scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3052220

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zbMath0034.10503MaRDI QIDQ5791470

Fritz John

Publication date: 1948

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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II, Hölder regularity of optimal mappings in optimal transportation, Real and complex Fritz John theorems, Optimality criteria in nonlinear programming involving nonconvex functions, Über die affine Exzentrizität konvexer Körper, A minimization problem for probabilistic frames, The torsion function of convex domains of high eccentricity, Contraction and expansion of convex sets, Kakeya-Brascamp-Lieb inequalities, Approximation of the average of some random matrices, Inexact linear programming with generalized technological matrix sets, Extremal problems on the set of nonnegative definite matrices, Geometric and algorithmic developments for a hierarchical planning problem, On the complexity of approximating the maximal inscribed ellipsoid for a polytope, Isometries of Carnot groups and sub-Finsler homogeneous manifolds, The \(L_p\) Loomis-Whitney inequality, A new transfer principle in the geometry of numbers, Quantitative stability of the Brunn-Minkowski inequality for sets of equal volume, General Fisher information matrices of a random vector, New results on affine invariant points, Flow by powers of the Gauss curvature, Orlicz-Legendre ellipsoids, Regularity of optimal transport maps on multiple products of spheres, Finitely additive measures and complementability of Lipschitz-free spaces, Unnamed Item, The Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma almost characterizes Hilbert space, but not quite, On the vertex index of convex bodies, Unnamed Item, Complexity of integer quasiconvex polynomial optimization, Optimal Data Fitting: A Moment Approach, On Bernstein-Markov-type inequalities for multivariate polynomials in \(L_q\)-norm, The dimension of almost spherical sections of convex bodies, Centro–affine curvature flows on centrally symmetric convex curves, Many empty triangles have a common edge, Enhancing Pure-Pixel Identification Performance via Preconditioning, On the Banach-Mazur distance between the cube and the crosspolytope, Submodular Functions: Learnability, Structure, and Optimization, Geometric control of the Robin Laplacian eigenvalues: the case of negative boundary parameter, The Löwner function of a log-concave function, Sharp \(A_1\) weighted estimates for vector-valued operators, The Monge–Ampère equation and its link to optimal transportation, The minimal Orlicz surface area, Statistical Query Algorithms for Mean Vector Estimation and Stochastic Convex Optimization, Unnamed Item, Tauberian conditions, Muckenhoupt weights, and differentiation properties of weighted bases, Convergence rates for the relaxed Peaceman-Rachford splitting method on a monotone inclusion problem, Sets in \(\mathbb{Z}^k\) with doubling \(2^k + \delta\) are near convex progressions, A Liouville theorem for the Neumann problem of Monge-Ampère equations, Variance estimates and almost Euclidean structure, Probabilistic tight frames and representation of positive operator-valued measures, A sharp Rogers and Shephard inequality for the $p$-difference body of planar convex bodies, BRASCAMP–LIEB INEQUALITY AND QUANTITATIVE VERSIONS OF HELLY'S THEOREM, Notes on Schneider's stability estimates for convex sets, A \(\sqrt{n}\) estimate for measures of hyperplane sections of convex bodies, Asymptotic analysis of the trajectories of the logarithmic barrier algorithm without constraint qualifications, Minimal volume product near Hanner polytopes, Hodge-Laplace eigenvalues of convex bodies, A survey on the continuous nonlinear resource allocation problem, On the Banach structure of multivariate BV spaces, Unnamed Item, Generalized pseudo-convex minmax programming., Gromov hyperbolic spaces and the sharp isoperimetric constant, Shadows of Convex Bodies, Affinely regular polygons as extremals of area functionals, Application of an idea of Voronoĭ to John type problems, Approximation of the joint spectral radius using sum of squares, A geometric estimate on the norm of product of functionals, Inscribing an axially symmetric polygon and other approximation algorithms for planar convex sets, Unnamed Item, Spectral subspaces of $L^p$ for $p<1$, The planar Busemann-Petty centroid inequality and its stability, Mahler's work on the geometry of numbers, The \(L^p\) Gagliardo-Nirenberg-Zhang inequality, On the \({ L}^{ p}\) norm of the torsion function, Sets of unit vectors with small subset sums, A Danzer set for axis parallel boxes, Unnamed Item, Statistical hyperbolicity in Teichmüller space, Un théorème sur les opérateurs linéaires entre espaces de Banach qui se factorisent par un espace de Hilbert, The complementarity class of hybrid dynamical systems, Guaranteed satisfaction of inequality state constraints in PDE-constrained optimization, The Geometry of Differential Privacy: The Small Database and Approximate Cases, A Strong Form of the Quantitative Wulff Inequality, Volumes and areas of Lipschitz metrics, Complete characterization of optimality for convex programming in banach spaces, The Fast Cauchy Transform and Faster Robust Linear Regression, The Fritz John necessary optimality conditions in the presence of equality and inequality constraints, Constrained minimization under vector-valued criteria in finite dimensional spaces, Growth rate of Lipschitz constants for retractions between finite subset spaces, Tauberian conditions for geometric maximal operators, On p-absolutely summing constants of Banach spaces, On the projection and Macphail constants of \(l_{n}^{p}\) spaces, Extremal convex bodies for affine measures of symmetry, On Banach spaces whose group of isometries acts micro-transitively on the unit sphere, Quantitative affine approximation for UMD targets, Combined phase I—phase II methods of feasible directions, A space with no unconditional basis that satisfies the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma, Relations between some constants associated with finite dimensional Banach spaces, Nonlinear programming in locally convex spaces, Singular integrals and multiplier operators, Extremal problems for \(L_p\) surface areas and John ellipsoids, Asymmetry and projection constants of Banach spaces, On mixed \(L_{p}\) John ellipsoids, Polar reciprocal convex bodies, A theorem of Fritz John in complex programming, On the Oberlin affine curvature condition, Lipschitz class, narrow class, and counting lattice points, Traces of $C^{k}$ functions on weak Markov subsets of $\mathbb R^{n}$, Boundary case of equality in optimal Loewner-type inequalities, A sharp dual \(L_p\) John ellipsoid problem for \(p\le -n-1\), On the singularity probability of random Bernoulli matrices, Existence and non existence results for supercritical systems of Liouville-type equations on simply connected domains, Fast algorithms for the minimum volume estimator, Boundary \(C^{2, \alpha}\) estimates for Monge-Ampère type equations, Supercritical mean field equations on convex domains and the Onsager's statistical description of two-dimensional turbulence, On Lipschitz extension from finite subsets, Quantitative stability for the Brunn-Minkowski inequality