
From MaRDI portal
Revision as of 14:33, 2 December 2024 by Schubotz (talk | contribs)

This page is documentation of how to get the Updater to incorporate items it missed because if was not running for some reason.

For more information: (search for runUpdate)'t_the_query_service_update?

  • go to mardi02
  • determine the timestamp you want to start from (format should be 2015-02-11T17:11:08Z or 20150211170100 )
  • execute
    docker exec docker-wdqs-1 bash -c '/wdqs/ -h http://${WDQS_HOST}:${WDQS_PORT} -- --wikibaseUrl ${WIKIBASE_SCHEME}://${WIKIBASE_HOST} --conceptUri ${WIKIBASE_SCHEME}://${WIKIBASE_HOST} --entityNamespaces ${WDQS_ENTITY_NAMESPACES} --init --start TIMESTAMP'
  • this might not work for some unknown reason, in that case you can either update a specific IDs by adding --ids ID1,ID2,... or update a range of IDs by adding --idrange ID1-ID2 ; if the idrange is chosen, omit the Q. It is still necessary to give a timestamp