
From MaRDI portal
Revision as of 10:52, 13 March 2024 by Tconrad (talk | contribs)
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This Lua module is designed for use in a MediaWiki environment. It provides functionality to execute a SPARQL query and present its results in an HTML table format. The module is particularly tailored for generating tables from SPARQL query results, relevant to specific entities identified by a dynamic parameter.


  • SPARQL Module: Used to execute SPARQL queries.
  • mw.html Module: Utilized for generating HTML content, specifically tables.

Module Functions


Generates an HTML table based on the results of a SPARQL query.

* frame: The frame object containing arguments passed to the module.
* Extracts target1 from frame.args[1]. If target1 is not provided or is empty, the function returns "No records found".
* Constructs and executes a SPARQL query using the target1 value. The query retrieves publication dates and work details related to target1.
* Handles errors in SPARQL query execution and logs them.
* Converts the SPARQL query results (JSON format) into a Lua table.
* Generates an HTML table with predefined headers ("Publication", "Date of Publication") and returns it as a string.


Utility function for string manipulation.

* str: The string to be processed.
* The trimmed and lowercased version of the input string.


Converts SPARQL query results in JSON format into a Lua table.

* jsonResults: JSON object containing SPARQL query results.
* A Lua table representing the SPARQL query results.

createHtmlTableWithMergedCols(dataTable, headers)

Creates an HTML table from a Lua data table, with specific column handling.

* dataTable: The data table from which the HTML table will be generated.
* headers: A table containing header names for the HTML table.
* Generates an HTML table with provided headers.
* Merges the first two columns of data into a single column in the resultant HTML table.
* Skips the third column and includes subsequent columns in the HTML table.
* Returns the HTML table as a string.

Return Value

The module returns a table containing the converted information (publication name and date).

Usage Example


Replace ModuleName with the actual name of the module when invoking it in a MediaWiki template or page. Arguments should be replaced with the appropriate arguments as required by the module's functionality.

Note: For the Debug console, you can use this:

local mockFrame = { args = { 'Q161115'} }

-- Required module containing helper methods
local helper = require('Module:HelperMethods')

-- Required modules for SPARQL queries and HTML table generation
local sparql = require('SPARQL')
local mwHtml = require('mw.html')

-- Main table to hold all functions
local p = {}

-- Function to build a HTML table from SPARQL query results
function p.buildTableFromSparql(frame)
    -- Retrieve target1 from frame arguments or return error message if not set
	local target1 = frame.args[1]
    if not target1 or target1 == '' then
        return "No records found"
    local height = frame.args[2] or '400px' -- Default height if not specified
    local width = frame.args[3] or '800px' -- Default width if not specified
    -- Get the current URL
    local baseUrl =

    -- Constructing the SPARQL query with dynamic entity target1
    local sparqlQuery = [[
PREFIX target1: <]] .. target1 .. [[>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>

  ?publication_date ?work ?workLabel 
  (CONCAT("]] .. baseUrl .. [[/wiki/Publication:", REPLACE(STR(?work), "^.*/Q", "")) AS ?workUrl)
  (REPLACE(STR(?work), "^.*/", "") AS ?qid)
  ?work wdt:P16 target1: .
  ?work wdt:P1460 wd:Q5976449 .

    ?work wdt:P28 ?publication_datetime .
    BIND(xsd:date(?publication_datetime) AS ?publication_date)
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }

ORDER BY DESC(?publication_date)

	-- Executing the SPARQL query and retrieving results in JSON format
	-- mw.log( sparqlQuery )
	local jsonResults = sparql.runQuery(sparqlQuery)
	-- mw.logObject(jsonResults) 

	-- Handle error in SPARQL query execution
	if jsonResults and jsonResults.error then
    	mw.log("Error in SPARQL query: " .. tostring(jsonResults.error))
    	return nil

	if not jsonResults then
        return "Could not fetch data."

	if helper.countElementsInBindings(jsonResults.results.bindings) == 0 then
        return "No records found."

	-- Extracting headers from the SPARQL query results
	-- local headers = {}
	-- if jsonResults and jsonResults.head and jsonResults.head.vars then
	-- 	headers = jsonResults.head.vars
	-- end
	-- Convert the JSON results into a Lua table
    local fieldOrder = {"workUrl", "workLabel", "work", "publication_date", "qid"}
	local dataTable = helper.convertJsonToTableOrdered(jsonResults, fieldOrder)
    -- Create and return HTML table from the data
    local headers = {"Publication", "Date of Publication"}
    local htmlTable =  helper.createHtmlTableWithMergedCols(dataTable, headers, {{1, 2}, {4}})

	-- Generate histogram data
    local histogramChart = helper.generateHistogramChartFromTable(dataTable, 4)
    local histogramChartJson = mw.text.jsonEncode(histogramChart)
    -- mw.log(histogramDataJson) 
    -- Create a parent container for both the table and the chart
	local parentContainer = mw.html.create('div')
    	:css('width', width) -- Set the width as needed

    -- Create chart container
    local chartContainer = mw.html.create('div')
        :css('height', height)
        :css('width', width)
        :attr('data-chartdata', histogramChartJson)

	local heading = mw.html.create('h2')
    	:wikitext('Publications over time')

    -- Add the table and chart to the parent container

    return tostring(parentContainer)

-- Return the created html table
return p