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OpenML48MaRDI QIDQ6032903

OpenML dataset with id 48

No author found.

Full work available at URL: https://api.openml.org/data/v1/download/48/tae.arff

Upload date: 6 April 2014

Dataset Characteristics

Number of classes: 3
Number of features: 6 (numeric: 3, symbolic: 3 and in total binary: 2 )
Number of instances: 151
Number of instances with missing values: 0
Number of missing values: 0

Author: Source: Unknown - Please cite:

1. Title: Teaching Assistant Evaluation

2. Sources:
   (a) Collector: Wei-Yin Loh (Department of Statistics, UW-Madison)
   (b) Donor:     Tjen-Sien Lim (limt@stat.wisc.edu)
   (b) Date:      June 7, 1997

3. Past Usage:
   1. Loh, W.-Y. & Shih, Y.-S. (1997). Split Selection Methods for 
      Classification Trees, Statistica Sinica 7: 815-840.
   2. Lim, T.-S., Loh, W.-Y. & Shih, Y.-S. (1999). A Comparison of
      Prediction Accuracy, Complexity, and Training Time of
      Thirty-three Old and New Classification Algorithms. Machine
      Learning. Forthcoming.
      (ftp://ftp.stat.wisc.edu/pub/loh/treeprogs/quest1.7/mach1317.pdf or

4. Relevant Information:
   The data consist of evaluations of teaching performance over three
   regular semesters and two summer semesters of 151 teaching assistant
   (TA) assignments at the Statistics Department of the University of
   Wisconsin-Madison. The scores were divided into 3 roughly equal-sized
   categories ("low", "medium", and "high") to form the class variable.

5. Number of Instances: 151

6. Number of Attributes: 6 (including the class attribute)

7. Attribute Information:
   1. Whether of not the TA is a native English speaker (binary)
      1=English speaker, 2=non-English speaker
   2. Course instructor (categorical, 25 categories)
   3. Course (categorical, 26 categories)
   4. Summer or regular semester (binary) 1=Summer, 2=Regular
   5. Class size (numerical)
   6. Class attribute (categorical) 1=Low, 2=Medium, 3=High

8. Missing Attribute Values: None
Information about the dataset
CLASSTYPE: nominal