Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Analysis of thermal non-equilibrium model on the ree-Eyring nanofluid flow influenced by an inclined magnetic field | 2025-01-16 | Paper |
Influence of inclined magnetic field and surface catalyzed reactions on a ternary hybrid nanofluid rotating flow with irreversibility analysis | 2025-01-13 | Paper |
Soliton solutions for anti-cubic nonlinearity using three analytical approaches | 2024-09-05 | Paper |
Thermal inspection of hybrid nanofluid flows over a stretched cylinder at an oblique stagnation point with variable characteristics | 2024-08-21 | Paper |
A non-similar solution to dissipative Eyring-Powell nanofluid flow over a nonlinear stretching surface with an inclined magnetic field and active/passive nanoparticles flux | 2024-07-23 | Paper |
Further results on radio number of wedge sum of graphs. | 2024-06-05 | Paper |
A note on classification of dust static plane symmetric space-times via proper curvature collineations in \(f(R)\) gravity | 2024-04-25 | Paper |
Framing the hydrothermal significance of water-based hybrid nanofluid flow over a revolving disk | 2024-04-15 | Paper |
Conformal vector fields for some vacuum classes of pp-waves space-times in ghost free infinite derivative gravity | 2024-04-11 | Paper |
Applications of solar radiation toward the slip flow of a non‐Newtonian viscoelastic hybrid nanofluid over a rotating disk | 2024-03-21 | Paper |
Classification of non-conformally flat static plane symmetric perfect fluid solutions via proper conformal vector fields in f(T) gravity | 2024-03-16 | Paper |
Radiative Williamson nanofluid flow over a convectively heated Riga plate with chemical reaction -- a numerical approach | 2024-03-07 | Paper |
Classification of proper non-static cylindrically symmetric perfect fluid space-times via conformal vector fields in f(R) gravity | 2024-03-05 | Paper |
Conformal vector fields of some vacuum classes of static spherically symmetric space-times in f(T,B) gravity | 2024-03-05 | Paper |
Existence of conformal vector fields of Bianchi type I space-times in f(R) gravity | 2024-03-01 | Paper |
Conformal vector fields of static spherically symmetric space-times in f(R, G) gravity | 2024-03-01 | Paper |
Conformal vector fields in proper non-static plane symmetric spacetimes in f(R) gravity | 2024-02-23 | Paper |
A note on classification of static plane symmetric perfect fluid space-times via proper conformal vector fields in f(G) theory of gravity | 2024-02-23 | Paper |
Classification of vacuum classes of plane fronted gravitational waves via proper conformal vector fields in f(R) gravity | 2024-02-08 | Paper |
A note on classification of Kantowski–Sachs and Bianchi type III solutions in f(T) gravity via conformal vector fields | 2024-02-07 | Paper |
Noether symmetries for a class of static plane symmetric solutions in f(T) gravity | 2024-01-29 | Paper |
Unsteady free convective magnetohydrodynamics flow of a Casson fluid through a channel with double diffusion and ramp temperature and concentration | 2024-01-12 | Paper |
Model‐based comparative study of magnetohydrodynamics unsteady hybrid nanofluid flow between two infinite parallel plates with particle shape effects | 2024-01-12 | Paper |
Classification of static spherically symmetric perfect fluid space-times via conformal vector fields in f(T) gravity | 2023-06-19 | Paper |
Variable viscosity effects on the flow of MHD hybrid nanofluid containing dust particles over a needle with Hall current—a Xue model exploration | 2023-06-13 | Paper |
Comparative study of hybrid and nanofluid flows over an exponentially stretched curved surface with modified Fourier law and dust particles | 2022-11-09 | Paper |
Numerical solutions of coupled nonlinear fractional KdV equations using He’s fractional calculus | 2021-03-09 | Paper |
A note on some Bianchi type II spacetimes and their conformal vector fields in f(R) theory of gravity | 2020-01-23 | Paper |
MHD boundary layer flow of carreau fluid over a convectively heated bidirectional sheet with non-Fourier heat flux and variable thermal conductivity | 2019-11-20 | Paper |
A note on classification of spatially homogeneous rotating space-times in f(R) theory of gravity according to their proper conformal vector fields | 2019-09-13 | Paper |
A note on proper homothetic vector fields in plane symmetric perfect fluid static spacetimes in f(R, T) theory of gravity | 2019-08-16 | Paper |
Classification of static cylindrically symmetric spacetimes in \(f(R)\) theory of gravity by conformal motions with perfect fluid matter | 2019-06-24 | Paper |
A note on some perfect fluid Kantowski–Sachs and Bianchi type III spacetimes and their conformal vector fields in f(R) theory of gravity | 2019-04-29 | Paper |
Classification of static spherically symmetric space-times in f(R) theory of gravity according to their conformal vector fields | 2019-02-01 | Paper |
Dust static plane symmetric solutions and their conformal vector fields in f(R) theory of gravity | 2018-12-20 | Paper |
A note on proper curvature symmetry in general cylindrically symmetric four-dimensional Lorentzian manifolds | 2018-05-17 | Paper |
Final fate of charged anisotropic fluid collapse | 2018-01-22 | Paper |
A review paper on offline inspection of finished and semi-finished products and emerging research directions | 2017-07-19 | Paper |
Mixed Convective Viscoelastic Nanofluid Flow Past a Porous Media with Soret—Dufour Effects | 2016-09-28 | Paper |
Quantum discord amplification of fermionic systems in an accelerated frame | 2014-06-13 | Paper |
Decoherence dynamics of geometric measure of quantum discord and measurement induced nonlocality for noninertial observers at finite temperature | 2014-02-25 | Paper |
Proper curvature collineations in non-static plane symmetric space-times | 2013-12-16 | Paper |
Entanglement dynamics of non-inertial observers in a correlated environment | 2013-02-28 | Paper |
Three-player quantum Kolkata restaurant problem under decoherence | 2013-02-28 | Paper |
A note on proper curvature collineations in Bianchi type VIII and IX space-times | 2012-02-23 | Paper | | 2012-02-04 | Paper | | 2011-09-27 | Paper |
Diffraction of waves by an oscillating source and an oscillating half plane | 2010-01-29 | Paper |
Line source and point source diffraction by a reactive step | 2009-08-28 | Paper |
Acoustic diffraction by an oscillating strip | 2009-07-24 | Paper |
A note on cylindrical wave diffraction by a perfectly conducting strip in a homogeneous bi-isotropic medium | 2009-03-17 | Paper | | 2009-01-13 | Paper |