Portal/rdm/examples/augmenting old project

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Example: Augmenting an existing (old) project with data

Project description

In 2017 the paper [1] was published. This paper describes the software mptopcom for enumerating triangulations of point configurations. The project resulted in various data sets that can be made FAIR with the knowledge and guidelines of MaRDI, thereby becoming usable for the wider mathematical community. The bold parts highlight the changes.

1. Data description

The project resulted in a preprint, the software package mptopcom, and two datasets of triangulations of the 3-dilated 3-simplex belonging to Theorem 19 of the preprint. The software package mptopcom is based on TOPCOM by Prof. Dr. Jörg Rambau. The total data volume is roughly 300MB, with the bulk coming from the triangulation datasets. The uncompressed size of the triangulation datasets is roughly 12GB.

2. Documentation and data quality

The preprint has been uploaded to the arXiv. The documentation of mptopcom is available in the included README.md and on the mptopcom website. The triangulation datasets are documented by a dedicated git repository[2], explaining the format and providing sample scripts for parsing.

3. Storage and technical archiving the project

Throughout the project duration, both the preprint and mptopcom were developed in git repositories hosted on the polymake server. The triangulation datasets were stored on the polymake server as well.

4. Data exchange and long-term data accessibility

Our preprints were uploaded to the arXiv at the end of the project duration. The software package mptopcom was be made available on the polymake server and on zenodo to ensure long term accessibility. The triangulation datasets were be uploaded to Zenodo[3][4] and linked to the paper and software in the corresponding metadata sections.

5. Legal obligations and conditions

We are aware of both the TU and DFG legal requirements. Our preprint is be published under the standard arXiv license. The software package mptopcom is licensed under the GPLv3. The triangulation datasets are published under the zenodo default license

6. Responsibilities and resources

Lars Kastner is responsible for maintaining the git repositories during the project duration and for the uploads to the arXiv and Zenodo.

In case we need to publish additional data, we will follow the MaRDI guidelines on data management and how to choose an appropriate repository.


  1. Jordan, C., Joswig, M., Kastner, L. (2017). Parallel Enumeration of Triangulations The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics (E-JC)
  2. Kastner, L. (2024). Parsing (MP)TOPCOM triangulations GitHub and Zenodo
  3. Joswig, M., Jordan, C., Kastner, L.(2024). Regular full triangulations of the 3-dilated 3-simplex Zenodo
  4. Joswig, M., Jordan, C., Kastner, L.(2024). Regular unimodular triangulations of the 3-dilated 3-simplex Zenodo

This example was authored by Lars Kastner from Technische Universität Berlin. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at the MaRDI helpdesk.