\)-Stein spaces, On linear matrix differential equations, Prolongement de faisceaux analytiques cohérents, On the continuation of analytic sets, Extension of holomorphic maps into hermitian manifolds, Local moduli for complex analytic vector bundles, Extension of holomorphic maps into hermitian manifolds, On Dual Sets Generated by Lacunary Polynomials, Local moduli for complex analytic vector bundles