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Sorry, the SPARQL server sent an error. (see details with parameter log=2)
Error #sparql :Error query : PREFIX mdb: <https://mardi4nfdi.de/mathmoddb#> SELECT ?Name ?Unit ?Symbol ?Task (?Type AS ?Dependency_Type) WHERE { wd: wdt:P557 ?centralItem . ?centralItem wdt:P31 wd:Q68663; wdt:P188 ?url; rdfs:label ?Label. SERVICE <https://sparql.mtsr2024.m1.mardi.ovh/mathalgodb/query> { ?url mdb:appliedByTask ?task . ?task rdfs:label ?Task . { ?task mdb:containsInput ?item . ?item rdfs:label ?Name . BIND("independent" AS ?Type) } UNION { ?task mdb:containsOutput ?item . ?item rdfs:label ?Name . BIND("dependent" AS ?Type) } OPTIONAL { ?task mdb:containsFormulation ?formulation . ?formulation mdb:inDefiningFormulation ?definingStatement . BIND(STR(?definingStatement) AS ?plainStatement) BIND(REPLACE(?plainStatement, "\\s*,\\s*", ",") AS ?cleanedStatement) BIND(STRBEFORE(?cleanedStatement, ",") AS ?Symbolraw) BIND(STRAFTER(?cleanedStatement, ",") AS ?quantityLabel) BIND(REPLACE(?Symbolraw, "\\$", "") AS ?cleanSymbol) BIND(CONCAT() AS ?Symbol) } BIND(STR(?Name) AS ?plainItemLabel) FILTER(?quantityLabel = ?plainItemLabel) } BIND("" AS ?Unit) } ORDER BY ?taskLabel ?itemLabel Error endpoint: https://query.portal.mardi4nfdi.de/proxy/wdqs/bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql Error http_response_code: 0 Error message: Error (see log) Error number: 7 Error message: Failed to connect to query.portal.mardi4nfdi.de port 443 after 1 ms: Couldn't connect to server Error data: Array ( [query] => PREFIX mdb: <https://mardi4nfdi.de/mathmoddb#> SELECT ?Name ?Unit ?Symbol ?Task (?Type AS ?Dependency_Type) WHERE { wd: wdt:P557 ?centralItem . ?centralItem wdt:P31 wd:Q68663; wdt:P188 ?url; rdfs:label ?Label. SERVICE <https://sparql.mtsr2024.m1.mardi.ovh/mathalgodb/query> { ?url mdb:appliedByTask ?task . ?task rdfs:label ?Task . { ?task mdb:containsInput ?item . ?item rdfs:label ?Name . BIND("independent" AS ?Type) } UNION { ?task mdb:containsOutput ?item . ?item rdfs:label ?Name . BIND("dependent" AS ?Type) } OPTIONAL { ?task mdb:containsFormulation ?formulation . ?formulation mdb:inDefiningFormulation ?definingStatement . BIND(STR(?definingStatement) AS ?plainStatement) BIND(REPLACE(?plainStatement, "\\s*,\\s*", ",") AS ?cleanedStatement) BIND(STRBEFORE(?cleanedStatement, ",") AS ?Symbolraw) BIND(STRAFTER(?cleanedStatement, ",") AS ?quantityLabel) BIND(REPLACE(?Symbolraw, "\\$", "") AS ?cleanSymbol) BIND(CONCAT() AS ?Symbol) } BIND(STR(?Name) AS ?plainItemLabel) FILTER(?quantityLabel = ?plainItemLabel) } BIND("" AS ?Unit) } ORDER BY ?taskLabel ?itemLabel [output] => xml [Accept] => application/sparql-results+xml )