Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
The chromatic number of squares of random graphs | 2023-04-19 | Paper |
A \(2/3\)-approximation algorithm for vertex-weighted matching | 2022-01-05 | Paper |
AMPS: Real‐time mesh cutting with augmented matrices for surgical simulations | 2020-12-15 | Paper |
Approximation algorithms in combinatorial scientific computing | 2019-08-28 | Paper |
A 2/3-Approximation Algorithm for Vertex Weighted Matching in Bipartite Graphs | 2019-02-19 | Paper |
Book Reviews | 2018-11-12 | Paper |
Using automatic differentiation for compressive sensing in uncertainty quantification | 2018-10-09 | Paper | | 2018-05-29 | Paper |
Capitalizing on \textit{live} variables: new algorithms for efficient Hessian computation via automatic differentiation | 2018-02-01 | Paper |
AMPS: An Augmented Matrix Formulation for Principal Submatrix Updates with Application to Power Grids | 2017-10-27 | Paper |
Efficient Computation of Sparse Hessians Using Coloring and Automatic Differentiation | 2012-07-28 | Paper |
Combinatorial Scientific Computing: The Enabling Power of Discrete Algorithms in Computational Science | 2009-01-20 | Paper | | 2008-10-17 | Paper |
New Acyclic and Star Coloring Algorithms with Application to Computing Hessians | 2008-06-16 | Paper |
Combinatorial algorithms for computing column space bases that have sparse inverses | 2007-03-16 | Paper |
What Color Is Your Jacobian? Graph Coloring for Computing Derivatives | 2005-12-12 | Paper | | 2004-08-12 | Paper |
A Scalable Parallel Algorithm for Incomplete Factor Preconditioning | 2001-06-21 | Paper | | 2000-09-05 | Paper |
Two improved algorithms for envelope and wavefront reduction | 1998-07-19 | Paper |
Computing the block triangular form of a sparse matrix | 1998-02-09 | Paper | | 1997-03-13 | Paper |
A spectral algorithm for envelope reduction of sparse matrices | 1996-03-14 | Paper |
The Sparse Basis Problem and Multilinear Algebra | 1995-11-01 | Paper |
A clique tree algorithm for partitioning a chordal graph into transitive subgraphs | 1995-09-06 | Paper | | 1995-04-09 | Paper | | 1995-03-22 | Paper |
Stability of the Partitioned Inverse Method for Parallel Solution of Sparse Triangular Systems | 1994-09-08 | Paper | | 1994-08-31 | Paper |
Predicting the structure of sparse orthogonal factors | 1994-03-27 | Paper |
Partitioning a chordal graph into transitive subgraphs for parallel sparse triangular solution | 1994-01-26 | Paper |
A Mapping Algorithm for Parallel Sparse Cholesky Factorization | 1994-01-06 | Paper | | 1993-11-15 | Paper |
A Fast Reordering Algorithm for Parallel Sparse Triangular Solution | 1992-06-28 | Paper | | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
Partitioning Sparse Matrices with Eigenvectors of Graphs | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
Sparse null basis computations in structural optimization | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
Distributed Orthogonal Factorization: Givens and Householder Algorithms | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
A Fast Algorithm for Reordering Sparse Matrices for Parallel Factorization | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
The Null Space Problem II. Algorithms | 1987-01-01 | Paper |
The Null Space Problem I. Complexity | 1986-01-01 | Paper |