Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
---| | 2024-03-19 | Paper |
The computation of $\mathrm{Gal}(k^\infty /k)$ for some complex quadratic number fields $k$ | 2024-02-28 | Paper |
Hermite's identity and the quadratic reciprocity law | 2024-02-26 | Paper |
4000 Jahre Zahlentheorie | 2024-01-15 | Paper |
Mathematik à la Carte – Babylonische Algebra | 2022-11-04 | Paper |
The Hasse-Noether correspondence 1925--1935. English translation with extensive commentary. Translated by Robert Perlis | 2022-09-06 | Paper |
Quadratic Number Fields | 2021-08-24 | Paper |
A simple proof of the infinitude of primes | 2021-01-13 | Paper |
Ein Brief von Eisensteins Eltern an Gauss | 2021-01-10 | Paper |
Scholz's reciprocity law in number fields | 2021-01-08 | Paper |
Gotthold Eisenstein and Philosopher John | 2020-11-27 | Paper |
Composite values of irreducible polynomials | 2019-05-29 | Paper |
The Ambiguous Class Number Formula Revisited | 2018-11-28 | Paper |
Leonardo da Vinci's Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem | 2018-08-20 | Paper | | 2018-02-23 | Paper |
David Hilbert: The theory of algebraic number fields. Jahresber. Deutsche Math. Ver. 4 (1897), 175--546 | 2018-01-29 | Paper |
Hilbert $2$-class fields and $2$-descent | 2017-08-25 | Paper |
Quadratische Zahlkörper | 2017-06-30 | Paper |
A-level examination problems and competence | 2016-12-13 | Paper |
Mathematik à la Carte | 2016-11-17 | Paper |
Book review of: Martin Aigner, Markov's theorem and 100 years of the uniqueness conjecture | 2015-01-02 | Paper |
Mathematik à la Carte | 2014-12-30 | Paper |
Václav Šimerka: quadratic forms and factorization | 2014-07-11 | Paper |
Book review: Richard Dedekind: Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen | 2013-11-13 | Paper |
Why is the Class Number of $\Q(\sqrt[3{11})$ even?] | 2013-10-30 | Paper |
The 4-class group of real quadratic number fields | 2013-10-24 | Paper |
Small Norms in Quadratic Fields | 2013-10-24 | Paper |
Binomial squares in pure cubic number fields | 2013-03-07 | Paper |
Parametrization of Algebraic Curves from a Number Theorist’s Point of View | 2013-03-06 | Paper |
An Application of the Dedekind-Hasse Criterion | 2012-05-05 | Paper |
Simplest Cubic Number Fields | 2012-02-27 | Paper |
Harbingers of Artin's Reciprocity Law. III. Gauss's Lemma and Artin's Transfer | 2012-02-26 | Paper |
Harbingers of Artin's Reciprocity Law. IV. Bernstein's Reciprocity Law | 2012-02-26 | Paper |
Harbingers of Artin's Reciprocity Law. II. Irreducibility of Cyclotomic Polynomials | 2012-02-26 | Paper |
Harbingers of Artin's Reciprocity Law. I. The Continuing Story of Auxiliary Primes | 2011-09-06 | Paper |
Euclid's Algorithm in quartic CM-fields | 2011-08-31 | Paper |
Parametrizing Algebraic Curves | 2011-08-31 | Paper |
The Snake Lemma | 2011-08-29 | Paper |
Binary Quadratic Forms and Counterexamples to Hasse's Local-Global Principle | 2011-08-29 | Paper |
Grün's theorems and class groups | 2011-03-31 | Paper |
Arithmetic of Pell surfaces | 2011-01-11 | Paper |
Euler, Goldbach, and ``Fermat's theorem | 2010-12-23 | Paper |
Jacobi and Kummer's ideal numbers | 2009-11-09 | Paper |
Number theory of the Greeks. II: Gauss lemmas and Riesz rings | 2009-10-19 | Paper |
Number theory of the Greeks. I: Euclid's fundamental theorem of arithmetics | 2009-05-13 | Paper |
On the unit group of some multiquadratic number fields | 2008-11-14 | Paper |
Ideal class groups of cyclotomic number fields III | 2008-02-27 | Paper |
A supplement to Scholz's reciprocity law | 2007-10-23 | Paper |
Selmer groups and quadratic reciprocity | 2007-08-29 | Paper | | 2007-04-24 | Paper | | 2006-10-17 | Paper |
Kronecker-Weber via Stickelberger | 2006-03-30 | Paper |
Class groups of dihedral extensions | 2005-06-30 | Paper |
Imaginary quadratic fields with \(Cl_2(k)\simeq (2,2,2)\). | 2003-12-03 | Paper |
Higher Descent on Pell Conics II. Two Centuries of Missed Opportunities | 2003-11-18 | Paper |
Conics - a Poor Man's Elliptic Curves | 2003-11-18 | Paper |
Higher Descent on Pell Conics I. From Legendre to Selmer | 2003-11-18 | Paper |
Higher Descent on Pell Conics III. The First 2-Descent | 2003-11-18 | Paper |
Galois action on class groups | 2003-07-30 | Paper |
Some families of non-congruent numbers | 2003-06-12 | Paper |
Circles and squares modulo \(p\) | 2003-02-08 | Paper |
The development of the princial genus theorem | 2002-07-15 | Paper |
Imaginary quadratic fields with Cl_2(k) = (2,2,2) | 2002-07-15 | Paper | | 2001-12-05 | Paper |
Imaginary quadratic fields \(k\) with \(\text{Cl}_ 2(k)\simeq(2,2^ m)\) and rank \(\text{Cl}_ 2(k^ 1)=2\). | 2001-09-24 | Paper |
Euclidean Windows | 2001-05-09 | Paper | | 2000-05-25 | Paper |
The class number one problem for some non-abelian normal CM-fields of degree 24 | 2000-04-03 | Paper |
Imaginary quadratic fields k with Cl_2(k) = (2,2^m) and Rank Cl_2(k^1) = 2 | 2000-03-26 | Paper |
A note on Pépin's counterexamples to the Hasse principle for curves of genus 1 | 2000-03-19 | Paper |
On 2-class field towers of some imaginary quadratic number fields | 1999-09-01 | Paper |
Real quadratic fields with abelian 2-class field tower | 1999-08-16 | Paper |
The Euclidean Algorithm in Cubic Number Fields | 1998-09-30 | Paper |
Ideal class groups of cyclotomic number fields II | 1998-06-22 | Paper |
Unramified quaternion extensions of quadratic number fields | 1998-03-25 | Paper |
Imaginary quadratic fields \(k\) with cyclic \(\text{Cl}_2(k^1)\) | 1998-02-16 | Paper | | 1998-01-11 | Paper |
Rational quartic reciprocity II | 1997-07-30 | Paper |
On the family of Thue equations x³ - (n-1)x²y - (n+2)xy² - y³ = k | 1997-05-26 | Paper |
Simplest cubic fields | 1996-11-11 | Paper |
The Euclidean algorithm in algebraic number fields | 1996-08-13 | Paper |
Ideal class groups of cyclotomic number fields I | 1996-05-20 | Paper | | 1996-05-06 | Paper |
On 2-class field towers of imaginary quadratic number fields | 1995-05-11 | Paper |
Rational quartic reciprocity | 1995-03-02 | Paper |
Kuroda's class number formula | 1995-02-26 | Paper |
Ring class fields and a result of Hasse | N/A | Paper |